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Enshi in Brief白虎是土家族的图腾宗拜和土家族的族徽和标志。

Located in western Hubei Province, Enshi city is in the hinterland of Wuling Area and on the south bank of Yangtze River.Covering the total area of 3976 square kilometers, it has a population of 790 thousand, 38.7% of which are minority group, mainly consisted of Tujia, Miao and Dong恩施市位于湖北省西南部,地处武陵地区腹地,长江三峡南岸。全市国土面积3976平方公里,总人口79万,其中以土家、苗、侗等为主的少数民族人口占总人口的38.7%。城市规划区面积139平方公里,建成区面积21平方公里,城市人口25万人。


Lying at the juncture of Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou Provinces and Chongqing Municipality, Enshi has sound traffic facilities.National Road 318 and 209 meet in the city;by Shanghai-Chongqing Motorway, Enshi can reach Wuhan and Chongqing respectively in 5 and 3 hours;three airlines run regularly to Enshi From Beijing, Guangzhou and Wuhan;two tourist airlines fly to Enshi From Soul via Shanghai and from Taipei via Wuhan.What's more, Enshi is the gathering and distributing center of people, objects, capital and information of Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou Province and Chongqing Municipality.恩施市地处鄂、渝、湘、黔四省交界之地,交通便利,318、209国道在境内交汇,恩施经沪渝高速公路至武汉5小时,至重庆3小时;开通至北京、广州、武汉等3条航线,经上海中转至韩国首尔、经武汉中转台北等2条旅游航线;恩施是鄂、渝、湘、黔四省人流、物流、资金流、信息流的聚集地和集散地。


Enshi is strong in natural resources and culture.There are unique Three Brands, Enshi Canyon, Enshi Girls' Gala and Enshiyulu Tea;there are names of Tobacco Kingdom and the State's Konjac City with the strongest strength;Enshi Officinal Magnolia Bark, Banqiao Codonopsis pilosula and Angelica have been protected in the name of the State's Geographical Indication Products;14 species of minerals have been found with grade D reserves within the territory, represented by Se, Coal, Pyritic, Iron and kaoline;being home to “the world's Sole Independent Selenium Deposit” and ranking the first in selenium reserve in the world, Enshi is also known as the Selenium Capital of China恩施市资源富集,文化底蕴深厚。“三张名片”恩施大峡谷、恩施女儿会、“恩施玉露”茶,独树一帜。有“烟草王国”,“全国魔芋综合实力第一市”之称,“恩施紫油厚朴”、“板党”、“窑归”已获国家地理标志产品保护,被誉为“华中药库”。境内已发现具有D级以上储量矿产14种,尤以硒矿、煤矿、硫铁矿、铁矿、高岭土等矿产储量丰富,其中硒资源蕴藏量全国第一,拥有着世界上唯一的独立硒矿床,被誉为“中国硒都”。


Enshi is one of the Nine Famous Historical and Cultural Cities of Hubei Province.In 1998, Enshi is approved to be the city opening up to the outside world;in 2005, it has been judged for the State's Top 50 Middle-sized Cities with Fullest Investment Potentiality by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;in July 2006, the State's Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics by the World's Brand Summit;in 2008 and 2009, the State's Top Tourist City, the Best Financial Credit City of Hubei Province, the Garden City of Hubei Province, the Safe City of China and the State's First-Chosen Investment Destination by Suzhou Merchants in 2009.恩施市1998年被列为国家对外开放城市,是湖北省九大历史文化名城之一。2005年被中国社会科学院评为“2005年度全国最具投资潜力中等城市50强”,2006年7月被世界品牌大会评为“中国特色魅力城市200强”。2008年、2009年分别被评为中国“优秀旅游城市”、“湖北省最佳金融信用县市”、“湖北省园林城市”、“全国平安建设先进县市”、“2009年度苏商投资中国首选城市”


女儿会The Traditional Tujia Girls' Fair-Easter Valentine’s Day(东方情人节)Every year on June 12th of the Chinese Lunar Year, all the old and the young gather at the markets to celebrate the special Tujia festival.The unmarried young girls try to find their beloved in the name of shopping.Usually the lovers sing the local love songs to expre their love.What's more, if the Tujia girls succeed in finding their beloved, they will usually promise to marry the beloved without asking their parents for permiion.The ladies who have already got married also rush to the markets to buy gifts and then visit their parents.The rough and bold Tujia men often use the drama to celebrate harvest.To welcome friends, usually both the old and the young will perform the traditional local hand-waving dancing.恩施大峡谷Enshi Grand Canyon Enshi Grand Canyon holds towering mountains and peaks.Its precipices stretch as long as hundreds of miles.Profeor Zhang Liang'ao, a well-known scholar who has visited many places of interest in both Europe and America, speaks highly of the canyon's clean water and marvelous waterfalls.He ever says,“As far as spectacular is concerned, this one is as marvelous as the Colorado Grand Canyon of the USA.However, it is matchle in terms of beauty.” 恩施玉露茶

Enshi Yulu is a kind of rare green tea of China.The tea holds shining colors and its leaves look like needles.As far as tea cultivation is concerned, Enshi has had a long history and the local tea is well known all over the country.The local farmers began to cultivate tea even in early Song Dynasty.It is said that the tea was exported to Japan in early Qing Dynasty.The tea sold well in Japan because of its good quality.In the year of 1995, Mr.Qinhshuikangfu, a Japanese tea expert, made an investigation in Enshi City and he spoke very highly of Enshi Yulu in the way of inscription.Famous Specialities名优特产



优势资源Superior Resources1、Culture

Ba Cultures have a very long history.The colorful cultures came into being with the united efforts of Tujia, Miao and some other minorities.Linjun, the ancestor of Ba people, came here with his men and they succeeded in pioneering territory and creating the magnificent cultures.In the long feudal society, this region enjoyed a special relationship with the central government, which has formed the special Tusi cultures.Enshi owns rich cultures of minorities.Tujia Girls Fair, known as the Eastern Valentine's Day, is famous all over the world since it not only shows people what romantic love is but also teaches people a lot about the nature of human beings;Mao Goose is a kind of traditional dance here;the local mask dancing is regarded as the living foil of dramas.What's more, the catering culture and the customs to remember the dead are also quite unique.People also like the local traditional light show and dulcimer.Besides all of the cultures mentioned above, there is another way which shows the local special customs and cultures.It is a custom for brides to sweep in order to show their deep love towards their original living surrounding.Enshi light show and Enshi dulcimer are both listed as the national non-material cultural heritages.Besides, another five customs of Enshi have been listed as provincial non-material cultural heritages.民族文化浩繁如海。“土家女儿会”,以“东方情人节”式的浪漫演绎了爱情和人性;传统舞蹈“茅古斯”,“傩戏”被誉为“戏剧的活化石”;“耍耍”堪比东北的“二人转”;社节更是以独特的饮食、祭祀文化大放异彩;“灯戏”、“扬琴”等传统民族文化都因其独特的表现形式深受老百姓喜爱,哭嫁、撒儿嗬更是以一种独特方式表达民族的文化心性及文化审美。在第一批公布的国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录中,“恩施灯戏”、“恩施扬琴”、“恩施傩戏”榜上有名,除此之外,还有“恩施耍耍”、“恩施社节”共五项进入湖北省非物质文化遗产保护名录。被誉为“历史悠久的东方情人节”的“土家女儿会”,现已成为传统文化精品,成为恩施市民俗节庆中的盛会,被中外来宾誉为了解恩施民俗文化的大舞台。另外,傩戏被文化部前副部长、著名文学家、文艺评论家冯牧称为:“祖国民族文化瑰宝”。傩戏传人谭学朝也被中外学者称为“傩戏的活档案”。




As the center of Herbal Medicine Bank of Central China, Enshi is the main Herbal Medicine producing area in Hubei Province, even the whole country.Plants for medical use occupy a lot of varieties, all with high quality.There are 186 families, 854 gunuses and 2258 speices, 300 of which are purchased throughout the year.In Hubei Province, 30 out of 80 medicines which are under ma production are from Enshi City.By 2009, the total producing area of chinese medicines covers 280 thousand mu, among which the Codonopsis pilosula covers 20 thousand mu, the Officinal Magnolia Bark 120 thousand mu, the Eucommia Bark 80 thousand mu, the Shiyao Angelica 1000mu, the Chicken Claw-shaped Coptis' 5000mu, the Fritillaria 2000mu and gingko 30 thousand mu.恩施市居“华中药库”的中心,属湖北省乃至全国中药材主产区之一。境内药用植物种类多、品质优。全市有药用植物186科,854属,2258种,常年收购品种达300种以上,在全省批量生产的80种主要药材中,有30多种产于我市。截止2009年,全市有各类中药材生产总面积28万亩,其中党参2万亩,紫油厚朴12万亩,杜仲8万亩,窑归1000亩,鸡爪黄连5000亩,贝母2000亩,银杏3万亩。


Known as Forest Sea in Western Hubei and Botanical Garden in Central China, Enshi City is abundant in forest resource and is one of the producing bases for Artificial Commercial Forest.According to the forest inventory statistics in 1999, woodland covers 3639.1 thousand mu, among which 2082.2 thousand mu is forest land.The forest cover age is 65%, as is called the Natural Oxygen Bar.恩施市森林资源十分丰富,素有“鄂西林海”和“华中植物园”之美称,是湖北省主要人工商品用材林生产基地县(市)之一。全市林业用地363.91万亩,其中有林地208.22万亩,占林业用地总面积的57.2%;全市活立木蓄积为398.5万立方米,其中有林地蓄积351.8万立方米,人工商品林年活立木生长量为7.4万立方米,森林覆盖率为65%,被誉为“天然氧吧”。


Enshi has a mid-latitude monsoon climate without chilline in winter and hotne in summer.It's one of the most suitable place for inhabitance.The annual average temperature is 16.4°C, the average annual duration of sunshine 1297.8 hours and the annual average rainfall is 1525 mm, 66% of which from May to August.The frost-free period lasts 282 days.The relative humidity is 82% and the maximum daily rainfall hits 227.5 mm.恩施市属中纬度亚热带气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,是最适宜人类居住的地方之一。全市年平均气温16.4℃,无霜期282天,日照时数1297.8小时,相对湿度82%。年降雨量1525毫米,其中66%以上集中于五至八月,日降雨量极值达227.5毫米。


Enshi has rich hydroenergy because of sufficient rainfall, stretches of vallies and high drop and is one of the hydroenergy-enriched cities in Hubei Province.There are 58 rivers beyond 5 kilometers, 4.2 billion cubic meter surface water, 4.1 billion cubic meter water inflow, 7 billion cubic meter water outflow and 4.2 billion cubic meter annul average runoff.The natural drop varies from 38 to 685 meters.恩施市雨量充沛,河谷纵横,水位落差大,水能资源丰富,是全省水能资源富集县(市)之一。境内5公里以上河流58条,地表水资源量42亿立方米,入境水量41亿立方米,出境水量70亿立方米,年平均径流量42亿立方米,天然落差38—685米。


varieties of mineral resources have been discovered in Enshi City, accounting for 39.8% of 109 varieties that have been found in Hubei, 70.16% of 60 varieties that have been found in Enshi Prefecture.Scattered in 18 sites, 10 varieties with grade D reserves have been verified, occupying 58.8% of 17 varieties of that in the whole Prefecture.The selenium reserve ranks first in the country.The verified reserves of pyritic and iron ore are 10.11 million and 72.9 million ton, coming in second and fourth in Enshi Prefecture恩施市已发现矿产43种,占全省已发现矿产109种的39.8%,占恩施州已发现矿产60种的70.16%;恩施市已探明具有D级储量以上矿产10种,产地18处,占全州已探明矿产17种的58.8%。其中,硒矿资源蕴藏量位居全国首位;硫铁矿已探明储量1011万吨,居全州第二位;铁矿已探明储量7290万吨,居全州第四位。



主办单位: 国际人与动物微量元素学术委员会

承办单位: 中国 湖北省恩施市人民政府 中国 华中科技大学 中国 湖北省硒资源开发利用促进会 协办单位: 国际生物强化组织 中国生物强化组织 中国科学院上海营养科学研究所 中国营养学会 中国农学会微量元素与食物链研究会 中国湖北民族学院

三年一召开,已开13届 1965年



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