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智能车辆是集环境感知、规划决策、多等级辅助驾驶等功能于一体的综合系统,是智能交通系统的一个重要组成部分。它在军事、民用、太空开发等领域有着广泛的应用前景。本次设计对智能小车的控制系统进行了研究,设计实现一个基于路径规划处理的智能小车控制系统 2.1 理论的提出


在设计上,使用连个传感器来检测路面的情况,传感器的心海比较微弱,采用一个放大器进行比较放大,并将其信号输入到控制器,在受控制端使用步进电机,因为步进电机是用电脉冲进行控制的,只要从控制器输出满足步进电机功过的固定控制字即可。此外步进电机的运作还要一个驱动电路,故电路中还要加入一个驱动电路,各个功能模块对电源电流的要求不同,对电源部分设置转换电路,从而满足各个部分的需要。经过元件的比较选择,设计出电路原理图和电路板,并做好硬件的调试,系统往往是软件和硬件两者相结合的有机整体。软件上,使用51单片机的定时器中断来控制路面检测间隔和小车的运动及速度。由于带那路比较简单,就采用较为传统的汇编语言进行程序设计。对于程序设计的正确性,用较常用的keil c51仿真软件进行仿真验证,最后便是软硬件的综合调试,证明本设计方案的正确性和可行性。2.2 电子智能小车的设计要求












智能车辆是集环境感知、规划决策、多等级辅助驾驶等功能于一体的综合系统,是智能交通系统的一个重要组成部分。它在军事、民用、太空开发等领域有着广泛的应用前景。本次设计对智能小车的控制系统进行了研究,设计实现一个基于路径规划处理的智能小车控制系统 4.1 理论的提出


在设计上,使用连个传感器来检测路面的情况,传感器的心海比较微弱,采用一个放大器进行比较放大,并将其信号输入到控制器,在受控制端使用步进电机,因为步进电机是用电脉冲进行控制的,只要从控制器输出满足步进电机功过的固定控制字即可。此外步进电机的运作还要一个驱动电路,故电路中还要加入一个驱动电路,各个功能模块对电源电流的要求不同,对电源部分设置转换电路,从而满足各个部分的需要。经过元件的比较选择,设计出电路原理图和电路板,并做好硬件的调试,系统往往是软件和硬件两者相结合的有机整体。软件上,使用51单片机的定时器中断来控制路面检测间隔和小车的运动及速度。由于带那路比较简单,就采用较为传统的汇编语言进行程序设计。对于程序设计的正确性,用较常用的keil c51仿真软件进行仿真验证,最后便是软硬件的综合调试,证明本设计方案的正确性和可行性。4.2 电子智能小车的设计要求





采用89c51单片机作为小车的控制单元,在小车的前端就八路从外传感器,作为小车进入车库过程中黑带的检测元件,在小车的后端在接上八路红外线传感器作为小车退出车库时的黑带检测元件,采用LJ18A3-8-Z/BX电感式接近开关作为车库内铁片的检测元件,单片机接受到传感器检测到的信号后通过相应的程序控制小车的前进,后退,转弯,从而使小车的性能指标满足本次设计的要求。4.3.1 设计思路

智能小车是智能车辆研究的一个分支。它以车轮作为移动机构、能够实现自主 行驶,所以我们称之为智能小车。智能小车具有机器人的基本特征——易于编程。它与遥控小车的不同之处在于,后者需要操作员来控制其转向、启停和进退,比较 先进的遥控车还能控制其速度(常见的模型小车都属于这类遥控车);而智能小车 则可以通过计算机编程来实现其对小车启停、行驶方向以及速度的控制,无需人工 干预。操作员可以通过修改智能小车的计算机程序或者某些数据来改变它的行驶方 式。这种可以通过编程来控制、改变小车行驶方式的特性是智能小车的最大特点。智能小车控制系统的研究目的是使得小车行驶具有更高自主性。如果任意给定 小车一条无障路径,通过该系统,小车就可以得到系统对路径图形处理后的数据(位 移与转角),并能根据位移和转角信息按照预定路径行进 4.3.2 控制系统结构分析



上位机控制系统,规划层提供的是小车行驶的全局信息,包括路径处理模块和 通信模块。它要解决的基本问题有




下位机控制系统,行为层是智能小车控制系统的底层结构,实现对小车行驶的 实时控制,它包括通信模块、电机控制模块和数据采集模块。它要解决的基本问题 有:(1)接收、处理上位机发送的数据信息;(2)设计步进电机的控制系统;


4.3.3 总设计方案




(4)计算出小车行驶所需要的位移和车轮转角,并将此数据发送给下位机(5)下位机接收数据后,通过软件编程控制小车车轮的转速和转角,使其按照 预定路径前进






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Abstract: the design of intelligent tracking the car based on single chip microcomputer 89 c51 controller.Use reflective infrared sensor to test path and speed monitoring module.Will detect data back to the single chip microcomputer for proceing, at the same time, using single-chip microcomputer to produce PWM wave to control the speed of the car, and real-time control of the car's moving state.In addition, also expanded the LCD on the car as the human-computer interaction interface, in order to understand the car a real-time monitoring of the real-time data of sensor state machine car, due to the design of intelligent automatic tracking the car, the whole proce of task without any manual intervention, so no keyboard and remote control and manual operation of the equipment.With multiple sensors for real-time monitoring and algorithm closely to ensure that the car of complete the task smoothly.Key words: 80 c51, c/c + +, aembly language programming, electronic smart car photoelectric detector The introduction Intelligent vehicle is a use of computer, sensor, information, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to realize the environment awarene, planning decision and automatic drive of high and new technology.It in aspects such as military, civil and scientific research has received application, to solve the traffic safety provides a new way With the rapid development of automobile industry, the research about the car is becoming more and more attention by people.Contest of national competition and the province of electronic intelligent car almost every time this aspect of the topic, the national various universities are also attaches great importance to research on the topic, many countries have put the electronic design competition as a strategic means of innovative education.Electronic design involving multiple disciplines, machinery and electronics, sensor technology, automatic control technology, artificial intelligent control, computer and communication technology, etc., is a high-tech in the field of many.Electronic design technology, it is a national high-tech instance is one of the most important standard, its research significance is great The design though just a demo model, but is full of scientific and practical.First we according to the complex situation of road traffic, in accordance with the appropriate author to make a road model, including bend, straight and pavement set obstacles, etc.On curved and straight, the car along the orbit free exercise, when the small car meet obstacles, pulse modulation infrared sensors to detect the signal sent to the microcontroller, a corresponding control signal according to the program MCU control cars automatically avoid obstacles, to carry on the back, forward, turn left, turn right Subject parts Intelligent vehicle is a concentration of environment awarene, planning decision, multi-scale auxiliary driving, and other functions in an integrated system, is an important part of intelligent transportation system.In military, civilian, space exploration and other fields has a broad application prospect.The design of smart car control system are studied, based on path planning is a proce of the intelligent car control system 2.1 theory is put forward The progre of science and technology of intelligent led products, but also accelerated the pace of development, MCU application scope of its application is increasingly wide, has gone far beyond the field of computer science.Small to toys, credit CARDS, big to the space shuttle, robots, from data acquisition, remote control and fuzzy control, intelligent systems with the human daily life, everywhere is dependent on the single chip microcomputer, this design is a typical application of single chip microcomputer.This design by implementing the driverle car, on the tests, by the reaction of the single chip microcomputer to control the car, make its become intelligent, automatic forward, turn and stop function, after continuing the perfection of this system also can be applied to road testing, security patrol, can meet the needs of society.In design, the use of the sensors to detect road surface condition, sensor central sea are faint and adopts a comparing amplifier amplification, and the signal input to the controller, the controlled end using stepper motor, because of the step motor is controlled electrical pulse, as long as the output from the controller to satisfy stepper motor merits of fixed control word.In operation of stepping motor and a driving circuit, it also to join a drive circuit in the circuit, each function module is different to the requirement of power supply current, the power supply part set up conversion circuit, so as to meet the needs of the various parts.After comparison choice element, design the circuit principle diagram and the circuit board, and do the debugging of hardware, system software and hardware is often the combination of organic whole.Software, on the use of the 51 single-chip timer interrupt to control pavement test interval and the car movement and speed.Due to take that road is simple, it is using more traditional aembly language for programming.For the correctne of the program design, using a commonly used keil c51 simulation software simulation validation, the last is integrated debugging of software and hardware, and prove the correctne and feasibility of the design scheme.2.2 electronic intelligent car design requirements(1)electric vehicles can be able to according to the course to run all the way;(2)electric vehicles can store and display the number of detected metal and sheet metal to the starting line in the distance;(3)are accurately electric cars after exercising all the way to the display of the electric vehicle the entire exercise time;(4)electric cars can't collisions with obstacles in the proce of exercise.2.3 the general conception of computer network teaching website Using 89 c51 as the car's control unit, sensor eight-way from outside, in the front of the car, as a black belt in the proce of the car into the garage detecting element, at the rear end of the car when connected to eight-channel infrared sensors as the car pulled out of the garage of a black belt in detecting element, the LJ18A3-851 SCM application design, the first edition, Harbin industrial university pre, 2003 [11] LiuNaPing editor, electronic product design and production technology, science pre, 2008 [12] Yang just editor, electronic system design and practice of electronic industry pre, 2009.3 [13] Yu Zujun editor, microcomputer monitoring and control system design, northern jiaotong university pre, 2001.12 [14] WenZhiMing editor, movement control system analysis and application of national defense industry pre, 2008.2 Reminder weina editor [15], and intelligent electronic production, science pre, 2007 [16] Li Zhongwen editor, practical motor control circuit, chemical industry pre, 2003.4 [17] Zhang Gongrun editor, intelligent technology, system design and development, Beijing aeronautics and astronautics pre, 2007.2 [18] Chen Tiejun editor, intelligent control theory and applications, tsinghua university pre, 2009.1 [19] LiuShaoJiang editor, sensor design and application instance, China electric power pre, 2008 [20] He Limin editor, single chip microcomputer application system is designed, Beijing aerospace university pre [21] Li Guangdi editor, microcontroller based, Beijing: Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics pre, 2001 [22] He Xicai editor, a new practical electronic circuit 400 cases, the electronic industrial pre, 2000 [23] zhao negative diagram editor, sensor IC manual, the first edition, chemical industry pre, 2004 [24] Chen Boshi editor, electric drive automatic control system, the second edition, Beijing: mechanical industry pre, June 2000 [25] HTTP: / / http://www.daodoc.com/


专业创新实践实训报告 课题名称 成员 院系 专 业 指导教师智能循迹小车*** 航空工程学院 电子信息科学与技术专业*** 2016年5月28日目录1 实训任务与内容 ......................


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2013年 7 月12日一、绪论.......................................................................4 1.1智能小车的作用和意义...............................................

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