汕尾张静中学高考填空与书面表达试题及答案 (13)_张静中学

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汕尾张静中学高考填空与书面表达试题及答案 (13)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“张静中学”。


1.This morning, I received a phone call from one of my close friends, Nikko, which immediately changed this bright sunny day into a dark terrible pit of endle sorrow.He told me that Diane’s dad had just36, at 12:00 on January 3,2008.Nikko told me that Diane had37everything about her dad on her blog, so I38right up from bed and got to her blog instantly.Her blog, always so39and nice, is suddenly filled with sorrow and grief.She must have been writing with40streaming down her cheeks, with eyes so41from the sleeple night, and with a heart so42and regretful and yet, she wrote the post, full of determination and will,43strength and love.She showed no44of weakne and retreat.She45that she didn’t notice how her father was feeling before the sudden stroke(中风)46 him on his sleep.I feel so sorry for her , as her close friend, that I am not able to give her my support and a shoulder to47because I live so far away.But I know she will be48.She had determined to become the pillar(支柱)of49for her mom and her brother.Although Diane’s father is no longer50, his memories would always be with his family.I gave Diane my deepest condolence(吊唁)for her51of her most beloved one.I have known Diane and her family ever since we were in primary school.52can be really cruel sometimes,53someone or something you have learned to love and rely on.A(n)54death like Diane’s father is the most sorrowful.Destiny didn’t even give his family the55to say their last goodbyes.Diane wanted everyone to cherish their loved ones and do not wait until it’s already too late.Tell them you love them and let them know how you feel before it’s too late.36.A.paed away


38.A.jumped B.left over B.found B.run C.sent off C.written C.shouted D.filled up D.uncovered D.cleaned

39.A.interesting 40.A.water 41.A.sleepy 42.A.bleeding 43.A.from 44.A.sign

B.colorful B.tears B.big B.heavy B.of


C.good C.blood C.infected C.painful C.on C.expreion C.blamed C.affected C.cry on C.sorrowful C.power C.painful C.regret C.Destiny C.suffering from C.unforgettable C.treat

D.mind D.sweat D.red D.sympathetic D.without D.impreion D.regretted D.madeD.carry out D.lonely D.support D.alive D.thanks D.experience D.mourning for D.instant D.attention

45.A.arguedB.noticed 46.A.broke 47.A.depend on 48.A.strong 49.A.mind 50.A.lively 51.A.lo 52.A.Future 53.A.giving up 54.A.regretful 55.A.chance

B.attacked B.keep up B.weak B.center B.present B.love B.Lives B.taking away B.heart-broken B.reward

【答案解析】答案:36-40 ACADB41-45DCBAD46-50BCADD51-55ACBDA


2.某英语报社开展以“Parents and Children”为题的“看图作文”征文活动,要求根据以下三幅图用英语写一篇作文,文章内容包括:①4月9日发生在李华家的事情;②你个人的感受。请你写一篇120词左右的投稿征文,要求观点明确,结构合理,紧凑连贯。

Parents and Children 【答案解析】【参考范文】

On the evening of April 9th, Lihua was watching TV while his mother was busy preparing for dinner in the kitchen.How attentive he was watching the TV program when the telephone rang.It was from a friend of his mother's, who wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to his mother.“Today is my mother's birthday?” Lihua was a little puzzled.“How come that I have forgotten all about it?”Lihua thought to himself, feeling ashamed.At the story, I got deeply shocked.It is not easy for parents to bring us up.They give us lots of love and care, while we don't care for them enough.Now it's never too late to realize this and show our love and care for them.(119 words)

3.以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道 基本信息:

⑴书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ⑵作者:Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁*大学教授 ⑶出版时间:2010年

⑷内容:作者用中国传统方式教育两个女儿的故事 ⑸效应:引发中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论 相关报道:

⑴中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售 ⑵意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法 ⑶最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛**和耶鲁录取 *耶鲁:Yale哈佛:Harvard [写作内容]

根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍,内容包括: 1.图书的基本信息 2.图书的相关报道 [写作要求]

只能用5个句子表达全部内容 [评分标准]

句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯 【答案解析】【参考范文】

Published in 2010, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, whose wrtier is Amy Chua, a Chinese American profeor in Yale University, is about a story that the author applied the Chinese traditional educational method to instruct her two daughters.The books with Chinese edition were sold in China at the beginning of the 2011.As a result, it caused a heated discuion on which is better, the Chinese way or American.Accidently, most of the Chinese mothers are not in favour of what the writer did.However, the latest news shows that her 17-year-old daughter was admitted into Harvard and Yale University.

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汕尾张静中学高考填空与书面表达试题及答案 (13)
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