如何设计教学活动提高学生口语能力:Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through
Good Work Organization 论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:thesis登出时间:2010-12-24编辑:anterran点击率:1654 论文字数:5178论文编号:org***590语种:English地区:China价格:免费论文
关键词:Speaking abilityteaching activitiesanalysis method.Project title: Improving Students’ Speaking ability Through Good Work Organization Investigator
Infulfilment of the course Practical Project Design.Prepare for China Central Radio &Television University Anhui Radio and Television University Practical Project Design
Title: Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Good Work Organization
Name: Ma-Xiang Number: 011090227 School: AnQing Radio and Tv University Major: Education Tutor: Xuan-Sheng-Li Date: Mar.25, 2005 Student’s Tel :(0556)5374050
I am mostly grateful to my tutor Mrs.Xuan Shen Li, without whose support and patience this project would not have been finish.I am also grateful to my clamates Huang Xiaohong, Li Shuyuan and my colleagues for their time spent on panel discuions with me.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose will participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not least, big thanks go to my family who has shared with me my worries and uneasine during my work time.Without them, I couldn’t have made it.Abstract The present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problems that improve students’ speaking ability through good work organization.It is hypothesized that students’ speaking ability can be improved by creating more opportunities for them to speak.This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of well-organized activities.Among the methods of this project I have used analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire and brainstorming.摘要
这篇论文是关于如何精心设计教学活动来提高学生口语能力的项目实施的详细报告。假设学生的英语口语能力是能通过精心组织课堂口语活动来创造更多的对话机会而提高的。该假设通过了四个星期精心设计的活动来验证。在这篇论文里,我运用了分析法,因果法,问卷法和集体探讨法。Key Words: Speaking ability, teaching activities, analysis method.关键词:
口语能力,教学活动,分析方法。Main headings of the Project Report I.Introduction Ⅱ.Summary of the preliminary research Ⅲ.Project objective Ⅳ.Project Hypothesis Ⅴ.Project rationale Ⅵ.Project implementation Ⅶ.Data Analysis Ⅷ.Project evaluation Ⅸ.Conclusion
Appendix: A
The timetable of the project B The second questionnaire C Teaching diaries D Notes of attending a leon E Teac hing notes F Oral test paper J Recording tap Ⅰ.Introduction
I have been teaching in a junior middle school.In my teaching I have come cro some problems, which have been troubled me for some time.I’ll have finished my study in Anqing TV University.I hope I can solve the problem through the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice.I think if I design the activities well, I could improve the students Speaking ability.Ⅱ.Summary of the Preliminary Research 1.Problem The problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students are weak in speaking English.Every time when I have an oral cla and ask them to do a speaking activity, some of them don’t seem interested in it.There are also some students are afraid of speaking in front of the whole cla.Only a few students can answer in English when I raise questions during the speaking activities.It is common that students can get high marks in an exam cannot speak a complete and correct English sentence.2.Problem analysis This problem has been troubling me for quite a long time in my teaching, I tried every means to solve this problem.Eventually I worked out 3 main reasons that influence the students’ speaking ability.(1)The students are busy with their heavy leon and ignored the importance of oral communication.(2)The students pay little attention to the training of speaking skill.(3)In the claroom learning, students lack training in speaking.1)Analytic method.Through careful analysis, my problem makes me think of this: Why a few students have good speaking English, while most of them haven’t? If my colleagues teach the same cla, is it the same case? If it not the case, then it seems that the problem is actually caused by myself, not by my students.Probably the oral practice I asked my students to do was poorly designed.2)Cause Analysis I analyzed with a list of factors that may contribute to the causes.From my side: 1.The speaking tasks are poorly designed 2.I talk most of the time and leave very limited time for my students.3.I ignored the importance of oral communication.I placed more emphasis on doing written exercises in or outside the English textbook.4.Some of the tasks are not appropriate for a large cla.From the student’s side 1.Some students paid little attention to the training of speak.There is no relevant part about oral English in an exam.They would do more written exercises rather than practise speaks.2.Students have little opportunity to practise their speaking in my English teaching.3.Some students don’t like speaking English.The claroom The room is too small for a large cla..3)Questionnaire When I did my cause analysis, I tried to dig out all poible causes.But I think it’s just my own view.It’s does not mean that students also think in the same way.To find out what students think of the problem, I designed a questionnaire just like this : Questionnaire on oral English work Dear student: I’ll thank you for sparing 10 or 15 minutes in your busy study to answer this questionnaire.your opinion or suggestion will be helpful for my teaching of oral English and my better performance in turn help you to improve your speaking.Please tick the box next to the answer that exprees you opinion.1, Do you like oral English? □a.a.very much □ b.a litter □c..so so
□d.dislike 2, Do you want practise you oral English in cla? □a.yes □ b.no
□c.don’t know 3, do you have opportunity to practise you oral English in my teaching? □a.No
□b.little □c.not much
□d.often 4, What do you think about the designed activities of oral English by me before? □a.lively □b.stiff □c.ordinary 5, Which designed activity do you like? □a.pair
□d.being plenary □e.the other 6, Can the well-designed activities increase your interest in oral English cla”? □1.yes □2.no
□ 3.I don’t know 7, Do you think the well-designed activities can improve your oral English to practise in cla? □1.yes □2.no
□ 3.I don’t know
I gave my questionnaires to my students and all of them, sixty students, returned their questionnaires.When all these date come in, I made some statistical evaluation.The results showed that over 70% of the students expreed that they liked oral English and wanted to exercise their oral English in cla and that over 85% of them thought they have little opportunity to exercise their oral English in cla and they thought my teaching was stiff lack of interest.Therefore I think the problem was caused by my self.I should change my pattern of teaching and getting my students more actively and interestingly involved in oral practice.4)Brainstorming activation When I was engaged in the problem analysis, I often talked to my colleagues about all the problem I met.Quite often they gave me a lot of advice so that I pondered the problem more deeply and carefully.Also I discued with my students, collected them response and feedback.With the help of them, I realized that there were some problems in my teaching.After a lengthy problem analysis, I began to launch a project to solve the problem.Ⅲ.Project Objective
To improve students’ Speaking ability to a large cla by good work organization.Ⅳ.Project Hypothesis.It is hypothesis that students’ speaking ability can be improved by creating more opportunities for them to speak.Ⅴ.Project Rationale: 1.The importance of oral English--Since China entered the WTO people are closely connected with foreigners.Oral communication in English is such a natural part of life.But many of us speak “dumb-English”.The profeor Li Qiang who is the expert in researching Americanism said: The dumb-English is no use.I have studied the course of English language Teaching Methodology(1 and 2)and it made me realize the importance of speaking English.Because some of my students thought oral English was not important and not worthy of time-wasting.I thought I could change their mind by their progre in cla.2.The role of the teacher-As a teacher.I should know the diverse roles I play, such as a controller, aeor, organizer, participant, and shouldn’t consider myself as the controller all the time when teaching, Besides, I should demonstrate those different roles so that students realize when I take a major instructional role in cla and when I take only a minor helping role.In students’ speaking activities, I’d like to play a participant role more than others.During most of the cla time, I’d like my students to be accustomed to being responsible for their own leaning.3.Grouping them.Deal with a large cla, well-designed pair and group work tasks can be tried out to increase the participation of all the members.And I know the members in each group couldn’t be too many or too few.There are 48 students in my cla, I decided to make eight groups.Ⅵ.Project Implementation Based on the rationale, I used four units of the existing junior English text book as the communicative material.New tasks were designed with the aim of providing students with a chance to be creative and expre themselves freely.Since it is a large cla, I must attention to the following factors while designing the tasks: a)give clear instructions, b)persuade the cla to use English, c)control the noise, d)monitor the students’ practice, and e)use various task types to a rouse the students’ interest.Following are the details of the implementation.Week 1, Activity 1, Welcome Back!This activity is based as in Junior English for China, Book 2A, Unit 1, Leon 2 “Welcome back!”
Purpose: To revise words and practice the pronunciation of the word correctly Instructions: I taught the text and then I organized a game of WORD CHAIN in cla.Procedure: After I taught the text, I asked my students to play a game of the “word chain”.They were so excited.I told them the rule of the game and asked them to work in turn of the seat number so that everyone could take part in it.They played the game in pair.I monitored the game and offered help if neceary.For students: Every one must take part in the game and according to the rule of the game: Step 1: The first student gives a word, for example: “bag”
Step 2: The second student must tell a new word whose the beginning letter is the end of the first word, such as “go”
Step 3: The third student works according to the method of the step 3, giving “on” out.The next one continues till the last one, each word can not be repeated.Week 2, Activity 2: What Are We Going To Do? This activity is based at in Junior English for China, Book 2A, unit 2, leon 5 “What are we going to do?”
Purpose: To practice “using” the sentence of “be going to”
Instructions: I taught some new words, then I explained usages of “be going to” and gave them some more examples.I asked them to make sentences by using the words which I gave on the blackboard to practise the grammar of “be going to” in group.At last they acted out their dialogues in front of the cla.Procedure: Before I taught the text to my students, I explained the grammar of “be going to” and gave them some examples to understand well.Then I began my leon.After that, I asked some of them to make sentences by using “be going to” and wrote on the blackboard and all of us checked it and corrected errors.Then, I provided some new materials which wrote on the blackboard, and then get students to work in pairs by them.The students should exchange roles one time.At last, I asked the volunteers to give their performance in front of the cla, the title was “what are you going to be when you growing up?” After the play over, I ordered the students to correct them which were not proper by their judge.For students: The students worked in pairs.They had a list of “what they do”, one asked the partner question with “be going to”.The other one answered the question.Then they chang
Week 3, Activity2: Find The Right Place!This activity is based as in Junior English for China, Book 2A, Unit 6, Leon 21 “Find the right place!”
Purpose: To practise asking for and giving directions Instructions: At first I taught the text.I explained the function of asking for and giving directions.Then I gave them opportunities to practise expreion with each other.At last I showed my students some cards I have made and ask them to work in pairs.Procedure: Before I taught the text, I asked them to tell me some buildings near our school in Chinese if neceary.They were so excited to tell me some building name.Then I began my leon.After that, I divided my students into pairs and gave out separate worksheet to student A and student B.Each had a map of the city on the book, but they have different places labeled.They had to ask their partner for directions for getting to the different distinctions and label their maps.I monitored the activity and offered help if neceary.For the students: They worked in pairs.They both had maps of the city, some places was labeled and some are not.The partner had the same map which showed different places.They must ask each other for a list of places they wanted to go to, and then labeled them on the map.They could not show their map to their partner.When they had both finished they could compare their maps to make sure they had labeled the places correctly.Week 4: Activity2: The Memory Robot This activity is based as in Junior English for China, Book 2A, Unit 9, Leon 33 “The memory robot”
Purpose: To practise the grammar of the Simple Past Tense and the method of retelling a text.Instructions: At first I taught the text, and then I got the students to retell the text in groups.After that I asked three groups to give their performance in front of the cla.Procedure: I revised the text simply.then I taught them how to retell the text.I led them to find out the main words and the using TENSE of the dialogue.they could expre it in their own way and use the new words and new patterns only if they could tell the main idea correctly.I gave them some minutes to prepare for retelling in groups.Then I asked three groups to give their performance in front of the cla.For students: They must read the text himself, understanding the tense and the main idea of the text.After that, they could try to tell the text to their partner.Then I would ask someone of each group to retell it to the cla.Ⅶ.Data Analysis It took me four weeks to research on the project.Now I want to know if the hypothesis has been proved or not.That is to say I want to ae the effectivene of the above-designed activities.Data were gathered mainly from three sources: two of questionnaires, two tests oral tests and claroom observations I took in my diary.1.Data from the questionnaires After four weeks’ action research, the first questionnaire was designed for examining the result of these activities.The second questionnaire was nearly the same to the first one in the preliminary research so that comparisons can be made to see the improvement.In both questionnaires, the students were asked to answer questions concerning their interaction in oral English cla.Comparing the results of the questionnaires, I found that students’ opportunity to practise their oral English in cla has b
een significantly improved after the implementation and the increasing amount is nearing 65%.It is found 25% of students had no opportunity to practise their oral English in cla before the implementation of the research.And after it, no one’ questionnaire shows “No”.The amount of the students who “often” practise their oral English rise to 90% while the percentage was only 15% before the implementation.From Graph 1, it proves that my implementation of the project is effectives.Yet there are still 5% of the students choosing “little” though the number is smaller than it in Questionnaire 1.So I need to do more analysis for the fact and try to solve the problem.Graph 1.Comparison of the opportunity to practise oral English in cla.2.Data from the tests I iued two tests to check if the well-designed activity are helpful for the students’ enhancing of speaking abilities, one at the beginning of the project, the other at the finish of the project, with the same format.Comparing with results of two tests, I found students’ oral English has been greatly improved during the action research.It is found that 40 students’ marks are not satisfied before the implementation.After it, the number of students who did oral practice well has distinctly increased from 25 to 45.But I also found that 15 students don’t perform excellently in their practice.This may be caused by students and me.Some of them may be poor in English and while the activities I designed for students didn’t consider the different levels of them.I must try my best to do my work..Graph 2.Comparison of whether students do speak practice well.3.Claroom observations I took in my diary.I found my students became more active than before and they had more opportunities to practise speaking English through my well-designed activities.They made progre and their speaking English has been improved.From the above analysis I think students’ Speaking ability can be improved by my well-designed activities.Ⅷ.Project evaluation.Following the stage 4, I evaluated the project by asking and answering relevant questions on every aspect of my project 1.the problem Is the problem a researchable one? Yes, as I am an English teacher, if I was given the resources, the time plus my expertise, I can launch a project to solve the problem my students having poor speaking English.2.the methods used in problem analysis Are the methods used to analyze the problem acceptable, suitable to it and properly applied? Yes, I used the Analytic method, Cause analysis, Questionnaire and Brainstorming.There are all acceptable methods suitable to my problem.I also used them properly.3.the project objective Is the project objective realistic? Yes, since it is researchable, it is realistic, it can be achieved.4.the project hypothesis Is the project hypothesis provable? Yes, my hypothesis-students’ speaking ability can be improved by good organization is provable.I have found that my students’ oral English have been improved by creating more opportunities for them to speak.5.the project rationale Does the project have a sound basis? Yes, my project was based on the four theoretical aumptions which are valid and sound.6.the crucial questions to be asked in clued: Has the investigator defined his or her project objective? Has the inve? Has the investigator stated his or her project rationale? Has the investigator worked out the details for project implementation? Has the investigator planned the stages and the timetable for the project implementation? I have fulfilled all these requirements.7.the stages and details of the implementation The stages are neceary and complete.The implementation details are properly maintained.8.the methods used in project implementation In what way has the project been implemented? In my case, I first set up control and target groups and used the claroom teaching.9.the methods used to obtain the results I used observations, interview, teaching notes and questionnaires to obtain the project results.They are all acceptable, suitable to the task and properly used.10.the results obtained from the project implementation My hypothesis has been proved to be correct.I have found that student’s improve them Speaking ability after I use the well designed exercises.Ⅸ.Conclusion This paper is based on the project that I conducted from Mar.2005 to May, 2005, which aimed to improve my students’ speaking ability.During this hard-working period, I consistently adjusted my teaching methods, analyzed the problem, adopted different kinds of activities to carry out the teaching plan.The results are very satisfactory.After four-week project implementation I found my students’ speaking English had been improved by my designed activities.After having experienced the research action, I’ve learned that doing more oral practice can enhance learners’ oral English accordingly.Meantime I also find my shortages in my teaching.I lack of enough patience.My oral tasks are ineffective.I give few feedbacks and check on my students’ homework.But, due to this teaching experience, I also strengthen my self-confidence of overcoming any teaching problem.In the future I will find out and solve this kind of problems as early as poible.References: 1.Gu Yueguo, 2003, Practical Project Design, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Pre 2.Gu Yueguo, 2002, English Language Teaching Methodology, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Pre.3.Junior English for China-Students’ Book 2A, People Education Pre.4.Junior English for China-Teachers’ Book 2A, People Education Pre.Appendix A: The timetable of the project stage Week Calendar dates tasks I 1 Mar.1-7 Identify a problem II 2-3 Mar.8-20 Analyze the problem using scientific methods of investigation 1.analyzing the teaching situation 2.analyzing the teaching objectives /teacher’s roles/task/types/students’roles etc.3.analyzing the poible causes of the identified problem III 4 Mar.21-Apr.3 Design a problem-solving project 1.formulating the project objective and hypothesis 2.making a leon plan 3.preparing materials and resources needed 4.proposing data collection method: questionnaire/survey/interview IV 5-9 Apr.4-May.3 Implement the project 1.report of the claroom implementation of the leon plan 2.report of the data collection V 10 May.4-May.11 Evaluate the project against a checklist 1.critical comment on your own teaching by checking your subjective comments against the tigator defined his or her project hypothesi collected data 2.suggestions for future teaching VI 11-13 May.12-26 Write the project report
Appendix B: The Second Questionnaire Please tick the box next to the answer that exprees you opinion.1.Do you like oral English? □a.a.very much □ b.a litter □c..so so
□d.dislike 2.Do you want practise you oral English in cla? □a.yes □ b.no
□c.don’t know 3.In the four-week project implementation, do you have opportunity to practise you oral English in my teaching? □a.no
□b.little □c.not much
□d.often 4.Do you like to work in pair or group in cla? □a.yes
□ 3.I don’t know 5.Are you volunteer to answer my questions in cla? □a.no
□b.little □c.not much
□d.often 6.What do you think about the designed activities of oral English by me now? □a.lively □b.stiff □c.ordinary 7.Do you think your Speaking ability had improved? □a.quite more
□b.some □c.a little
□d.nAppendix C: Teaching diaries Week 1 Date: 20.Apr.2005
I thought this leon would be the beginning of my new design of teaching because I found that my students show more interests in speaking English in cla than before.Students were so excited when I told them we would play a game after I taught the text.But when I told them the rule of the game--“word chain”, some students said it was difficult to them.I told them I would offer help if neceary, then they were not nervous at once.The game was performed smoothly.It seams that most of them enjoy the time though I only offered a little help to them.Every one could take part in the activity.Week 2 Date: 27.Apr.2005 I found that most of students parctise their oral English positively in my designed activities.Because of working in pairs, everyone had the opportunity to expre their mind.The claroom atmosphere was quite lively.I was surprised to find that Wang Jie seating in the corner and always keeping silent also practiced the task with his partner actively.Week 3 Date: 9.May.2005 Today the claroom atmosphere was more lively.Especially when I ask them to discu and work in pair, all of them were glad to finish what I had asked them to do.As a controller, I walked around the cla to give them immediate help when needed.Wang Jie made progre with his oral English and today he, as a volunteer, came to the blackboard to act out his dialogue actively.Week 4 Date: 16.May.2005 I was surprised to see the students’ oral English improved.Most of them could retell a complete story by using the main words and the tense.I ’m glad that I can easily teach a large cla and each one has opportunities to practise oral English in cla.After the cla, Wang Jie told me that he began to like oral English cla because he was a participant and not a looker just like before.学校
教学目的 教学过程 点评与建议
Appendix E: Teaching notes Week 1 Date: 4.5
cla: 3 ◇Today’s objectives: To revise words and practise the pronunciation of the word correctly ◇Teaching methods: Be whole;order of doing things ◇Opening Recapturing the key points of the last leon Briefing today’s objectives ◇Procedure:
After I taught the text, I asked my students to play a game of the “word chain”.They were so excited.I told them the rule of the game.Students worked in turn of the seat number and everyone took part in it.They played the game.I monitored the game and offered help if neceary.◇Closing: Summarizing the leon Home work Week 2 Date:4.12
cla: 3 ◇Today’s objectives: To practice “using” the sentence of “be going to” ◇Teaching methods: Pole—play;pair work ◇Opening Recapturing the key points of the last leon Briefing today’s objectives ◇Procedure: Before I taught the text to my students, I explained the grammar of “be going to” and gave them some examples to understand well.Then I began my leon.After that, I ask some of them to make sentences by using “be going to” and wrote them on the blackboard and all of us checked it and corrected errors.Then, I provided some new materials which wrote on the blackboard, and then get students to work in pairs by them.The students should exchange roles one time.At last, I asked the volunteers to give their performance in front of the cla, the title is “ what are you going to be when you growing up?”.After the play over, I ordered the students to correct them which were not proper by their judge.◇Closing: Summarizing the leon Home work Week 3: Date: 4.19
cla: 3 ◇Today’s objectives: To pratise asking for and giving directions ◇Teaching methods: Pole—play;pair work ◇Opening Recapturing the key points of the last leon Briefing today’s objectives ◇Procedure: Before I taught the text, I asked them to tell me some buildings near our school in Chinese if neceary.They were so excited to tell me some building name.Then I began my leon.After that, I divided my students into pairs and gave out separate worksheet to student A and student B.Each had a map of the city on the book.But they have different places labeled.They had to ask their partner for directions for getting to the different distinctions and label their maps.I monitored the activity and offered help if neceary.◇Closing: Summarizing the leon Home work Week 4: Date:4.28
cla: 3 ◇Today’s objectives: To practise the grammar of the Simple Past Tense and the method of retelling a text ◇Teaching methods: Pole—play;group ◇Opening Recapturing the key points of the last leon Briefing today’s objectives ◇Procedure: I revised the text simply.then I taught them how to retell the text.I led them to find out the main words and the using TENSE of the dialogue.they could expre it in their own way and use the new words and new patterns only if they could tell the main idea correctly.I gave them some minutes to prepare for retelling in groups.Then I asked three groups to give their performance in front of the cla.◇Closing: Summarizing the leon Home work Appendix F: The oral test paper A
Make a dialogue You(A and B)have 10 minutes to prepare for the dialogue.Read the instructions carefully: Topics for dialogue: What you two are going to do next week? Your dialogue must be showed with the topic.A starts the conversation by asking B the first question and B answers it.then B gives the question and A answers it.Your dialogue will take about 2-3minutes.B Free talk You(A and B)have 10 minutes to prepare for the task Read the instructions carefully