Wedding Anniversary and Gifts(结婚纪念日和礼品)_如何庆祝结婚纪念日

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Wedding Anniversary and Gifts(结婚纪念日和礼品)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“如何庆祝结婚纪念日”。

Wedding Anniversary and Gifts


A wedding anniversary is an anniversary of the date on which a wedding took place.Married persons who regard the day of their marriage as important may mark the occasion in some special way.The 25th(silver)or 30th anniversaries are often marked within the immediate family, since they often coincide with the end of the child-rearing phase of family life.Broader groups in society, especially the extended families(including any grandchildren), may help to celebrate later events, such as the 40th, 50th, and 60th anniversaries.In the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, one can receive a meage from Queen Elizabeth II for the 60th, 65th, and 70th wedding anniversaries, and any wedding anniversary after the 70th.This is done by applying to Buckingham Palace, or to the Governor-General’s office in Commonwealth countries.In Canada, one can receive a meage from the Governor General beginning at the 50th wedding anniversary and every five years until the 60th, where then one can to petition Queen Elizabeth II as in other Commonwealth countries.In the United States one can receive a greeting from the President for any wedding anniversary after the 50th.In Australia, one can receive a letter from the Governor General and the present Prime Minister with congratulations on a 50th and subsequent wedding anniversaries;and also from the Federal Opposition Leader, local member of parliament both federal and state, and state Governor.Roman Catholics can apply for a Papal Bleing through their local Diocese for wedding anniversaries of a special nature(25th, 50th, 60th, etc.).Traditional Wedding Anniversary Gifts: Year









9th British Paper Cotton Leather Fruit, Flowers Wood Sugar Wool, Copper Bronze, Pottery Pottery, Willow American Paper Cotton Leather Linen, Silk Wood Iron Bronze Pottery Modern Clocks China Crystal, Gla Appliances Silverware Wood Linens, Lace Leather Wool, Copper Desk sets

10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 25th 30th 35th 40th 45th 50th 55th 60th 65th 70th 75th 80th 90th

Tin Steel Silk, Linen Lace Ivory Crystal Tungsten 钨

Tin, Aluminum Diamond Steel Silk Lace Ivory Crystal

Fashion jewelry Pearls, gems


Textiles, Furs Gold jewelry Watches Silver 盘子 Furniture Porcelain Bronze Platinum白金 Sterling silver 标准纯银 Diamond Jade Ruby Sapphire Gold Emerald Diamond


Turquoise绿宝石Bismuth 铋China Silver Pearl Coral Ruby红宝石 Gold Emerald翡翠 Diamond

BismuthChina Silver Pearl Coral, Jade Ruby Gold Emerald Diamond

Sapphire 蓝宝石 Sapphire

Star Sapphire 星

Star Sapphire Star Sapphire

彩蓝宝石 Platinum Diamond Oak橡木

Platinum Diamond Oak

Diamond Diamond, Pearl Diamond, Emerald

Granite 花岗岩 Granite

Wedding Anniversary Flowers

Anniversary Year1st Wedding Anniversary

Aociated FlowersCarnations/ Pansies

2nd Wedding AnniversaryCosmos3rd Wedding AnniversaryFuchsias4th Wedding AnniversaryGeraniums5th Wedding AnniversaryDaisies6th Wedding AnniversaryCalla Lillies7th Wedding AnniversaryJack-in-the-Pulpit8th Wedding AnniversaryClematis9th Wedding AnniversaryPoppies10th Wedding AnniversaryDaffodils11th Wedding AnniversaryMorning Glory12th Wedding AnniversaryPeonies13th Wedding AnniversaryHollyhocks14th Wedding AnniversaryDahlias15th Wedding AnniversaryRoses20th Wedding AnniversaryDay Lillies25th Wedding AnniversaryIris28th Wedding AnniversaryOrchids30th Wedding AnniversarySweet Pea40th Wedding AnniversaryNasturtiums50th Wedding AnniversaryViolets




結婚周年紀念的稱謂一周年───紙婚二周年───棉花婚、布婚 三周年───皮革婚、羊布婚 四周年───亞麻婚、絲婚 五周年───木頭婚、木婚 六周年───鐵婚七周年─......







《Wedding Anniversary and Gifts(结婚纪念日和礼品).docx》
Wedding Anniversary and Gifts(结婚纪念日和礼品)
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