简历的原则:简单明了,针对性强(To be concise and to the point)。给中介公司的简历则应尽量将关键字词列在上面。
履历和简历(CV vs Resume)有何不同:
CV is much lengthier than a resume and emphasize your credentials and education.They usually follow very narrow guidelines and are very detailed.Published works are cited and seminars presented are also included.Employers are particularly interested in Education,Aociations and Societies, Innovations, Product Launches, Published papers, Busine Development, Globalization, Presentations, Research and Development, Software Skills.Educators, doctors, health care
profeionals, presenters, scientists and people abroad would use a curriculum vitae.International Vita will vary slightly.简历的重要性:现在的雇主非常重视简历,人事部门收到一份简历后,一般会保存半年到一年。只要有空缺,他们会查看已经收到的简历。而加拿大人重视简历和推荐信的程度有时让人觉得荒唐。然而这个社会就是这么重视简历,这是现实,不可改变,至少眼下是这样。况且他有它的道理。
Your Street Addre
Your City, state, zip
Person's Name
Company Name
Company Addre
City, State, Zip
Dear(Mr./ Ms.Person's Name):
Several items mentioned in your advertisement for a Research Aistant in the(name of publication)on(date)suggest you may be searching for someone with my background.In fact, I was excited to see how closely my qualifications matched your requirements:
Your Requirements My Qualifications
• Background in Biology • Graduated with a BS in Biology/Conservation track
• Field experience • Independent study in field research with toads as well as the course Field Biology
• Ability to write reports • Writing endorsement in science format• Basic statistical knowledge • Course work in Elementary Statistics
My Biology coursework has centered around Conservation as highlighted on my resume.This academic background has also prepared me for field research.I have taken multiple Biology and Chemistry claes which have enabled me to improve my research skills as well as my analytical abilities.As a result of my rewarding field research with toads last summer and my academic coursework, I am confident that I could make a strong contribution to your wildlife research department.Thank you for your consideration of my credentials.I will contact your office in the next ten days to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications.Sincerely,Your Name
Enclosures: resume
1234 Main Street
Sioux City, IA 51106
January 5, 2002
Mr.Sam Jones
Director of Marketing
Creative CommunicationsCreative Way
Sioux City, IA 51103
Dear Mr.Jones:
During the course of my research on(name of topic), I became aware of, and impreed by Creative Communications through your website.Therefore, I was very pleased to see your vacancy announcement for a Marketing Aistant in the employment section.I would like very much to be considered for the position.I am a recent college graduate seeking an entry level position in marketing.During the past four years, I was president of the campus chapter of the American Marketing Aociation.As president, I was able to increase membership by
forty-eight percent.Achieving these results required strong leadership skills and a great team.In addition, I have operated a window washing busine succefully to earn money for college expenses.This also gave me the opportunity to establish my skills in product development and marketing strategy.Furthermore, Mr.Jones, I have developed the personal attributes that will lead to my succe as your Marketing Aistant.These include personal motivation, leadership, determination, creativity and an entrepreneurial and competitive attitude.Additional accomplishments are summarized in the enclosed resume.I am looking forward to the opportunity to discu my techniques with you in a personal interview.On January 29 I will call you to arrange a time for us to meet.I am
confident that I can make an immediate and valuable contribution to the achievement of Creative Communications' long term goals.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Confident Smith
Enclosure: resume
Sioux City, IA 51101
January 5, 2002
Mr.Archie Johnson
Iowa Investments, Inc.Iowa Street
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Dear Mr.Johnson:
My outgoing personality, sales experience, and education make me a strong candidate for the insurance broker position currently open at Iowa Investments, Inc.I learned of the position through Career Services at Morningside College.I recently graduated from Morningside College with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Busine Administration with an emphasis in marketing.While in college, I was president of both the Creative Edge Marketing Club and the American Marketing Aociation.Although a recent graduate, I am not a typical new graduate.I attended school in Michigan, Arizona and Iowa.I have put myself through these schools by working such jobs as radio advertising sales and newspaper subscription sales.These jobs enhanced my formal education.I have the maturity, skills, and abilities to embark on a career in insurance brokering, and I would like to do this in Cedar Rapids, the city I grew up in.I will be in Cedar Rapids at the end of this month, and I would like very much to talk with you concerning a position at Iowa Investments.I will follow up this letter with a phone call next week to see if I can arrange a time to meet with you.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Graduate Broker
Enclosure: resume
Dear Manager:
Your corporation is of great interest to me.So I wish to apply for the position referred, and believe that my education and project background are appropriate for the position.Please consider my application for a qualified job hunter.I will graduate from the Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanics School of Daqing Petroleum Institute , with a B.E.degree in July 2007.Through almost four years' studying in university, I have had profound knowledge in my major, Metallic Materials Engineering.During my education, I have been skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/2003, Windows xp/sp2, and can solve the actual problem of engineering with Auto CAD 2005/C++/Photoshop CS, and paed the NECR-3.Furthermore, I have won other prizes for my excellent performance.In addition, I am good at English and have gained the certificate of CET-4/CET-6.My English ability is good enough to read, write and communicate with others.I am Seeking a challenging position as a Materials Mechanical Engineer for Metal materials designing , organizes performance and technics analysing, welding and Metal materials surface modified etc.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail.I'm confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you.If you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your company please contact me.I would very appreciate if I have an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.Thank you for your consideration.Your early reply will be very appreciated.Sincerely yours
页眉部分(heading)英文简历的页眉部分首先是名字尽量不要用汉语拼写,通行的方法如:李秀丽XiuLi Li,最好能用英文名Mary Li,但不要用英文姓,否则招聘官会误解你是外国人。第二是......