
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


燃气灶专业名词的认识"Gas stove/Cooker/hobs 煤气炉/煤气灶 2 range hood 抽油烟机 3 disinfection cabinet 消毒柜 4 Built-in Oven 烤箱 5 burner 灶头gas water heater 燃气热水器 7 sink 水槽 8 valve 阀体igniter/flame lighter 点火器 10 burner cup 火盖 11 liquid gas 液化气 12 natural gas 天然气 13 Artificial gas 人工气 14 Cook tops 炉灶面 15 Safe Device 安全装置Orkli thermocouple Orkli 热电偶17 ignition 点火方式 18 Automatic Pulse 脉冲 19 Tempered Gla 钢化玻璃 20 built-in 嵌入式Power rating 电机额定功率 22 Lighting power 照明输入功率 23 Noise level:≤68dBA 噪音的标准Power supply of motor:220v~50hz 电源

Wall mounted 壁挂式 26 Model 型号 27 Gas Type 燃气种类Rated Gas Preure 额定燃气压力 29 Rated Heat Input 额定热负荷 30 Applicable Water Preure 适应水压 31 Capacity 能力

Rated Voltage 额定电压 33 cast iron 铸铁 34 Enameled 搪瓷 35 Panel 面板

Optional Features 可选项 37 wind volume 风量

non-aerated burner 完全上进风 39 heat input 功率

tempered Gla 钢化玻璃 41 stainle steel 不锈钢 42 cast iron pan support 炉架 43 water plate 水盘 44 FFD=flame failed device 45 ODS=oxygen deficit safety

1.Domestic gas appliances GB16410-1996家用燃气灶具 2.Now its main products include gas cookers, gas water heater, cooker hoods, sterilizing , patio heaters and other electric appliances etc.其主要产品包括﹕燃气灶具、燃气热水器、吸油烟机、保洁碗柜、户外取暖器及其它电器产品系列。3.small auxiliary flame to ignite a gas burner.点燃气灶的长燃的小火。4.infrared gas-oven with electron lighter 电子打火红外燃气灶 5.gas stove and roomy working space.燃气灶和宽大的工作空间。6.Application of Metallic Fibrous Burner in Chinese Cooking Hot-plate 金属纤维燃烧器在中餐燃气炒菜灶的应用 7.Gas Interchangeability,Flexibility of Gas Appliance and Gas Claification 燃气互换性、燃具适应性与燃气分类 8.Research of Built-in Gas Stove Burner's Structure and How to Improve the Thermal Characteristics 嵌入式灶具燃烧器结构与热工性能改善研究 9.Fuel Gas Fire Pivot Voice Control Installment Based on SPCE061A 一种基于SPCE061A单片机的燃气炉灶语音控制装置 10.Feasibility study on infrared-ray combustion on gas fuelled Chinese cooking appliance 中餐燃气炒菜灶采用红外线无焰燃烧的可行性研究 11.We mainly manufacture and export various kinds of Casting lron Gas Cookers& kiuhen kalus, Welning owl cookes, ren ching steel oukels and same nies metal products.我司主要生产并出口各种铸铁制煤气灶具及厨房用具,焊接/压制煤气灶具及其他一些金属制品。12.Safety managent rules of gas-burning appliances for domestic use 家用燃气燃烧器具 安全管理规程 13.Discuion on interchangeability of gas and adaptability of gas appliance 关于燃气互换性与燃具适应性的探讨 14.Experimental study of Improvement of Air-Gas Mixing Chamber in Premixed Blasting Chinese Cooking Appliance 鼓风预混式中餐灶空气-燃气混合室改造实验研究 15.The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven.如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝.16.Investigation of Contaminants Emiion and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Catalytic Combustion in Ceramic Prous Monolith of Natural GAS Burner;天然气灶多孔陶瓷板催化燃烧器的污染物排放及其传热特性研究 17.Adopting the combustion method mainly with radiation heat transfer is the effective avenue of increasing the thermal efficiency of Chinese cooking gas appliance.采用以辐射传热为主的燃烧方式 ,是提高中餐燃气炒菜灶热效率的有效途径。18.Considerations of Operational Model of City Gas Appliances;关于城市燃气市场燃器具产品运作的思考


8.词汇的缩写APTRA邻氨基苯酚-N,N,O-三乙酸BAPTA1,2氨基苯氧基)乙烷-N,N,N0,N0-四乙酸BODIPYDASE BUFFER AQUEOUS狄尔斯-阿尔德尔缓冲液(300 mmol/L 氯化钠、30mmol/LTrisÁHCl、pH......




1、照度照度(Luminosity)指物体被照亮的程度,采用单位面积所接受的光通量来表示,表示单位为勒克斯(Lux,lx) ,即 lm/m2 。 1 勒克斯等于 1 流明(lumen,lm)的光通量均匀分布于 1m2......


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