
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Square one正一: Gorky once said, “Books are the ladder of human progre.” Reading books can increase our knowledge and widen our vision.Books are the summary of historical experience and social culture.The ancients said: people can live without meat, however can not without reading.We can know so many about the world and the earth with books.高尔基曾说,“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”。多读书可以增长知识,开阔视野。书是历史经验的总结,是社会文化的结晶。古人说,人可一日不食肉,不可一日不读书。我们离不开书。有了书,我们才能知道身边有那么多我们所不知道天地,有了书,我们才知道世界那么大。

Against a defendant反一: indeed, reading enriches the mind.But if think more, it is not entirely correct.If we are interested in anything, then it may not be good.For example, some students like comic books.They spend too much time on it including eating and sleeping, thus the grades plummeting.So my dear friends, how can you explain it?


Square 2正二: You will find girls like jade and houses made of golden, which means reading brings us everything Cartoons can also be inspirational.A nine go player once said: He began to study after watching the cartoon “hikaru”.In the proce of learning, he got the goal and direction of his life.The situation you say are only because they do not have self-control.对方辩友,书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。漫画也可以励志。比如一个九段围棋高手曾坦言,自己就是看了《棋魂》才认真学习围棋的。在学习围棋时找到了自己的人生目标与方向。至于你所说的,也不过是没有自制力的情况。

Against the second debate反二: but we just in the period of lacking of self-control.During this period, teenagers are very rebel.但我们恰恰处于缺乏自制力的时期,我们还处于青春期,青少年在这个时期都比较叛逆。这个时候大多数的同学依然缺乏足够的自制力。

The free question time: Argue against two反三: I want to ask you a question.Do you think some irregular books will also be conducive to learning? bad books will also be good for our health and growth? 请正方三辩回答我的问题。难道看一些不正规的书也会利于学习吗?不良的书也会有利于我们是身心健康成长吗? Square three正三: I don’t think irregular books will only do bad.How can you resonate with readers if you can’t even say a word? At least, we can review the words we learned and discu the books with a critical eye.Don’t you think it is good? 不正规的书会引人入邪路吗?语言平平常常。流水账一般的作文都不如,怎么会与读者产生共鸣?最不济也就是让我们复习所学过的字,用批判的眼光看到那本书的不足之处。能说完全无益吗?

Square one正一: But my question is: everything has too sides? Irregular books indeed do harm, but how about their benefits? 请反方二辩回答我的问题。不是说任何事情都有他的两面性吗?既然说不正规的书有他的害处,也总会有他的益处吧?

Argue against two反二: Why we call them irregular books? It mainly because the harm is much more than benefit?


Against a defendant反三: square 2, please answer my question.There are a lot of people committing a crime after reading those bad books.For example,马加爵.How can we say reading enriches mind?


Square 2正二: Although you give some examples, but what can you prove? That’s only means readers exists problems.Someone saw history and poetry in the Dream of Red Mansions.But some saw ethics and corruption.You kill a person with a knife, how can you say there is something wrong with the knife?


Time is up: Square three正三: In a word, we think that reading enriches the mind.Reading can cultivate our morality and even govern a country.Nobody achieve great without reading.Bacon said, histories make man wise and poems witty.There are so many benefits about reading.Doesn’t reading enrich mind?

综上所述,我方认为开卷有益。读书小可修身养性,大则治国平天下。可以说自古无不读书而人品高且成大事者。培根说,读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀。这么多都可以体会到读书只好,难道开卷无益? Anti-side three反三: Liu Xiang in Han dynasty once said: Books, like medicine, are also a kind of antidote.They may help you, and can also kill you.In 20th century in Germany, many teenagers are the victims after reading Hitler's ”my hardne”.So where are the benefits? 汉代刘向曾说,书,尤药也,一种良药,药到病除,一种毒药,致人于死地。20世纪的德国,许多青少年看了希特勒《我的奋斗》后成了他的殉葬品。如此开卷,何益只有?











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