胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理都非常关心中外青年交流。―中英400--青年交流计划‖就是在领导人的亲自关心下成立 的,得到了中英两国政府的大力支持。青年人最大的优点就是容易接受新事物。我希望在座各位通过交流实现心与心的相通。希望你们来到中国不仅能看到 1
同心协力 共创未来
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
第一,推动二十国集团从应对国际金融危机的有效机制转向促进国际经济合作的主要平台。当前,世界经济形势仍然十分复杂,需要二十国集团发挥引领作用。我们应该着眼长远,推动二十国集团从协同刺激转向协调增长、从短期应急转向长效治理、从被动应对转向主动谋划。要加强二十国集团成员宏观经济政策协调,保持合理政策力度,支持发生主权债务危机的国家克服当前面临的困难。要审慎稳妥把握经济刺激政策退出的时机、节奏、力度,巩固世界经济复苏势头。要全面落实前3次峰会作出的决定和达成的共识,共同维护二十国集团信誉和效力,本着循序渐进、互利共赢的原则推进二十国集团机制化建设,妥善处理各种矛盾和分歧,确保二十国集团峰会机制在健康轨道上向前发展。要处理好二十国集团机制 3
我们要牢牢把握强劲、可持续、平衡增长三者的有机统一。确保强劲增长是当前世界经济发展的首要任务,可持续增长是长期目标,通过转变经济发展方式实现平衡增长是客观要 4
我们清醒地认识到,中国人口多、底子薄,城乡、区域发展不平衡,环境和资源约束矛盾突出,尤其是中国每年城镇需要安排就业的劳动力2400万人,大量农村富余劳动力需要转移就业,同时还有相当数量的贫困人口未脱贫。为了解决这些困难和问题,我们坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观,把加快转变经济发展方式作为贯彻落实科学发展 5
国际金融危机发生以来,中国通过各种方式和渠道向发展中国家提供援助。我们向国际货币基金组织增资500亿美元,明确要求将资金优先用于最不发达国家。我们同有关国家 6
Remarks by H.E.Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China
At the Fourth G20 Summit Toronto, 27 June 2010
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Dear Colleagues,It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discu with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy.Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian government for their active efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting.I also wish to take this opportunity to expre thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and aistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai.With the concerted efforts of G20 members and the entire international community, the world economy is gradually recovering.But the recovery is neither firmly established nor balanced and there are still quite many uncertainties down the road.Sovereign debt risks continue to rise in some countries.A host of problems have been exposed in some systemically-important financial institutions.Exchange rates of major currencies fluctuate drastically and international financial markets suffer from persistent volatility.Commodity prices hover at a high level and protectionism of various forms is notably growing.All this shows that the deeper impact of the international financial crisis is yet to be overcome and systemic and structural risks in the world economy remain very serious.We must fully recognize the gravity and complexity of the deep impact of the international financial crisis and continue to work in a spirit of unity and win-win progre.The Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth launched at the Pittsburgh Summit is of great importance to the long-term healthy growth of the world economy.I wish to offer the following proposals concerning the efforts required for bringing about strong, sustainable and balanced world economic growth at an early date.First, we need to turn the G20 from an effective mechanism to counter the international financial crisis to a premier platform for advancing international economic cooperation.The complex world economic situation makes it neceary for the G20 to play a guiding role.We need to take a longer-term perspective and shift the focus of the G20 from coordinating stimulus measures to coordinating growth, from addreing short-term contingencies to promoting long-term governance and from paive response to proactive planning.We should strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies among G20 members, keep the right intensity of our policies and support countries hit by the sovereign debt crisis in overcoming the current difficulties.We must act in a cautious and appropriate way concerning the timing, pace and intensity of an exit from the economic stimulus packages and consolidate the momentum of recovery of the world economy.We must follow through on the decisions and consensus of the previous G20 summits and uphold together the credibility and effectivene of the G20.We must advance the G20's institutional-building under the principle of seeking gradual progre and win-win outcomes, and properly handle various problems and differences in order to ensure the sound development of the G20 summit mechanism.We need to well manage the G20's relationship with other international organizations and multilateral 8
mechanisms and ensure that the G20 plays a core role in promoting international economic cooperation and global economic governance.Second, we need to accelerate the establishment of a new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed.We must learn the hard leons of the international financial crisis, take effective measures to addre the root causes of the crisis, and push forward reform to ensure that the future international financial supervisory and regulatory regime is easy to operate and highly accountable.It is important to establish an international financial system that is good for the growth of the real economy.We need to establish and enforce strict capital and leverage ratio requirements, bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules.We need to make greater efforts to strengthen supervision and regulation of systemically-important financial institutions and take neceary precautionary measures to forestall exceive risks and speculation.We need to stre the consistency of core principles and standards of international supervision and regulation and, at the same time, take into full consideration the differences between financial markets of individual countries to make financial supervision and regulation more focused and effective.We need to strengthen regulation of credit rating agencies, reduce dependence on these agencies and improve their code of conduct and accountability system.It is particularly important to establish objective, fair, reasonable and uniform methodologies and standards for sovereign credit rating so that the rating results can accurately reflect the state of a country's economy and credit worthine.We need to continue to push forward the reform of international financial institutions, complete the adjustment of IMF quotas at a faster pace, enable more people from emerging markets and developing countries to aume senior management posts at international financial institutions, and increase the representation and voice of developing countries.We need to enhance the IMF's capacity-building and surveillance reform, and we need to strengthen supervision over macroeconomic policies of various parties, particularly major reserve currency iuing economies.Third, we need to advance the building of an open and free global trading regime.We must take concrete actions to reject all forms of protectionism, and unequivocally advocate and support free trade.We must renew our commitment not to impose new restrictions on goods, investment and services, and earnestly follow through on this commitment.Developed countries should promote international trade with greater
openne.It is important to addre trade frictions appropriately through dialogue and consultation and under the principle of mutual benefit and common development.We should work for comprehensive and balanced outcomes from the Doha round negotiations and attain the goals of this development round at an early date.And we should do so by upholding the Doha mandate, locking up the existing achievements, and working on the basis of the existing negotiating text.Dear Colleagues,We must recognize that “strong, sustainable and balanced growth” is an integral concept.To ensure strong growth is the top priority in today's world economic development;to enable sustainable growth is our long-term objective;and to achieve balanced growth through the transformation of the economic development pattern is neceitated by the calling of our times.We need to take proactive steps to ensure strong growth, make great efforts to develop the real economy, create jobs for the people and step up international cooperation in emerging industries.We should overcome difficulties in the course of progre and tackle challenges through growth.We should value sustainable growth, which includes sustainability of the environment as well as sustainability of fiscal, monetary, trade and industrial policies, and reduce macroeconomic fluctuations and risks.We should strive for balanced growth, including balanced growth both among different parts and industries of a country and among different countries and regions.It will take a long and complex proce to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.It cannot be done overnight.We must make persistent efforts to push forward this proce.And in doing so, we must also take into account specific circumstances of individual countries and respect their diverse development paths and models.In its pursuit of economic development, China has all along worked hard to promote strong economic growth.Between 1978 and 2008, the Chinese economy grew at an average annual rate of 9.8%.Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China has comprehensively implemented and continuously enriched and improved its package plan and other policy measures in response.As a result, the Chinese economy grew by 8.7% in 2009 and contributed its part to regional and global economic recovery.Since the start of 2010, the Chinese economy has maintained steady and relatively fast growth.In the first quarter, the economy grew by 11.9%.China has always valued sustainable
growth, as evidenced by its efforts to keep budget deficit under 3% of GDP.Since the beginning of this year, as we work to maintain the consistency and stability of our macroeconomic policies, we have also streed the need to make our policies more responsive and flexible in the light of evolving circumstances, strike the right balance between ensuring steady and relatively fast economic growth, restructuring the economy and managing inflation expectations, and put in greater efforts to make economic growth more sustainable.China has always attached great importance to balanced growth.In countering the international financial crisis, the various policies China has adopted to boost domestic demand have shown notable results.In 2009, while China's total exports in goods dropped by 16%, its retail sales were up by nearly 17% in real terms, fixed aet investment increased by about 30%, and current account surplus relative to GDP fell to 6.1%.Since the start of this year, China's trade surplus has continued to drop by a big margin.The trend towards current account balance has picked up speed.And balanced economic development has gathered even stronger momentum.We are soberly aware of the difficulties and challenges that China faces, including a large population, a weak economic foundation, lack of balance in the development between urban and rural areas and among different regions, and serious environmental and resource constraints.Each year, 24 million urban residents enter the job market and a huge number of surplus rural workers need to find non-agricultural jobs.And a considerable number of people are yet to be lifted out of poverty.To addre these difficulties and challenges, we have been following a scientific outlook on development that puts people first and seeks comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.A key objective and strategic move in our endeavor to implement this scientific outlook is to accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern.We are focusing our efforts on readjusting at a faster pace national income distribution pattern, urban-rural development structure, regional development structure and industrial structure.We are speeding up efforts to encourage scientific and technological innovation, and expediting the development of modern agriculture, conservation culture, cultural industries and the social security system.Our goal is to promote balanced economic and social progre.These adjustments and transformations will not only contribute to the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable growth of the Chinese economy, but also benefit the world economy.To transform the pattern of economic growth is a long-term and complex proce that requires tremendous efforts.China stands ready to work with other parties to 11
draw on each others' strength, pursue cooperation on the basis of equality and common development, and bring about a more rational division of international labor, a more balanced financial and trade structure, a more scientific pattern for resource allocation and a more equitable system for interest sharing so as to put the world economy on the track of sustained and balanced growth.Dear Colleagues,To achieve genuine long-term and sustainable growth of the world economy, it is imperative to help developing countries achieve full development and narrow the development gap between the North and the South.Developing countries have been hit hard by the financial crisis and they find it a daunting task to overcome the difficulties caused by the crisis.The G20 is primarily composed of developed countries, emerging markets and developing nations with a relatively higher level of industrialization.The combined GDP of G20 members accounts for 85% of the world's total.However, we should not neglect the development aspirations of other developing countries, which take up over 85% of countries in the world.It is incumbent upon the G20 to provide stronger political drive, greater economic resources and better institutional guarantee for development.The international financial crisis has made it more difficult to attain the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).It will be an uphill battle to achieve the set objectives by 2015.We must take more credible actions to addre the iue of development.We must secure development resources, improve development institutions and promote development cooperation to ensure that the UN MDGs will be met on schedule.Developed countries should honor in good faith their commitments on official development aistance, market opening, and debt reduction and cancellation.They should scale up financial and technological support for developing countries and help them build stronger capacity for self development.The World Bank, the IMF and other international financial institutions should use their resources to help, on a priority basis, developing countries, the least developed countries in particular.Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China has provided aistance to developing countries through multiple means and channels.We contributed US$50 billion to IMF's resource increase with an explicit request that the resources be used, first and 12
foremost, to help the least developed countries.We signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth RMB650 billion yuan with relevant countries and regions in a joint response to the financial crisis.To maintain regional economic and financial stability, we have established a US$10 billion China-ASEAN Investment Fund, provided US$15 billion of credit support to ASEAN countries, and actively engaged in and pushed forward East Asian financial cooperation focusing mainly on Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization and the Asian Bond Market initiative.We have provided US$10 billion of credit support to other member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.We made the decision to provide US$10 billion in conceional loans to African countries and cancel the debts owed by heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries in Africa and we will phase in zero-tariff treatment to 95% of the products from the least developed African countries having diplomatic ties with China.On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to make the solemn commitment that China will continue to offer aistance to other developing countries as its ability permits within the framework of South-South cooperation, and do its utmost to help other developing countries achieve development.Dear Colleagues,It is up to all of us to work together to shape the future of the G20 and the world as a whole.Let us unite as one and work side by side to plan for and build an even better future for the world economy.Thank you.2010年6月24日晚,国家主席胡锦涛在渥太华出席加拿大总理哈珀举行的宴会,并发表题为《全面推进中加战略伙伴关系》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
(2010年6月24日,渥太华)中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
Speech by President Hu Jintao at the Banquet Hosted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Ottawa, 24 June 2010
The Rt.Hon.Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,Let me begin by expreing heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Harper for hosting this grand banquet and delivering warm remarks.I also wish to take this opportunity to extend appreciation to the Canada China Busine Council(CCBC)and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)for their efforts to organize the Fourth China Canada Busine Forum.Over the years, the CCBC and all of you present have made active contributions to deepening mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and pushing forward relations between our two countries.I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you and, through 17
you, to the people from various sectors of Canada who have cared for and supported the growth of China-Canada friendship.I am delighted to once again pay a state visit to Canada on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of our diplomatic relations.Today, I had fruitful meetings and talks with Governor General Michaëlle Jean and Prime Minister Harper, and we reached extensive consensus in our discuions.We reaffirmed our commitment to the China-Canada strategic partnership and agreed to take the opportunity of the 40th anniversary of our diplomatic relations to further advance our bilateral ties in all respects.Ladies and Gentlemen,In October 1970, leaders of China and Canada, acting in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, took the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations between us.It was a move that met the trend of the time and turned a new page in China-Canada relations.Since then, our bilateral relations have made remarkable achievements thanks to efforts of both sides.The two countries have had frequent contacts at the top and other levels.We have carried out fruitful practical cooperation.Annual trade volume surged from a mere US$150 million in the early days of our diplomatic ties to US$29.7 billion in 2009.China is now Canada's second largest trading partner and third largest export market.Bilateral mutually-beneficial cooperation in culture, education, health care, justice and law enforcement has grown in both scope and depth.And we have maintained effective communication and coordination on many major international and regional iues.In recent years, there have been more than 700,000 mutual visits between the people of our two countries each year.It means that each day over 2,000 people travel acro the Pacific Ocean between our two countries.We have established seven sister-province relationships and 37 sister-city relationships.What has happened shows that the growing China-Canada relationship has brought concrete benefits to our peoples, and contributed significantly to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.Though our national conditions differ, there exists no conflict of fundamental interests between us, and our common interests far outweigh our differences.As long as we both adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and seeking common ground while reserving differences, as long as we keep to the right direction of bilateral relations, we will make our relationship a 18
model for relations between countries different in social system and level and model of development.Ladies and Gentlemen,Under the new circumstances, China and Canada can benefit greatly from each other's development.Our common interests are broadening and our cooperation in all areas holds tremendous potential.A sound, stable, positive and growing China-Canada relationship serves the interests of China, Canada, the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.To advance China-Canada relations, we must take a strategic and long-term perspective, maintain our strategic partnership, and inject new impetus into the growth of our relations.We must increase high-level exchanges and continue and expand consultations at various levels to increase mutual understanding and trust.We must push forward practical cooperation in all fields and explore new ways and means of cooperation, so that the people can feel for themselves the benefits of our cooperation.We must intensify coordination on major international and regional iues, enhance consultations and cooperation on climate change, nuclear security, food security, public health security and counter-terrorism, and contribute our share to a more just and equitable international order.We must respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns and appropriately handle sensitive iues to ensure that our bilateral relations will move forward without disruption.We must encourage extensive exchanges between various sectors of the two countries and increase the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples with a view to consolidating public support for China-Canada friendship.Ladies and Gentlemen,Trade and economic cooperation is a key component of China-Canada relations.Deeper busine cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples.It is also eential to our efforts to advance our strategic partnership in an all-round way.Our two economies are highly complementary and our cooperation has bright prospects.Trade between us now accounts for only 1% of China's total foreign trade and le than 6% of that of Canada's.Canada's investment in China takes up le than 1% of total foreign investment in China.This shows that a lot can be done in boosting our trade and
economic cooperation.We must seize the opportunities and broaden our vision to expand our busine cooperation and raise it to a higher level.We should, on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win progre, tap the potential, enrich the substance, and innovate the ways of our cooperation.To this end, I wish to make the following proposals.First, we need to expand bilateral trade.China welcomes Canada's continued commitment to following a diversified global commerce strategy and pursuing greater trade with China.On the Chinese side, it is not our intention to seek trade surplus with Canada.We are willing to increase import of competitive Canadian products, particularly high-tech products, on the basis of mutual benefit and hope that the two sides can take joint steps to elevate the level of bilateral trade.During my visit, the two sides have agreed to work together to increase bilateral trade to US$60 billion by 2015.I am confident that this target will serve as a new driving force for the advancement of our economic and trade ties.Second, we need to promote two-way investment.The Chinese government will continue to encourage competitive Chinese enterprises to take part in international economic and trade cooperation through multiple forms.China has an advantage in infrastructure development, including port, railway, highway and telecommunication networks.We look forward to greater participation in the implementation of Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.At the same time, we welcome the participation of Canadian businees in China's regional development strategies, including the development of the western region, the reinvigoration of the northeastern provinces and other old industrial bases and the further development of the central provinces.Third, we need to deepen cooperation on energy and resources.Canada is endowed with rich energy and mineral resources while China provides a stable, reliable and the most promising consumer market.China has a number of well-established energy and mineral companies as well as mature technologies and labor force.Cooperation between our two countries in energy and resources promises a bright future.We need to give continued support to our companies in expanding their cooperation and setting up a long-term and stable partnership in the energy and resources sector.And we may discu further our cooperation in nuclear energy, natural gas and other clean energy sources.Fourth, we need to let our cooperation branch out into new areas.China is now accelerating the transformation of its economic development pattern and economic restructuring.It is moving at a faster pace towards an innovation-driven country and a resource conserving and environment friendly society.Canada has advanced technologies and ideas in environmental protection, finance, information and bio-medicine.We can draw upon each other's strengths and advance cooperation in these sectors to make high technologies, the service industry and green economy new growth areas in our cooperation.Fifth, we need to oppose all forms of protectionism.As economic globalization gathers momentum, countries in the world have become more than ever closely linked.We need to adopt an inclusive approach and keep our markets open.This is vitally important if we are to achieve the full recovery and sustainable development of the world economy.China and Canada must take concrete actions to resist protectionism and uphold an open, fair and just economic and trading system in the world.Ladies and Gentlemen,As a responsible member of the international community, China will continue to actively participate in international cooperation, appropriately handle risks and challenges and make greater contribution to the full recovery of the world economy.We want to maintain close coordination and cooperation with Canada and other parties to help bring about positive and practical outcomes at the upcoming fourth G20 summit.Ladies and Gentlemen,The friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Canada has brought and will continue to bring tangible benefits to our two peoples.And it will continue to be a contributing factor to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.Let us join hands to raise high the sails of friendship and cooperation and steer the ship of China-Canada relations towards an even better future.Thank you.21
中华人民共和国副主席 习近平
第四,共同反对贸易和投资保护主义。当前国际金融危机影响继续显现,推动世界经济全面复苏和可持续发展任务依然艰巨。中澳双方都要以实际行动促进贸易和投资自由化便利化。两国要积极营造有利条件,努力扩大服务贸易、双向投资、劳务、农业、畜牧业等领域的互利合作。在世贸组织、亚太经合组织、二十国集团等多边机制中应该继续保持密切沟通 25
日本研究是一项重要而艰巨的工作。我们面对的是一个立体、复杂、多面的国家,既秉承东方的道德传统,又崇尚西方价值,既有孤悬海上的岛国情结,又有作为经济大国的自负 26
三是国民感情的瓶颈。国民感情的好坏直接影响中日关系走向,有时甚至是决定性的。目前,中日民间层面的交流不可谓不密切,但是彼此信任度不高,亲近感不强,增信释疑度不深,在不少问题上相互猜忌警戒,甚至情绪对立。造成这种局面的原因是复杂的,有历史 28
一是对过于依赖外需的反思。亚洲国家长期依靠出口增长创造经济繁荣,然而,过度依赖外部市场也增加了亚洲经济发展的脆弱性。这场危机充分暴露出亚洲经济内生发展动力不 31
面对国际金融危机,中国政府迅速调整宏观经济政策,注重标本兼治、远近结合、综合协调、相互促进,把扩大国内需求,调整产业结构、推进科技创新、加强社会保障结合起来,把增加投资和刺激消费结合起来,把克服当前困难和促进长远发展结合起来,把拉动经济增 32
我想强调的是,坚持对外开放是中国的基本国策。在全球化深入发展的时代,中国将继续奉行和平发展、互利共赢的理念,同各国一道共同分享发展机遇,共同应对各种挑战。那 33
第三,推动亚洲的均衡性发展。国际社会应帮助亚洲广大发展中国家增强自主发展能力,改善民生,消除贫困,使全球化朝着均衡、普惠、共赢的方向发展。亚洲国家之间也应取长 34
2010年6月11日,国家主席胡锦涛在塔什干举行上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十次会议上发表了题为《深化务实合作 维护和平稳定》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
深化务实合作 维护和平稳定
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
Addre by H.E.Hu Jintao President of the People’s Republic of China
At the 10th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Tashkent, 11 June 2010
Your Excellency President Karimov, Dear Colleagues,It gives me great pleasure to meet you all in Tashkent, a city with a history of several thousand years.Since auming the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO), Uzbekistan has done a large amount of effective work for the development of this Organization.China highly appreciates its efforts.I wish to expre heartfelt thanks to President Karimov and the government of Uzbekistan for the thoughtful preparations and arrangements for this meeting.I wish to begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, sincere gratitude to the SCO and the member states for your aistance and support in various forms following the maive earthquake in Yushu of China’s Qinghai Province.I also wish to thank you for your active participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai.Through the joint efforts of its member states, the SCO has made positive contribution to regional security and stability and the development of its member states since we last met in Tashkent six years ago.Over the past year, our practical cooperation in various fields within the SCO has been fruitful and has contributed greatly to our collective response to the international financial crisis.The extensive network of partnership the last Tashkent Summit decided to create is steadily taking shape.China is gratified to see all these achievements.Dear Colleagues,39
We live in a world that is moving toward multi-polarity and economic globalization.The trend of our timesis becoming stronger, the adjustment of the international political and economic pattern is gathering pace, and countries in our region are more interdependent than ever.At the same time, however, destabilizing factors and uncertainties are clearly on the rise in our region.The impact of the international financial crisis can still be felt.And problems such as the ―three forces‖ and drug trafficking are becoming more pronounced.Against this backdrop, the SCO member states should earnestly follow the ―Shanghai Spirit‖, step up solidarity and coordination and bring into play our collective wisdom and strength.Only in so doing can we overcome difficulties and achieve common development.In this regard, I propose that cooperation in the following areas be intensified within the SCO framework:
First, strengthen solidarity and mutual trust to consolidate the political foundation for the Organization’s development.We should resolutely implement the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighborline, Friendship and Cooperation.In line with the principle and purpose of ever-lasting friendship, we should continue to increase strategic dialogue and policy coordination and cooperate closely on iues concerning the sovereignty, security, development and other core interests of member states.We should make good and effective use of the mechanism for dealing with contingencies, work out common positions on major international and regional iues in a timely fashion and speak with one voice on these iues so as to effectively maintain regional security and stability.We sincerely hope that the situation in Kyrgyzstan will stabilize as soon as poible, the country will achieve social development and its people will enjoy happine.China is ready to work with other member states and continue to help the people of Kyrgyzstan within our capability.Second, step up counter-terrorism efforts and build a safe environment for the Organization’s development.We should further implement the SCO Counter-Terrorism Convention and other cooperation documents of the Organization and effectively increase the capability of fighting the ―three forces‖ in the region.We should strengthen intelligence sharing, border management and control and the security of means of transportation.We should improve the cooperation mechanism on fighting drug trafficking and other transnational crimes, strengthen personnel training and exchanges, and increase the efficiency of joint law enforcement.We propose the conclusion of a legal document on security cooperation regarding cro-border oil and gas pipelines.40
Third, fully tap the potential of our cooperation and strengthen the basis for the sustained development of the Organization.We should accelerate the execution of the Action Plan on Implementation of the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation and the joint initiative of SCO member states on countering the financial crisis, and take concrete steps to increase the interconnectivity of transport, energy, telecommunications and other infrastructure in the region.We should work to facilitate customs clearance, quality inspection and transportation, identify new demonstration projects with multiple participants and beneficiaries, and launch the mechanism to monitor economic development as soon as poible.We should innovate new cooperation models, study ways to establish an SCO regional e-commerce platform and conduct joint studies on agricultural cooperation.We propose that non-resource sectors be identified as a new priority for SCO’s regional economic cooperation.At the Summit in Yekaterinburg, China pledged loans totaling USD10 billion to other SCO member states.The Chinese side is actively implementing this pledge.This year, China will hold an ―SCO Busine Day‖ during the upcoming Urumqi Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Fair.We hope the governments and busine communities of SCO member states will actively support and participate in this event.Fourth, expand friendly exchanges and firm up the cultural foundation for the development of the Organization.We should put into action the consensus reached at the first meeting of ministers of science and technology and establish the basic principles and priority areas of multilateral science and technology cooperation among SCO member states and the methods for implementing relevant projects.China suggests a meeting of health ministers be held as soon as poible to deepen the cooperation on prevention and treatment of epidemic diseases, public health and other initiatives that can enhance the well-being of our people.China also suggests the institutionalization of the Forum for Heads of National Schools and Institutes of Public Administration for the benefit of experience-sharing on government administration and capacity building for public administration.The Chinese side is also ready to provide more teachers, textbooks and training opportunities for the teaching and study of Chinese language in SCO member states.Fifth, improve institutional building and the decision-making mechanism for the development of the Organization.To maximize opportunities and meet challenges, our
Organization needs to enhance and improve its own institutions and procedures.This Summit will approve a set of rules of procedure, which will lay the legal foundation for efficient operation of various SCO bodies.China supports the SCO in enhancing legal and institutional building in order to better facilitate practical cooperation among member states.Sixth, promote transparency and inclusivene to create a favorable environment for the development of the Organization.We should intensify practical cooperation with observer states and dialogue partners in the security, economic and trade, energy, transportation, customs and other fields, step up coordination with other regional and international organizations and integrate resources in a larger context to achieve complementarity of strength, raise the level of economic and social development in the region, and bring more benefits to the people of our countries.The SCO plays a unique role on the iue of Afghanistan.China supports the SCO in making still greater contribution to the peaceful reconstruction and long-term stability of Afghanistan.Dear Colleagues,Next year, our Organization will celebrate its 10th anniversary.We propose that SCO member states and permanent bodies carefully plan a variety of activities to mark the occasion, enhance public awarene of the purposes and principles of our Organization, move forward cooperation in various fields and give new impetus to the development of the SCO.The World Expo is underway in Shanghai, the birthplace of this Organization.―World Harmony Begins in the Neighborhood‖.This is the theme of SCO participation in the Shanghai World Expo.It is consistent with China’s long-standing foreign policy objective of building amicable relations and partnerships with neighboring countries.China will adhere to the win-win strategy of opening up and, together with other countries, make even greater efforts for new achievements in bringing enduring peace and common prosperity to this region.In conclusion, I sincerely congratulate Kazakhstan on auming the SCO rotating Chairmanship and hosting the 2011 SCO Summit.42
Thank you.戴秉国国务委员在亚信论坛第三次峰会上的讲话
展望未来,经济全球化、世界多极化、地区一体化将会更加深入发展,各国相互依存、利益交融、更加密不可分。人类遇到的共同性问题和全球性挑战日益增多,国际体系变革和全球治理机制建设加速推进,国际竞争与国际合作将在更高层次和更广领域展开。世界―地 44
Remarks by State Councilor Dai Bingguo at the Third Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia
Istanbul, 8 June 2010
Your Excellency President Abdullah Gul, Your Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Your Excellencies, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Dear Colleagues, Friends, It is a great pleasure to join you at the Third Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia(CICA)in the beautiful city of Istanbul as the Special Representative of President Hu Jintao.Let me extend to Turkey warm congratulations on auming the CICA chairmanship and sincere thanks for its careful preparations and thoughtful arrangements for the succeful convocation of the Summit.I would like to especially convey, the cordial greetings and good wishes form President HU Jintao to all the leaders present here today.Eighteen years ago, shortly after the nearly half-a–century long Cold War came to the end, President Nazarbayev proposed the idea of CICA in line with the common desire of people in Asia for peace, security and cooperation.Over the 18 years, along with the solid steps of regional development and progre in Asia, CICA, with its member states working hand in hand, has continued to grow and played a unique role as a useful platform for enhancing mutual understanding and confidence among Asian countries, safeguarding regional security and stability, and promoting regional exchanges and cooperation.Since the Second Summit in 2006, dozens of meetings of senior officials and experts as well as seminars have been held on energy, agriculture, police service and tourism under the framework of CICA.Over a dozen initiatives and action plans of cooperation are either implemented or in the making, covering such areas as drug control, tourism, ecology, cultural and people-to-people exchange, information technology, development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and meeting new threats and challenges.CICA has signed memoranda of cooperation with Economic Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Community and other organizations, and admitted Vietnam and Iraq as new members and Bangladesh as a new observer.CICA is growing stronger and more mature.Its purposes and principles are widely recognized by Asian countries.47
As a founding member, China is truly delighted to see CICA making remarkable achievements.We deeply admire the political wisdom, far-sightedne and vision of President Nazarbayev, the founding father of CICA, and highly appreciate the tremendous work Kazakhstan has done during its CICA chairmanship.Turkey boasts a rich culture and brilliant civilization, and enjoys fast development and growing role and influence in Asia and beyond.China believes that in the months and years to come, with the personal commitment of President Gul and the relentle efforts of our Turkish colleagues, CICA will make new and big progre.Dear Colleagues, Friends, Asia is an important part of our world that is undergoing major development, adjustment and transformation different from that of 18 years ago.The world today is still far form being tranquil.Yet the force of peace and development has never before been so powerful, the trend towards multi-polarity never so clear, destines of countries never so closely connected, the call for international cooperation and greater democracy in international relations never so strong.Where we live today is a world witneing growing trends toward pluralism, diversity and multi-polarity, a world adapting to globalized allocation of resources and movement of capital, goods and people, and a world experiencing fast political, economic, cultural and social development and progre.Such a world can no longer tolerate hegemony of any forms or a single value system.The days are gone when one or two, or a handful of countries dominated world affairs.Eighteen years on, Asia that once contributed to world progre with its resplendent civilization, despite multiple complex problems and challenges, shows greater dynamism and potential than the rest of the world and is making increasingly significant contribution to world peace, development and progre with abundant human resources, diverse culture, fast growth and regional cooperation.As Asians, we have every reason to feel proud.Looking ahead, economic globalization, multi-polarity and regional integration will gain further momentum.Countries will be more interdependent and inseparable with their interests closely interwoven.There will be more and more common iues and global challenges.The transformation of the international system and institution-building for 48
global governance are accelerating.International competition and cooperation will take place at higher levels and in broader areas.Asia, as part of the global village, faces unprecedented development opportunities and multiple options of regional cooperation.At the same time, it is also plagued by quite a number of hot-spot iues and security threats.Maintaining peace and stability, promoting economic development and improving people's will-being remain a long-standing and arduous task.To create a good regional environment, it is important to make full use of CICA and other regional mechanisms of multilateral exchanges and cooperation.This serves the interests and meets the common needs of all countries.CICA members should focus on the post-financial-crisis era, increase trust and coordination and unswervingly pursue the following: First, work together for a secure and stable Asia.We should stay committed to the new security concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination, which requires us to not only value our respective national security, but also accommodate the legitimate security concerns of other countries and respect each other's core interests.We should respect the rights of all countries to safeguard national unity, territorial integrity and ethnic solidarity, respect the rights of all countries to independently choose development paths and formulate domestic and foreign policies and respect the equal rights of all countries to participate in international affairs and seek development.We should commit ourselves to peaceful approaches to disputes and differences and firm and joint response to all kinds of threats and challenges, including terrorism, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking and organized transnational crimes, so as to maintain long-term security and stability in the region.Second, work together for a developed and prosperous Asia.Development is a fundamental iue that is eential to the welfare and security of the people in all Asian countries.Right now, most countries in Asia are developing countries and two thirds of the world's poor are found in Asia.It is therefore important that all Asian countries should adhere to the policy of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation, strengthen coordination of macro economic policies and actively explore their unique advantages and potential.It is important to gradually advance regional cooperation and free trade arrangements, and continuously expand and deepen practical cooperation in various fields, such as economy, trade, science and technology, investment, energy, resources,49
transportation and communications.It is important to value, pursue and uphold as well as increase and substantiate our common interests so as to keep up Asia's momentum of vigorous growth and make joint efforts to raise development level and living standards for all Asian countries.Third, work together for harmony and progre in Asia.The rich variety of civilizations and cultures in Asia is a precious aet of all mankind, and more importantly, an inexhaustible driving force for the development and progre of all Asian countries.As ancient Chinese philosophers said of the importance of inclusivene, “the sea is so inclusive that it holds the water from hundreds of rivers”.We should treat each other with sincerity, good-will and an open and inclusive mind, and we should allow different countries, nations, faiths and civilizations to live in harmony and move forward together through mutual learning.We should build a colorful and harmonious Asia.Dear Colleagues, Friends, China is a member of the great family of Asia.The Chinese people and people in other Asian countries shared the same historical experiences and have together travelled a difficult and tortuous path towards development.We are deeply aware that China's prosperity, development, security and stability would not be poible without the revitalization, peace and tranquility of Asia, and Asia's prosperity, development, security and stability would not be poible without the development and stability of China.Already, as a matter of fact, we stand together in weal or woe, peril or safety, as we have shared interests and a shared future.I would like to solemnly affirm that China is country that is responsible towards the Chinese people, towards Asia and towards the world.China loves peace, values stability, pursues cooperation and commits to development.China will continue to unremittingly consolidate and strengthen good-neighborly and friendly relations with all countries in Asia, expand and deepen mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation and offer help where help is needed in good faith within the realm of its ability.China will actively participate in and support the development of regional and sub-regional cooperation mechanisms and makes its due contributions to a more prosperous, stable and secure Asia.I also want to say that China is still a developing country in the proce of seeking revitalization.This is a long journey, and lot of difficult challenges lie ahead.Even if one day we complete the journey and become developed, we will remain
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