perception to claics中国名著感悟(优秀)_中国经典名著心得感悟

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Perception to Claics

Since we went to college, most of us have little acce to the Chinese traditional claics.It seems that the claical Chinese is always stodgy for us to make out it, especially the earliest language.So, after quite a long time of disconnection, it becomes hard for me to understand thoroughly the whole article.Since to read any book of the Four Books one hundred times is our aignment, a more easy way to pa the final exam, I have been reading it aloud during a month.We probably have become lazier after being enrolled into university;at least, this is the case happen to me.I would constantly recall the days when we are still learning Chinese, the days when we are all restle to end the hard time of tensely revising the subjects for the college entrance examination.It seems that all we have learnt is to pa the fateful examination, for the teachers are always teaching us how to solve the potential questions it may show on the test paper.It used to be an enjoyable experience for me to expose to the beautiful Chinese language, to read the lyric articles and to appreciate the emotion displayed in them.I used to do well at composition, which often became the model eay to be read at front of the cla.However, it has become more and more difficult for me to raise a pen, to put down what I think and what I want to expre.I think the reason may be in part because of the mechanical methods required to perfect a writing test, but it may be more due to my little contact with the articles and the claics.We are still too young to poe an abundant life experience, which is definite the sources of an article.What we feel now is more of a youthful confusion rather than a sane cognition, a reasonable and clear perception of the world, the society, above all, yourself.You write down what you think, and what you think reflects what a person you are.I have felt clumsy as to how to write down what I think.As I have mentioned, maybe what I have thought of is largely a kind of confusion, not worthwhile to be set down;and also because I have declined in the ability to organize language.I want to thank Mrs.Li, who teaches our Chinese culture course, for giving us an external impetus to approach the claics again.I choose the book 《大学》 which has the shortest length to read one hundred times.Indeed what a lazy person I have become!During that month, the claical words kept lingering in my mind.It is easy to plump out the following sentences without referring to the book, after dozens of times of reading.The same delightful feeling is that I can somewhat understand the elusive words of saints after many times of reading.But it is still a pity that I have known so little about our claics.With a long history of our nation, emerging numerous literal works, which represent the wisdom of our ancestors.Confucianism formed two thousand years ago, had dominated the whole feudal culture, and still will play an important part in today’s China.Apart from Confucianism, the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods had witneed the booming of Chinese ancient philosophic thinking, the Taoism, the Legalism, and the Mohism, etc.Some of which still greatly influenced the way Chinese do things nowadays, such as Taoism.It was a remarkable time for the Chinese philosophy.The wisdoms of a nation, either the oriental or that of the westerners, all appeared at early history of the nation.That is what amazes me most, the wisdoms of ancient saints, then the wisdom of the whole nation from then on.这是本人在大学期间完成的一些英语写作任务。现传网络上,希望对你们有参考作用,切记全部复制过去哦!本人拥有英语专业八级的证书,所以这些英语作文还是有参考作用的,不是很好,但也不会太差哦,如果有什么错别字或者个别语法错误还请海涵哈!O(∩_∩)O~

We all have acquainted with our ancient wisdoms more or le since we have been educated for the first time, when we first read the claics.Those words of ancient saints, have guided and enlightened our people for generations.The claics, embodies the spirits of our nation, has united and integrated us as Chinese Ethnic Peoples for two thousand years.The wisdoms of our ancient saints, seems unsurpaed by the people of following generations.I am not at all to disrespect and suspect the wisdoms of the saint, but amazing at their wisdoms.They are people of immemorial times, yet their thoughts embodied beneficial wisdoms for a whole nation.Sometimes I will try to probe into the reasons.Why people in ancient times, maybe relatively uncivilized times poeed impreive foreknowledge? Why people in such turbulent times flamed so brilliant sparks of thoughts? And why people born in modern times seem to be unable to flame the same intellectual and enlightened blazes? What’s the difference between days of the past and times of modern?

Today is an age of material civilization highly developed, an age full of temptation, which obsees all mortals.People are indulged in a colorful and material desired world, which has left little space for men to seriously think about themselves and the world around them.But according to Mark, the spiritual realm of human being will be greatly improved as long as the material civilization has been fully developed.Apparently, it is not yet the time.Today may be also a time in which men are confused about themselves, too.To say it in a funny way, maybe our ancestors had stolen the claical words of their descendants, or else those claics sooner or later would be in the names of their descendants even they hadn’t occurred before.The world is changing, it won’t be the one it used to be.But the accumulated wisdoms through such a long history of our nation should not be abandoned.To read claics is the most effective way to touch saints, to purify and improve one’s soul.It is regretted that we are no longer to paying enough respect to our claics.The young Chinese people are becoming le understand claical Chinese, let alone the claics.We all say that the society is advancing, but it doesn’t mean that we should abandon all past things.Claics is claic, never will they fade as time going by.To read claics alone is not enough.It is more important for us to conduct ourselves in the guides of claics, to conform to the advocated and accepted ethical standards.I wish to have a study of my own in future, after I begin to commit a job, with all Chinese claics on shelves, to read the minds of our ancestors and to read the history of China.It would be a serene corner in the chaos of the world.What I have read: 《大学》

The times of reading: 101 times







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perception to claics中国名著感悟(优秀)
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