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样本:路易维尔大学商学院的介绍,经济学系的介绍 商学院



3、专业门类 经济学系 系介绍

教学目标和方向 教职员工介绍 教学计划

学习目标和就业方向 联系方法

College of Busine 2301 South Third Street Louisville KY 40208 E-mail: busine@louisville.edu Website: http://busine.louisville.edu Phone:(502)852-6440 Fax:(502)852-7557 Welcome from Dean Charles Moyer As dean of the College of Busine, welcome to our website and thanks for your interest in the College of Busine at the University of Louisville.The University of Louisville is located in a metropolitan area with a growing international population.So our students and faculty are a diverse group with widely varying life experiences.That translates into a stimulating, high quality learning environment.Our college has a national reputation as a leader in teaching entrepreneurial thinking.We have been selected as the National Model MBA Entrepreneurship Program and our programs in entrepreneurship are regularly ranked among the very best in the world.We are pleased to provide two high quality MBA program formats.IMBAthe MBA for Entrepreneurial Thinking * International MBA * Athens MBA * European MBA * Panama City MBA * Masters of Accountancy * Masters in Public Administration * Master of Urban Planning * Ph.D.Urban & Public Affairs * Ph.D.Entrepreneurship

Department of Economics The Economics Program at the College of Busine The College of Busine offers both the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics.All economics faculty are housed in, and all economics courses are offered by the College of Busine.Students may choose to pursue a major in economics in one of two ways.Students wishing a more liberal arts background can earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.Those desiring more of a busine background may elect to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics.This allows students considerable flexibility in selecting an educational background suitable for their career aspirations.The curriculum within the department is broad and covers many important areas within economics.Economics majors usually enjoy relatively small cla size and benefit from the more individualized instruction these claes permit.Miion and Vision The miion of the Department of Economics is to provide economic education to the Louisville region, the state of Kentucky, and globally.The Department of Economics will fulfill its miion by: * Conducting quality research that leads to publications in academic outlets.Providing a thorough and meaningful education in economics to undergraduate students of the University-both those with majors in the Department as well as those from other programs.* Advancing the knowledge and skills of students in the College of Busine graduate programs and from other graduate programs of the University by providing rigorous and meaningful economics courses in these programs.* Promoting the understanding of the economy by conducting applied economic analysis for industry, non-profit institutions, and government.* Providing service to our constituents by giving talks, responding to inquiries, and responding through the popular pre to economic iues.* Providing service to the profeion through reviewing journal articles and other scholarly work, conference participation, profeional symposia, and extramural faculty reviews.Department of Economics Program Statement of Purpose The Department of Economics offers both a B.A.in Economics and a B.S.in Economics through the College of Busine.The purpose of the degree program(s)in economics is: * To provide our students with an awarene of economic institutions, concepts, and problems;and to develop in them the ability to think like an economist when making decisions.This implies the following student outcomes: o To be competent in their discipline.o To be problem solvers.o To be effective communicators.o To be competent with technology.o To have an understanding of the global economy.Meet the Department Faculty and Staff There are ten full-time economics profeors, and several part-time instructors.All ten profeors hold Ph.D.s, earning their degrees from top research universities in Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tenneee, and Ruia.The faculty is diverse, with members hailing from China, India, Ruia, and Sweden as well as the United States.Two full-time profeors are female.All regularly publish their research in academic journals and practitioner outlets, and are active as consultants, board members, and community volunteers.Faculty and Staff Information

John Vahaly, Jr., PhD Chair and Aociate Profeor College of Busine Room 137,(502)852-4863 Email: john.vahaly@louisville.edu Profile

Nan-Ting Chou, PhD Aociate Profeor College of Busine Room 158,(502)852-4840 Email: ntchou01@gwise.louisville.edu Profile

Paul A.Coomes, PhD Profeor College of Busine Room 155,(502)852-4841 Email: paul.coomes@louisville.edu Profile

Stephan F.Gohmann, PhD Profeor College of Busine Room 149,(502)852-4844 sfgohm01@gwise.louisville.edu Profile

Economics Degrees/Curriculum

Semester Hours Total University Wide General Education English 101-102 6

Communications 111, 112, 115, Pols 111 or WMST 203 3

Natural Sciences(one must be lab course)* 7

Arts* 3

Humanities* 3

History 101 or 102 3

Social/Behavior Course* 3 28 Programmatic Requirements Camp 100 1

Mathematics 107 and 205 7

Logic(Phil 311 or 312)3

Ethics(Phil 222, 225, 321 or 323)3

English 306 3

Economics 201-202 6 Accounting 201-202 6

Management 201 or other Statistics 3

CIS 100 Microcomputer Applications 3 35 Computer Systems CIS 300 Computer Information Systems(computer literacy)3 3 Economics Depth ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 3

ECON 302 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 3

ECON 475 Economics Seminar 3

Economics Electives** 15 24 Required Electives Busine/Economics Electives** 15

Arts and Sciences Electives 18 33 TOTAL DEGREE HOURS 123 NOTES: An average GPA of 2.5 is required for graduation(both U of L and major).50 hours must be at 300/400 level 30 of last 36 hours must be from U of L What Kind of Background is Neceary to Study Economics? Economics is a blend of philosophy, history, mathematics, political science, sociology and other disciplines.A student of economics needs to become well-read, analytical, creative, and knowledgeable of major social institutions.Students should develop a good background in logic, algebra, geometry, and statistics.Effective oral and written communication skills are very important, and students should continually refine these by carefully choosing courses.High schools are increasingly offering introductory courses in economics, many containing college-level material.What Careers are Available in Economics? You will find economics majors at the helm of many prominent companies, nonprofit organizations, governments, and universities.For example, Presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan majored in economics in college.So did Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, columnist William F.Buckley(and Mick Jagger and Arnold Schwarzenegger).For many students economics is the ideal general preparation for careers in law, finance, health care, banking, journalism, education, public administration, and other booming service sectors.Approximately one-fourth of all economists work for private busine, one-third work for educational institutions, and the remainder are employed by government.Profeional economists are often required to have graduate degrees in economics.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median annual earnings of economists in 2002 was $68,550.Employment is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2012.Opportunities for economists should be best in private industry, especially in scientific research and development, and consulting firms, as more companies contract out for economic research services.Rising demand for economists should stem from the growing complexity of the global economy, competition, and increased reliance on quantitative methods for analyzing and forecasting busine, sales, and other economic trends.A greater need for economic analyses in virtually every industry could result in additional jobs for economists, although some corporations are eliminating some or all of their economist positions in favor of hiring economic consultants.Employment of economists in the Federal Government should decline, but not by as much as other occupations in the Federal workforce.Average employment growth is expected among economists in State and local government.A master's or Ph.D.degree, coupled with a strong background in economic theory, mathematics, statistics, and econometrics, provides the basis for acquiring any specialty within the economics field.Those skilled in quantitative techniques and their application to economic modeling and forecasting, and who have good communications skills, should have the best job opportunities.Like those in many other disciplines, however, Ph.D.holders are likely to face keen competition for tenured teaching positions in colleges and universities.Bachelor's degree holders may face competition for the limited number of economist positions for which they qualify.They will qualify for a number of other positions, however, in which they can take advantage of their economic knowledge by conducting research, developing surveys, or analyzing data.Many graduates with bachelor's degrees will find jobs in industry and busine as management or sales trainees, or as administrative aistants.Bachelor's degree holders with good quantitative skills and a strong background in mathematics, statistics, survey design, and computer science also may be hired by private firms as researchers.Some will find jobs in government.Whether you use your economics training to launch a career or not, the traditional liberal arts education you receive will provide you lifelong intellectual stimulation, give you a sound framework for personal financial decisions, and make you a better citizen.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Department of Economics College of Busine University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 Phone:(502)852-7836 Fax:(502)852-7672

http://busine.louisville.edu/economics Dr.John Vahaly, Chair(john.vahaly@louisville.edu)Ms.Charlotte Ford, Administrative Aistant(caford@louisville.edu)Mr.Wendell Williams, Coordinator Undergraduate Advising(wendell@louisville.edu)


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