
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


加强林场中幼林抚育及低质林改造是恢复森林生态的有效途径 摘 要:森林生态系统只有保持结构和功能的完整性,并具有抵抗和恢复能力,才能长期为人类社会服务。本篇着重论述了加强森林抚育及低质林改造是恢复森林生态的有效途径及其可行性和必要性。

关键词:森林抚育; 低质林改造; 森林质量; 生态


大岗林场的森林是镇赉县西北的天然屏障。近年来,随着国民经济的持续增长和经济实力的进一步提高,工业化水平的提高和人口的高速发展,生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁。仅从大岗林场来看,全场水土流失面积已由90年代的500 hm?扩大到目前的1300 hm?。农业抗灾能力十分脆弱,全场水旱成灾率较高。由于生态环境恶化,风、沙、旱成灾面积逐年增加,环境污染加剧,严重影响了我场农业和国民经济的发展及人民生活水平的提高。我们从第五次森林资源清查来看,导致生态环境恶化的一个重要原因就是森林资源的破坏,严格地说是森林质量的降低,既森林的林分结构、森林公顷蓄积量的降低。建场初期,有林地面积为9000多公顷,蓄积38万m?,每公顷平均蓄积量为40 m?,森林覆盖率为36.9%。而目前全场有林地面积为11300 hm?,蓄积30万m?,每公顷平均蓄积量为26.5 m?,森林覆盖率为41.9%。从上述数据来看,多年来森林面积增加而公顷蓄积下降,说明了多年来环境恶化的根本原因是森林林分质量的降低。也进一步论证了专家的测算,即当森林蓄积达到每公顷80 m?以上时,森林涵养水源等生态效能才能发挥的充分,而低于80 m?以下,生态效能相对来说是较为低下的理论。加快中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造建设的可行性

2.1 在中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造中确立的一系列规章和政策


2.2 中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造建设中的经验

在几十年的森林经营中,积累了一定的经验。如1998年对皆伐后天然更新起来的中幼龄林进行生长抚育,3年进行了调查得出如下数据:抚育的林分平均胸径每年净生长为1.08 cm,而未抚育的林分平均胸径每年净生长仅为0.3 cm,林分公顷蓄积则分别为130 m?和90 m?。

2.3 中幼铃林抚育、低质林改造建设效益显著



森林抚育、低质林改造不但能改善林分结构,提高森林质量,而且有利于改善林分的卫生状况,增强抗御自然灾害的能力。据研究,在幼、中令林阶段,由于林木密度较大,降雪后承受雪的压力比密度低的林分大,每公顷林冠受到雪压的重量可达500多t,林木胸高断面上每平方厘米承受的压力达2.5 kg;林木稀疏后,每公顷林冠受到雪压的重量可降到300多t,林木胸高断面上每平方厘米承受的压力可降至0.5 kg。由于森林抚育、低质林改造改善了林分的卫生状况,病虫害可下降90%以上,增强了抗灾的能力。



中幼龄林抚育投入少,见效快,在一个森林经营周期内(10年)抚育林分与未抚育林分,林分生长量年净增每公顷3 m?,10年净增蓄积量30 m?,新增木材产值9000元/公顷(按300元/公顷计算),是森林抚育费用900元/公顷的10倍。如果将全场1万多公顷的森林全部抚育一遍,每年至少可净增蓄积量3万m?,新增木材产值900万。





3.1 加快中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造建设是提高森林资源数量和质量的迫切需要


3.2 加快中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造工程建设是充分发挥森林各种功能的需要


3.3 加快中幼龄林抚育、低效林改造建设是况固造林绿化成果的



3.4 加快中幼龄林抚育、低质林改造工程建设是强化森林经营管理的需要


To strengthen forestry ZhongYouLin tending and low-quality forest reconstruction is an effective way of recovery of forest ecosystem Pick to: the forest ecological system is only to keep the integrity of the structure and function, and has the resistance and resilience, to serving human society in the long run.This paper focuses on the strengthen forest tending and low-quality forest reconstruction is an effective way to restore forest ecological and its feasibility and neceity.Key words: forest tending;Low-quality forest transformation;The forest quality;The ecological

A forest ecosystem is only to keep the integrity of the structure and function, and has the resistance and resilience, can provide service for


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human society in the long run.But caused due to human disturbance of forest ecosystem destroy structures, thus causing degraded forest ecosystems, cause soil erosion, soil degradation, floods and so on.Due to vegetation destroyed, soil impacted by heavy rain on the surface of the slope, soil pore blocked, le rain infiltration rate, down a lot of runoff formation, at the same time take away a large number of top soil, nutrients, make the region into a “slice, go, go fat” SanZou land, soil organic matter content is reduced, lack of N, P, K and other elements., therefore, should from safeguarding state security, maintain human security Angle to know the importance of maintaining forest ecological safety, establish and improve the forest ecological system security guarantee system, for the sustainable development of society, economy and environment indispensable foundation.a drop in the quality of forest is the root of leads to the deterioration of the ecological environment

DaGang forest farm in the forest is a natural barrier town county northwest of adlai was in charge.In recent years, with the steady growth of national economy and economic strength to further improve, the improvement of industrialization and the rapid development of population, the deterioration of ecological environment and frequent natural disasters.Only from the point of DaGang forest farm, to the area of soil and water lo has been in the 90 s from 90 hm? Expanded to the current 1300 hm?.http://www.daodoc.com/

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Vulnerable agricultural disaster, severe hazard rate is higher.Due to the deterioration of ecological environment, wind, sand and drought inundated area increased year by year, the environmental pollution, serious influence the development of my field of agriculture and national economy and the improvement of people's living standards.We from the fifth forest resource inventory, leads to the deterioration of the ecological environment is an important reason why the destruction of the forest resources, lower quality strictly, a forest, forest stock volume of forest structure, forest ha already reduced.Early construction field, the forestland area of more than 9000 hectares, 380000 m? , the average volume per hectare of 40 m? , the forest coverage rate of 36.9%.And the whole forestland of 11300 hm? , 300000 m? , the average volume per hectare is 26.5 m? , the forest coverage rate of 41.9%.From the above data, forest area increases with the ha decline for years, shows that over the years, the root cause of environmental degradation is the forest stand quality decreased.Further demonstrated the calculations, the experts when forest accumulation reached 80 m per hectare? Above water conservation forest ecological efficiency, such as to play fully, and le than 80 m? , under the theory of ecological efficiency is relatively low.2 to speed up the construction feasibility of transforming sapling forest, low-quality forest

2.1 in the young forest tending, low-quality forest reform established a

series of regulations and policies in the us since the 90 s on the basis of afforestation, carried out in young to cradle and low-quality forest reconstruction work, formulated the “technical specification” DaGang forest farm forest tending, reconstruction.In recent years, I field in young forest area is large, waiting for tending stand more characteristic, established many of sapling forest policy.Such as: “the cradle of the little wood material can be arrived in raising wages”, “don't arrange tending does not allow for final felling.'and set the rules of plantation tending technology, include artificial young forest tending on the plan, promoted in the young forest tending, low-quality forest reconstruction work, and has been carried out in the young forest tending, forest of low-quality renovation accumulated certain experience in the activities.2.2 sapling forest, low-quality forest reform in the construction experiences in decades of forest management, accumulated certain experience.Such as 1998 years for natural regeneration after clear cutting up the are grown, young forest tending, three years has carried on the survey data as follows: raise the stand average diameter at breast height net growth each year to 1.8 cm, tending stand average diameter at breast height of annual net growth of only 0.3 cm, stand ha accumulation is 130 m respectively? And 90 m?.2.3 in the young forest tending, low-quality forest bell renovation construction benefit is remarkable

2.3.1 ecological benefit forest tending, low-quality forest transformation can not only improve the stand structure, improve the quality of forest, and to improve forest health condition, enhance the ability of resistance to natural disasters.According to research, makes forest stage, in the young, because of its high density of trees, snow snow preure after bigger than low stand density, canopy per hectare is the weight of the snow preure can reach more than 500 t, every square centimeter on trees chest high section preure up to 2.5 kg;Sparse trees, each hectare canopy under the weight of the snow preure to be more than 300 t, trees chest high profile per square centimetre of under preure can drop to 0.5 kg.Because the forest tending, low-quality forest reform improved the health of forest stand, plant diseases and insect pests can be decreased by more than 90%, enhances the ability of the disaster.2.3.2 economic benefits in the young forest tending le investment, quick effect, in a forest management cycle(10 years)bare stand and tending forest, forest stand growth in net 3 m per hectare? Net increase of volume of 30 m, 10 years? Output value of 9000 yuan/ha, new wood(pre)of computation of 300 yuan/ha, forest tending cost is 10 times as much as 900 yuan/ha.If all will be full of more than 10000 hectares of forest tending, annual net increase of volume of at least 30000 m? Output value of 9 million, the new wood.2.3.3 social benefits in the sapling forest engineering not only relieves the

large and medium size level backup the shortage of forest resources, and expand the forestry industry, increased the worker income.Forest tending and 70% of the money can be converted into labor income, tending and upgrading 1000 hm? Computation, an annual investment of 900000 yuan, equivalent to a year to absorb nearly all surplus labor, social benefit is remarkable.to speed up the construction of young forest tending, low-quality forest transformation in neceity

3.1 to speed up the construction of sapling forest, low-quality forest reform is to improve the urgent needs of the quantity and quality of forest resources at present due to the failure to take effective parenting and reforming the cultivating measures, such as the part in the young forest because of the number per unit area is too much, too much density, grow bad, seriously affect the quality of the forest;Overlord weeds in part sapling forest, trees, shrubs and nontarget species occupied the main growth space.Severely restricts the objective tree growth, affect forest growth and development;Part due to the natural thinning of sapling forest, unthinned stands sharp increase, considerably increase the proportion of dry wood, for the occurrence and spread of forest diseases and insect pests, such as forest fire, snow preure, and wind down created the condition for natural disasters;Part number is too little for ha of sapling forest, the forest stand quality low, influence the exertion of forest land

productivity, forest benefit is greatly influenced.And strengthening forest tending and transformation, can improve the stand growth conditions, promote the growth of forest trees, and according to the survey, after raising the forest stand growth rate can be increased by 6.8%, improve the quality of the forest productivity and forest resources.3.2 accelerate the reform of sapling forest, low-quality forest in engineering construction is the need of forest functions into full play we have conducted a study of different forest stand, found that different forest it play the differences of ecological benefits.Adjustment of forest structure and type, improved forest tree growth and development of the ecological environment, promoting the improvement of the forest stand quality, increase the overall efficiency of the forest, the forest of a variety of performance got into full play.3.3 accelerate the reform of sapling forest, the low efficiency in construction is KuangGu afforestation achievement needs over the years, countries concentrate manpower and material resources, financial resources, high holding afforestation construction made great progre, but there is a very important problem, BaoCunLv is too low, affected the afforestation achievement.For my field survey, the reforestation of the results is BaoCunLv is only 65.2%, currently on the basis of strengthening reforestation, must accelerate forest tending and renovation, increase the rate of afforestation survival rate, and forest.3.4 accelerate the reform of sapling forest, low-quality forest in engineering construction is the need of strengthening forest management for a long time, we are a key link on forest management did not give enough attention.Because there is no investment, and management lag, cause tending, reconstruction work very serious debt.In order to reverse this situation, must strengthen forest management work, with the young forest tending and project construction.








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