
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文





党办宣传科 Propaganda Department 组织科 Human Resource Dept 工会办 Labor Union

纪检审计科 Disciplinary inspection & audit Dept.经营管理科 Busine Management Dept.生产运行科 Operation Dept.安全环保科 HSE Dept.财务计划科 Finance Dept.市场办 Marketing Dept.劳资科 Human Resource Dept.Ⅱ

设备资产科 Equipment Managing Dept.技术发展部 Engineering Dept.综合服务大队 Comprehensive Dept.生产管理部Production Management Dept.运营品控部Operation and QC Dept.仓库Warehouse

接待室Reception Room

商务管理部Busine Management Dept.市场Sales Dept.山东旭天标识工程有限公司



内包车间Inner packaging Workshop

外包车间Outer packaging Workshop

精制车间Refinement Workshop

感官审评室Sensory Evaluation Room

炒制中心Stir-frying Center

总经理General Manager Office

董事长President Office

副总经理Vice General Manager Office

财务部Financial Dept

会议室Meeting Room

茶水间Drinking Room

理化室 Physical and Chemical Laboratory 天平室 Balance Room 毒麻试剂室 Poisonous and Narcotic Reagents Room 研发部 R&D Department 微生物室 Microorganism Room 仪器室 Instrument Room 质量部 Quality Department 灭菌室 Sterilizing Room 辅机房 Auxiliary Equipment Room 男一更 1st Male Locker Room



女一更 1st Female Locker Room 男二更 2nd Male Locker Room 女二更 2nd Female Locker Room 配电室 Power Distribution Room 企业

董事长办公室 The Chairman's Office 董事会办公室 The Directors Board Office 助理办公室 Office Aistant's Office 财务部 Finance Office 成本部 Cost Office 工程部 Engineering Office 行政办公室 Administration Office 外联部 Public Relations Office 人力资源部 Human Resource Office 会议室(大)Conference Room 会议室(小)Meeting Room 招投标办公室 Tendering Office 接待室 Reception 法务部 Legal Office 副总经理办公室 Deputy General Manager's Office 经理办 Office



人力行政部HR Dept.档案室Files Room

设计室Design Room

茶文化体验中心Tea Culture Experience Center 生产部 Production Department 财务部 Financial Department 人事行政部 Human Resources & Administrative Department 销售部 Sales Department 总经理室 CEO Office 接待室 Reception Room 综合办公室General Office 会议室 Meeting Room


精密仪器室precision instrument laboratory 天平室Balance Room 普通仪器室General instrument room 理化检验室physical and chemical 高温室hot room 准备室ready room 微生物检测室Superclean Microbes Test Laboratory



留样室 Sample Room 仓库 Warehouse 资料室 Reference Room 更衣室 Locker Room 公安机关

证件管理室 Document management Room 案件审理室 Trial Room 中队长室 Squadron Leader Room 队员室 Team Room 综合管理室 Integrated Management Room 社会化管理室 Socialized management Room 卷烟鉴定室 Cigarette identification Room 支队长室 Commander Room 科长室

Chief Room

内部管理监督室Internal management oversight Room 幼儿园

园长室 Kindergarten Headmaster’s Office 保健室 Clinic

隔离室Isolation room;

储藏间Storage Room;

多媒体Multimedia Claroom



厨房 Kitchen;

阅读室Reading Room,;

舞蹈房Dancing Room;

财务室Financial Department;

科学探索室Science Exploration Room;

手工DIY室 Handwork Room;

幼儿活动室Playroom 教师办公室Teachers' office

社会实践室Social Practice Claroom 保管室Storage Room 资料室Reference Room



办案中队Investigation Squadron 备勤室Standby Room

预审大队长Head of Antecedent Trial Detachment

预审教导员Political Instructor of Antecedent Trial Detachment

预审大队Antecedent Trial Detachment 器材室Equipment Room

熏显影像室Fuming & Imaging Room

手印足迹室 Fingerprints & Footprints Room



痕检室 Trace Examination Room 法化室Forensic Analysis Room

技管室 Technological Management Room 研案室 Casework Investigation Room 大队长Head of Detachment

副大队长Deputy Head of Detachment 指导员Political Instructor

主任室Director’s Office

中队长Head of Squadron

涉案财物保管室 Crime-related Property Store 人体损伤鉴定室 Injury Examination Room 接待室Reception Room

荣誉室Honors Display Room 活动室Common Room 基础中队Support Squadron

女卫浴Female Personnel Bathroom 男卫浴Male Personnel Bathroom 卫生间Toilet 医院

病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building 大厅 Lobby



卫事中心 Patient-aid center 小卖部 Buffet

出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients 普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients 住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients

医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房 Ward dispensary 输血科 Transfusion section 急诊化验 Emergency lab

急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre 门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre 出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients 重症监护 ICU 外科示教室 Surgery demo room 妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room 仓库 Warehouse

特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases 主任办公室 Director office 治疗室 Therapeutic room 护士长办公室 Head nurse office 医生办公室 Doctor office 护士站 Nurse station



儿科Pediatrics Dept 电脑中心 Computer center 更衣室 Change room

儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom 新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship 新生婴儿室 Neonatus room 重症室 ICU

诊疗室 Consulting room 产科Obstetrical Dept 机房 Machine room

婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center 产房 Obstetrical Ward 分娩室 Delivery room

隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room 陪伴分娩室Delivery room with companion 陪伴分娩室Delivery room with companion 护士值班室 Nurse on duty 医生值班室 Doctor on duty 单床间 Single-bed room 妇科 Gynecology

妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section



换药室 Dreing room 骨科 Orthopedics Dept 普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科

General Surgical Dept(Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum 外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section 普外(泌尿)科 General Surgical Dept(Urinary system)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology 麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept 示教室 Demo room

麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor 医生休息室 Doctor rest room 女更衣室 Change room(F)男更衣室 Change room(M)

有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre 手术取材室 Operation material room

麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument 非限制区 Unrestricted area 半限制区 Semi-restricted area 换鞋处 Shoe-changing 配电室 Distribution room 手术室 Operating theatre 石膏房 Gypsum room



手术准备室 Operation preparation 清洗间 Cleaning room

麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation 麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room 限制区 Restricted area

精密仪器室 Precision instrument room 无菌室 Asepsis room

护士登记室 Nurse registration room 复苏室 Anabiosis room

麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 Waiting room 存放间 Storage room

后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building 病案统计室 Medical record statistics room 图书室 Library

后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center 设备科 Equipment section

工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept 基建科 Capital construction section 供应服务部 Supply service dept

实习生值班室Probationer night shift room 门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building



本层科室分布 Layout of sections 开水间 Boiled water 检验科Laboratory section 抽血化验 Blood test 门诊药房 Clinic dispensary

大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea 药房 Dispensary

放射影像科 Radio & Image dept 放射科登记处 X-ray registration 放射科X-ray dept 摄片 2(X-ray 2)

挂号收费 Registration charging 内科Internal medicine dept 门诊办公室 Outpatient office 老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic

老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases 糖尿病专科 Diabets special section

内科专家门诊 Expert clinic of internal medicine 专家门诊 Expert clinic

专科门诊 Clinic of special section 高血压专科 Hypertension special section C T 室 CT room



换药室 Dreing room 肛肠科 Anorectum section

肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科 Orthopedics dept

腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section 脑外科Cerebral surgery

疼痛专科 Special section of pains 普外科 General surgical dept 皮肤科 Dermatology dept 性病专科 Special section of VD 儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics 儿 科Pediatrics dept 中药房 TCM dispensary

耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T 耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T.dept 中医科 TCM dept

眼科检查室(眼电生理)Ophthalmology check room(EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic 煎药室 Herb decocting room

眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology 眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)

Examination room of ophthalmology(intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)



声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room 电测听室 Electrometric hearing test 助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection

眼科诊室(常规诊室)Ophthalmology clinic(Routine clinic)宣教室 Publicizing and education

胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor 皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD 人流室 Induced Abortion Room 介入门诊 Intervention clinic

妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic 妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept 仓库 Warehouse

心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential 动态血压 Dynamic blood preure 动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG 心向量 Vectorcardiogram 心电图室 ECG room 心电图科ECG section

超声科 Ultrasonographic section 彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography

理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section



儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics 盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID 儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic 急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography

胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图 Electroemcephalogram(缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography

红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination 消化科 Digestion section

心理测验室 Psychological test room 专家门诊 Expert clinic

心理咨询科 Psychological consult section

中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine 病理科 Pathologic section 细胞学室 Cytology room

技术室 Technical room 免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room 档案室 Archives room

巨检室 Gro examination room 诊断室 Diagnosis room 口腔科 Stomatology dept

胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination



康复科 Rehabilitation section 碎石科 Lithotriptic section 输液室 Infusion room 化液室 Infusion preparation 泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept

肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室 Children's infusion room 成人输液室 Adults' infusion room 针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation 生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty

腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩 Healthcare maage

针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing 医保办 Medical insurance office 放免实验室 Radioimmunoaay room 防保科 Prophylactic section

院感科 Section of inner infection prevention 医学美容 Medical cosmetology

微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room 检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine center HIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room

血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room



主任办公室 The office director

免 疫 学 实 验 室 Lmmunology Laboratory room 生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room 档案库房 Archives storeroom 信息科 Information section

综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room 临床系办公室 Clinic dept office 文印室 typing and printing room 护理部 Nursing department 科教科 Scientific education section 院办公室 Hospital office 书记室 Secretary office 人事科 Personnel section 院长室 President office 副院长室 Vice president office 会议室 Meeting room

医务科 Section of medical affairs 保安部 Security dept 顾问室 Consultant office

医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office 教室 Cla room 出纳室 Paybox



会计室 Accounting house 核算办 Accounting office 工会 Trade union

医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes 财务科长室 Finance section chief

外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic 体检中心 Physical examination center 跟车医师 Ambulance doctor 肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic

值班室(内科)Night shift room(Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room(Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept

急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept 值班室(驾驶员)Night shift room(Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room 肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic 急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency 急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics 污物间 Feculence room 清创室 Trauma cleaning room 输液台 Infusion table



急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging

肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center 夜间药房 Night dispensary 主任办公室 Director office 监护室 ICU

治疗室 Therapeutic room 护士办公室 Nurse office 观察室 2 Observation ward 2 抢救室 Salvaging room 观察室 1 Observation ward 1

肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic 干部病房 Cardre Ward

心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept 医生办公室 Doctor office 诊疗室 Consulting room

心血管 Cardiovascular(怎么没有科或室?)呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine 心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center 内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine 血液 Blood(怎么没有科或室?)消化 Digestion(怎么没有科或室?)



肾内科 Kidney internal medicine 血液层流病房 Aseptic ward

介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center 水处理间 Water treatment room 手术室 Operating theatre 准备室 Preparation room

仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room 病人更衣室 Patient change room

家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative 内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine 操作室 Operating theatre 透析室(1)Dialysis room(1)透析室(2)Dialysis room(2)药剂科 Medicament Section

腰突症专科 Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare maage

针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation 老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases

针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing(TCM)生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology 心电图检查室 ECG examination 脑电图检查室 EEG examination



脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination

颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination



红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination

精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation 彩色B超检查室

Color B-Ultrasonographic examination 肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases

中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation 皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section

肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery 放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy 高血压专科 Hypertension special section 碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center 肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases 糖尿病专科 Diabetes special section

康复、理疗科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section 医学美容专科 Special section of medical cosmetology 医学影像中心 Medical image center

放射介入治疗室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room 心血管专科急诊 Cardiovascular emergency 肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic

肌电图检查室 Electromyogram examination 呼吸道感染门诊 Respiratory tract infection clinic



血透室 Blood dialysis

胫镜中心 Anticnemion endoscope center 中内科 TCM internal medicine 西内科 Western internal medicine 乳房外科 Breast surgery 手外科 Hand surgery 骨伤科 Bone injuries

中医妇科 TCM gynecology dept.中西药库 Drug storeroom 血库 Blood bank 骨髓室 Marrow room 留观室 Observation room

临床药学室 Clinical pharmacy room

社区卫生服务工作办公室 Community Health Service Office 信息资料室 Information Archives

计划生育技术指导室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊 General Clinic 肿瘤科 Tumor dept

母婴健康中心 Mother & Baby health center 婴儿游泳抚触 Baby swimming-stroking 生活用品代办处 Service for daily-use articles



待产室 Delivery waiting room 配奶间 Milk preparation room 驾驶班 Driver team

住院部药房 Inpatient dispensary

医疗质量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department 病理贮片室 Pathological Section Storeroom

颈肩腰腿痛专科 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室 Children's Playing Room 电透室 TV Examination Room 谈话间 Conversation Room

衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Iuing Office 器械打包间 Medical Devices Packing Room 小孩洗涤室 Children’s Washing Room 样品接收 Sample Receipt 结核菌 Tubercle Bacillus 发放厅 Iuing Hall

敷料打包间 Dreing-Packing Room 污染区 Polluted Area 灭菌区 Sterilized Area

切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room 人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room

消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention



冷冻机房 Freezing Machine Room

物流传输机房 Logistical Transmiion Machine Room 职工自行车库 Employees' Bicycle Storeroom 高低配电室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse 服务台 Information Desk 导医导诊 A Guide to Clinic 方便门诊 Simple Clinic 健康宣教 Health Education 便民服务 Service for the Public 取报告单 Examination Report 预约审批 Appointment Approval 行政后勤区 Administrative Logistic Area 预防保健区 Prevention and Healthcare Area 医疗康复区 Medical Rehabilitation Area 祝您健康 May you a good health 后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept

社区卫生服务科 Community Health Service Section 全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic(Around the Clock)高电位治疗室 High Potential Therapeutic Room 健康教育室 Health Education Room 探视制度 Visit Rules



挂号须知 Notes for Registration

农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service

医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance 腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic 心理咨询室Psychological Consultation 高危门诊 Hazard-Disease Clinic

严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited 卡介苗专室 BCG Vaccine Room

合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service

医务人员通道Paage for Medical Personnel 小儿体检 Infant Physical Examination 电透析Electrodialyzing Room 电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy

中草药配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine

西药、中成药配方 Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs 麻醉药品专用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic 药事咨询窗口 Consultation of medicine administration

老、弱、病重专区 Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons.请保持室内清洁 Keep Clean

病理贮片室 Pathologic film store room



细胞室 Cell Puncture Room 牵引室 Traction Room

腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic 配餐室 Aorted Meal Preparation 陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests

医疗固体处置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal 麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room 材料室Material Room

引产清宫室Induced Labor Room 大厅 Lobby

卫事中心 Patient-aid center 小卖部 Buffet

出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients 普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients 住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients

医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房 Ward dispensary 输血科 Transfusion section 急诊化验 Emergency lab

急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre 门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre 出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients



(二病区)重症监护 ICU(Area 2)



外科示教室 Surgery demo room 妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room 仓库 Warehouse

特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases 主任办公室 Director office 治疗室 Therapeutic room 护士长办公室 Head nurse office 医生办公室 Doctor office 护士站 Nurse station

(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept(Area 3)电脑中心 Computer center 更衣室 Change room

儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom 新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship 新生婴儿室 Neonatus room 重症室 ICU

诊疗室 Consulting room

(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept(Area 4)机房 Machine room

婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward(Area 5)



分娩室 Delivery room

隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room


(一)Delivery room with companion(1)陪伴分娩室

(二)Delivery room with companion(2)护士值班室 Nurse on duty 医生值班室 Doctor on duty 单床间 Single-bed room

(六病区)妇科 Gynecology(Area 6)

妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section 换药室 Dreing room

(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept(Area 7)

(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept(Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum(Area 8)

外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科

Cardiothoracic Surgery(Tumor)(Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科

General Surgical Dept(Urinary system)(Area 10)

(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科(Area 11)E.N.T.Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept

眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room



(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology(Area 12)麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept 示教室 Demo room

麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor 医生休息室 Doctor rest room 女更衣室 Change room(F)男更衣室 Change room(M)

有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre 手术取材室 Operation material room

麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument 非限制区 Unrestricted area 半限制区 Semi-restricted area 换鞋处 Shoe-changing 配电室 Distribution room 手术室 Operating theatre 石膏房 Gypsum room

手术准备室 Operation preparation 清洗间 Cleaning room

麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation 麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room 限制区 Restricted area

精密仪器室 Precision instrument room



无菌室 Asepsis room

护士登记室 Nurse registration room 复苏室 Anabiosis room

麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 Waiting room 存放间 Storage room

后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building 病案统计室 Medical record statistics room 图书室 Library

后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center 设备科 Equipment section

工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept 基建科 Capital construction section 供应服务部 Supply service dept

实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room(1)门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building 本层科室分布 Layout of sections 开水间 Boiled water 检验科Laboratory section 抽血化验 Blood test 门诊药房 Clinic dispensary



大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea 药房 Dispensary 体液实验室 Humoral lab 放射影像科 Radio & Image dept 放射科登记处 X-ray registration 放射科X-ray dept 摄片 2(X-ray 2)

挂号收费 Registration charging 内科

(二)Internal medicine dept(2)门诊办公室 Outpatient office 老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic

老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases 糖尿病专科 Diabets special section

内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine(1)专家门诊 Expert clinic

专科门诊 Clinic of special section 高血压专科 Hypertension special section C T 室 CT room 换药室 Dreing room 肛肠科 Anorectum section

肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科 Orthopedics dept



腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section 脑外科Cerebral surgery

疼痛专科 Special section of pains 普外科 General surgical dept 皮肤科 Dermatology dept 性病专科 Special section of VD 儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics 儿 科Pediatrics dept 中药房 TCM dispensary

耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T 耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T.dept 中医科 TCM dept

眼科检查室(眼电生理)Ophthalmology check room(EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic 煎药室 Herb decocting room

眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology

眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology(intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)

声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room 电测听室 Electrometric hearing test 助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection



眼科诊室(常规诊室)Ophthalmology clinic(Routine clinic)宣教室 Publicizing and education

胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor 皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD 人流室 Induced Abortion Room 介入门诊 Intervention clinic

妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic 妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept 仓库 Warehouse

心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential 动态血压 Dynamic blood preure 动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG 心向量 Vectorcardiogram 心电图室 ECG room 心电图科ECG section

超声科 Ultrasonographic section 彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography

理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section 儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics 盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID 儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic



急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography

胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图 Electroemcephalogram(缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography

红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination 消化科 Digestion section

心理测验室 Psychological test room 专家门诊 Expert clinic

心理咨询科 Psychological consult section

中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine 病理科 Pathologic section 细胞学室 Cytology room 技术室 Technical room

免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room 档案室 Archives room

巨检室 Gro examination room 诊断室 Diagnosis room 口腔科 Stomatology dept

胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination 康复科 Rehabilitation section



碎石科 Lithotriptic section 输液室 Infusion room 化液室 Infusion preparation 泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept

肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室 Children's infusion room 成人输液室 Adults' infusion room 针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation 生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty

腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩 Healthcare maage

针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing 医保办 Medical insurance office 放免实验室 Radioimmunoaay room 防保科 Prophylactic section

院感科 Section of inner infection prevention 医学美容 Medical cosmetology

微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room 检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine center HIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room

血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room 主任办公室 The office director



免 疫 学 实 验 室 Lmmunology Laboratory room 生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room 档案库房 Archives storeroom 信息科 Information section

综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room 临床系办公室 Clinic dept office 文印室 typing and printing room 护理部 Nursing department 科教科 Scientific education section 院办公室 Hospital office 书记室 Secretary office 人事科 Personnel section 院长室 President office 副院长室 Vice president office 会议室 Meeting room

医务科 Section of medical affairs 保安部 Security dept 顾问室 Consultant office

医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office 教室 Cla room 出纳室 Paybox



会计室 Accounting house

行风办 Trade Service Normalization office 核算办 Accounting office 工会 Trade union

医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes 财务科长室 Finance section chief

外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic 体检中心 Physical examination center 跟车医师 Ambulance doctor 肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic

值班室(内科)Night shift room(Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room(Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept

急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept 值班室(驾驶员)Night shift room(Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room 肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic 急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency 急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics 污物间 Feculence room 清创室 Trauma cleaning room



输液台 Infusion table

急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging

肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center 夜间药房 Night dispensary 主任办公室 Director office 监护室 ICU

治疗室 Therapeutic room 护士办公室 Nurse office 观察室 2 Observation ward 2 抢救室 Salvaging room 观察室 1 Observation ward 1

肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic 干部病房Cardre Ward

心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept 医生办公室 Doctor office 诊疗室 Consulting room

呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine 心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center 内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine 肾内科 Kidney internal medicine



血液层流病房 Aseptic ward

介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center 水处理间 Water treatment room 手术室 Operating theatre 准备室 Preparation room

仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room 病人更衣室 Patient change room

家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative 内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine 操作室 Operating theatre 透析室(1)Dialysis room(1)透析室(2)Dialysis room(2)药剂科 Medicament Section

腰突症专科 Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare maage

针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation 老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases

针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing(TCM)生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology 心电图检查室 ECG examination 脑电图检查室 EEG examination

脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination



颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination 红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination

精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation 彩色B超检查室Color B-Ultrasonographic examination 肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases

中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation 皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section

肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery 放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy 高血压专科 Hypertension special section 碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center 肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases 糖尿病专科 Diabetes special section

康复、理疗科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section 医学美容专科 Special section of medical cosmetology 医学影像中心 Medical image center

放射介入治疗室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room 心血管专科急诊 Cardiovascular emergency 肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic

肌电图检查室 Electromyogram examination



呼吸道感染门诊 Respiratory tract infection clinic 血透室 Blood dialysis

胫镜中心 Anticnemion endoscope center 中内科 TCM internal medicine 西内科 Western internal medicine 乳房外科 Breast surgery 手外科 Hand surgery 骨伤科 Bone injuries

中医妇科 TCM gynecology dept.中西药库 Drug storeroom 血库 Blood bank 骨髓室 Marrow room 留观室 Observation room

临床药学室 Clinical pharmacy room

社区卫生服务工作办公室 Community Health Service Office 信息资料室 Information Archives

计划生育技术指导室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊 General Clinic 肿瘤科 Tumor dept

母婴健康中心 Mother & Baby health center 婴儿游泳抚触 Baby swimming-stroking 生活用品代办处 Service for daily-use articles



待产室 Delivery waiting room 配奶间 Milk preparation room 驾驶班 Driver team

住院部药房 Inpatient dispensary

医疗质量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department 病理贮片室 Pathological Section Storeroom

颈肩腰腿痛专科 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室 Children's Playing Room 电透室 TV Examination Room 谈话间 Conversation Room

衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Iuing Office 器械打包间 Medical Devices Packing Room 小孩洗涤室 Children’s Washing Room 样品接收 Sample Receipt 结核菌 Tubercle Bacillus 发放厅 Iuing Hall

敷料打包间 Dreing-Packing Room 污染区 Polluted Area 灭菌区 Sterilized Area

切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room 人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room



消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention 冷冻机房 Freezing Machine Room

物流传输机房 Logistical Transmiion Machine Room 职工自行车库 Employees' Bicycle Storeroom 高低配电室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse 服务台 Information Desk 导医导诊 A Guide to Clinic 方便门诊 Simple Clinic 健康宣教 Health Education 便民服务 Service for the Public 取报告单 Examination Report 预约审批 Appointment Approval 行政后勤区 Administrative Logistic Area 预防保健区 Prevention and Healthcare Area 医疗康复区 Medical Rehabilitation Area 祝您健康 May you a good health 后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept

社区卫生服务科 Community Health Service Section 全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic(Around the Clock)高电位治疗室 High Potential Therapeutic Room 健康教育室 Health Education Room 探视制度 Visit Rules



挂号须知 Notes for Registration

农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service

医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance 腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic 心理咨询室Psychological Consultation 高危门诊 Hazard-Disease Clinic

严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited 卡介苗专室 BCG Vaccine Room

合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service 医务人员通道Paage for Medical Personnel 小儿体检 Infant Physical Examination 电透析Electrodialyzing Room 电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy

中草药配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine

西药、中成药配方 Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs 麻醉药品专用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic 药事咨询窗口 Consultation of medicine administration

老、弱、病重专区 Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons.请保持室内清洁 Keep Clean

病理贮片室 Pathologic film store room 细胞室 Cell Puncture Room



牵引室 Traction Room

腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic 配餐室 Aorted Meal Preparation 陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests

医疗固体处置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal 麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room 材料室Material Room

引产清宫室Induced Labor Room



董事长办公室President’s Office书记办公室Party Secretary’s Office总经理办公室General Manager's Office副总经理办公室*4Deputy General Manager's Office 总工程师......


人员 staffdirector of the hospital 院长head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任head of the nursing department 护理部主任head of out-patient d......


为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考! 产房 Delivery Room 产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room 产房值班室 On-Duty......


陕西中医学院继续教育学院西安教学站科室牌英文翻译陕西中医学院继续教育学院西安教学站(Xi’an Teaching school of Shaanxi University of TCM Further Education College)......


体检中心二楼科室牌配餐间体检内外科(女) 体检内外科(男) 肺功能检查室 骨密度检查室 电测听检查室 幽门螺杆菌检查室 超声检查室1 超声检查室2 超声检查室3 心电图检查室 妇科......

相关专题 单位科室英文翻译 企事业单位 医院 科室 单位科室英文翻译 企事业单位 医院 科室