Bring Your Heart to Work 用心去工作_用心去工作的心得体会
Bring Your Heart to Work 用心去工作由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“用心去工作的心得体会”。
Bring Your Heart to Work
A friend asked me to help train the staff of a telemarketing company.While training the telemarketing staff in sales,I noticed agitation among them.They were learning fl new sales technology that combines trust,integrity and collaboration in supporting a client’s buying decisions.They worked hard and were excited about learning.but it Was obvious they were not doing their utmost.By the end of the first day,I knew I couldn’t continue without a full understanding of what was going on with the team.一位朋友请我帮忙培训一家电话市场营销公司的员工。培训电话市场推销人员时我注意到他们中间有一种焦躁不安的情绪。他们正在学习一种融信任、诚恳和合作精神为一体的新的推销技术,以促进客户做出购买决定。他们工作努力,学习时也很兴奋,但很明显,他们并没有完全投入。第一天培训结束时,我知道要是不了解他们工作小组内发生了什么,培训计划就无法开展下去。
“Is there a problem with you learning this technology?”I asked.’They sat silent.I waited for an answer.Finally,someone spoke.
“It would be great if we could really use this technology.I mean.I can see where it would really work,and I wouldn’t have to feel like I’m being so rude to the people I’m calling.But I don’t really think the company will let us use it.They don’t care about people.They treat us like subhumans,use rude selling tactics for clients and only care about the profit.If they found out we were using this type of approach,they’d put a stop to it.”“如果我们能真正用一下这个技术,那就太棒了。我是说,那我就能明白它在哪里能真正起作用,我也就不会感到我对电话那端的客户太粗鲁了。但我想公司不会让我们用的,他们上层领导不在乎别人的感受,把我们不当成人,对客户使用粗鲁的推销策略,他们在乎的只是效益。要是发现我们使用这种技术,他们会阻止的。”
I told the group I’d think about the problem and promised to aist them in finding a way to integrate the new skills.They seemed to be happy to let me have a try,but unconvinced that I could make a difference.我告诉他们我会考虑这个问题的,答应帮助他们找出应用这项新技术的办法。他们很高兴我愿去试试,但仍不相信我会起什么作用。
Following the program,I went to the telephone bank where the sales people worked and watched while the company’s vice-president came over to speak with one of the salespeople.He rudely interrupted her in the middle of a conversation.He then walked over to another person who was on a sales call and directly asked him why he had a personal photo on his desk。since none were allowed.At the desk where I was sitting was a memo from the same man,telling people they had to wear suits the following day and keep their suit jackets on between 11:00 AM and noon because perspective clients would be coming through the office.按照培训计划,我去了电话工作室,推销人
《用心去工作》拥有事业心,就会忙得快乐,累得欢喜发布者:李淑君( 发布时间:2015-01-30 事业是人生永恒的主题。一个人把事业摆在什么位置,决定着他为追求事业付出......