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《清华同方全文数据库》和《维普全文数据库》和《EBSCO》和《EI Village 2》







【篇名】 我国现代港口的发展趋势综论

【作者中文名】 孙世强;蔡鹏生;

【作者单位】 北京物资学院研究生部;

【文献出处】 商业文化(学术版), Busine Culture, 编辑部邮箱 2009年 01期



【关键词】 港口;发展趋势;

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化的深入发展和我国经济的高速增长,我国港口业正在发生深刻的变革和巨大的变化,港口的发展水平是衡量一个国家社会发展水平的重要标志之一。本文从不同面浅析现代港口发展趋势。

【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:SYWX.0.2009-01-074


【篇名】 “九五”期我国港口建设前景展望

【作者中文名】 肖斌;

【作者英文名】 肖斌;

【文献出处】 中国水运, China Water Transport, 编辑部邮箱 1996年 09期 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊

【摘要】 “九五”期我国港口建设前景展望本刊讯(记者肖斌)在最近召开的“全国港口基本建设座谈会”上,交通部副部长李居昌在主旨报告中提出了“九五”期我国港口建设的目标和任务。他指出:狠抓“交通基础设施建设工程”,使交通运输的紧张状况有明显缓解,对国民经济的制约状...【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1006-7973.0.1996-09-004

(2)《维普》 第一篇:

【篇名】 港口码头建设的标杆与启动机制研究

【摘要】 港口码头建设是一项投资昂贵的项目.建设一个现代化集装箱码头动辄数亿人民币甚至更多,另外还涉及航道河道、港外道路、交通道路等公共配套设施投资。当前.为了适应国际集装箱运输的迅猛发展.各港都在加快集装箱码头的建设。对于港口企业来说.如果码头建设滞后.港口能力不能适应吞吐量增长的需求.会造成压船压港、货源流失:而码头建设过于超前,没有足够的货源,即通常所说的“码头晒太阳”.又会造成资源严重浪费.企业不堪负担。

【作者中文名】 杜麒栋

【关键词】 码头建设 港口企业 启动机制 国际集装箱运输 集装箱码头 标杆 公共配套设施 交通道路

【文献出处】 《中国港口》2010年第2期 第二篇:

【篇名】 港口集装箱码头评优成保留达标表彰项目

【摘要】 日前.经全国清理规范评比达标表彰工作联席会议研究,并经国务院同意,交通运输部评比达标表彰共保留8个项目.其中之一为“港口集装箱码头评优”,周期为2年,主办单位为中国港口协会集装箱分会。交通运输部要求各有关单位严格按照公布的项目名称和周期组织开展评比达标表彰活动,自觉接受社会监督。

【关键词】 中国港口协会 集装箱码头 表彰活动 评优 主办单位 集装箱分会 项目名称 社会监督

【文献出处】 《中国港口》2010年第2期(3)《EBSCO》 第一篇:

【篇名】 Ministry starts tender for Bubiyan work.【文献出处】 Middle East Economic Digest

【日期】 2009

【出版物类型】 Periodical 【摘要】REQUESTS





& acceptance,ADMINISTRATIVE agencies,KUWAIT,CHINA Harbor Engineering Co.Ltd.,ARCHIRODON Construction(Overseas)Co.SA,MUSHRIF Trading & Contracting Co.,Other General Government Support

【摘要】 The article reports on the invitation made by the Public Works Ministry to prequalified contractors in Kuwait.The agency invites these contractors to tender its bid by July 28, 2009 for the design and construction of the port project at Bubiyan island.Companies that participated in the bidding include Archirodon Construction Services, Mushrif Trading & Constracting Co., China Harbour Engineering Co.and Mohamed Abdulmohsin Kharafi & Sons.【数据库】 Busine


【篇名】 A New Dragon In The Den?Authors:Slinn, Tony

【文献出处】 Dredging & Port Construction

【日期】 2009

【出版物类型】 Periodical 【科目】 CONSTRUCTION contracts,INTERNATIONAL busine enterprises,DREDGING industry,BRAZIL,CHINA Harbor Engineering Co.Ltd.,CHINA Communications Construction Group Ltd.【摘要】 The article announces that China Harbour Engineering Co.(CHEC), part of China Communications Construction Group Ltd., has won the Itajaí emergency dredging contract in Brazil.The contract will enable the company to gain political kudos and put itself on the international dredging map.It is noted that the company has been tendering for projects in the international open market.【数据库】 Busine Source

(3)《EI Village 2》


【篇名】 Monitoring and prediction of displacement and failure of high-rise wood piled wharf in Qingdao harbour

【作者】 Shan, Hongxian1;Qin, Jianmin;Jia, Yonggang;Liu, Hongjun;Xu, Guohui;Zheng, Jianguo

【文献出处】 Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, v 23, n 5, p 814-820, March 1, 2004

【出版物类型】 Academia Sinica

【摘要】 The high-rise wood piled wharf in Qingdao harbor was constructed from 1901 to 1906.The deformation on the surface and quay wall of the wharf and bank caving happened between whiles.Five deep deformation monitoring holes were established in the typical segment of the wharf, and long-term observation for 247 days was carried out in order to understand the present state of wharf stability, forecast its further development, and design the suitable controlling sketch.The observation was conducted two times in one day at the high tide level and low tide level, respectively.The vertical spacing of measuring points is 0.5 m.According to the collected wharf displacement monitoring data, the developing procedure of wharf displacement with time and space is analyzed, and the speed and value of wharf displacement are quite different in the plain and the depth.The depth in which the maximum displacement appears and the displacement-depth curves are varied gradually with time and space.The displacement curves of the wharf quay wall show '∼' shape in the plain.The depth in which the maximum displacement appears is changed from 10 to 5 m, then to surface in the monitoring segment from hole cx1 to cx5.The speed and magnitude of wharf deformation are affected considerably by tide condition and wharf loading.The random time series model of Box-Jenkins' ARIMA(p, d, q)is introduced for creating the dynamical prediction model IMA(0, 1, 1)of wharf displacement on the basis of the monitoring data.The effectivene of the prediction model is checked with comparison of the predictive results and actual monitoring data, and the model is found to be reliable.The prediction result indicates that the high-rise wood piled wharf in Qingdao Harbur is in unstable situation, and reinforcement measures are required urgently.(10 refs.)


【篇名】 Effect of large scale reclamation on hydrodynamic circulation in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong

【作者】 Kuang, Cuiping;Lee, Joseph-Hunwei;Liu, Shuguang

【文献出处】 Tongji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tongji University, v 37, n 2, p 176-181+252, February 2009

【出版物类型】 Science Pre

【摘要】 A calibrated three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the Pearl River Estuary is used to study the changes in hydrodynamic circulation in Victoria Harbour due to the existing reclamation and the maximum poible Central reclamation.Compared to the situation in 1975(before large scale reclamation), the numerical solutions show the following key changes after reclamation: The peak flow at all cro sections along Victoria Harbour decreases by about 8%~17% with an average value 11.5% in the existing reclamation.The peak velocity in the eastern harbour near Lei Yue Mun decreases after existing reclamation because of the reduction of flow, but it increases in the central and western harbour due to drastic reduction in harbour width.There is a clear two-layer vertical salinity distribution in wet season due to the runoff from the Pearl River, but a quite uniform vertical salinity structure in dry season.Flushing time in Victoria Harbour will increase by about 30% in dry season and 50% in wet season after reclamation due to the flow reduction.In present coastline, the flushing time ranges about 1.5~2.5 days in wet season and 5~7 days in dry season.The tidal flushing rate and flow discharge in the harbour will be practically unchanged after further maximum poible Central reclamation.(13 refs.)




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