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Turkish delight from Annie Rigg's Gifts from the Kitchen.Perfect for Valentine's Day.山莓和百香果粒做法 粉白香草棉花糖做法
Homemade sweets and candies are always a pleasure to make and to receive as a Valentine's Daygift.A box of sugar-dusted, rose-scented Turkish Delight is something we often aociate with Christmasbut makes a perfect Valentine's Day gift packed into a box linedwith waxed paper.You could also try adding pure lemon extract and a drop of yellow food colourin place of the rosewater and pink colouring.Turkish delight Makes 20 pieces.375g caster sugar juice of 1 lemon 25g gelatine powder 100g cornflour 25g icing sugar
2–3 teaspoons rosewater pink food-colouring paste
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50g shelled unsalted pistachios, roughly chopped sunflower oil, for brushing the tin
Tip the sugar into a medium-sized pan and add the lemon juice and 300ml of water.Stir over a low heat to diolve the sugar, then bring gently to the boil.Mix the gelatine with 75g of the cornflour and 200ml water and add to the pan.Stir constantly until the gelatine has diolved, then continue to simmer very gently for 20 minutes until thickened.Mix together the remaining cornflour and the icing sugar.Lightly oil a 20cm square baking tin to a depth of 4–5cm and line it with clingfilm.Lightly dust the clingfilm with some of the cornflour mixture, tipping out the exce.Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool.Add the rosewater, food colouring and pistachios and pour the mixture into the tin.Spread level and leave to cool for at least 4 hours or until completely setbefore cutting into squares and dusting with the rest of the icing sugar and cornflour mixture.Stored in an airtight container, these will keep for about a week.在情人节到来之际,自制糖果和甜点,或者收到这样一份礼物都是一件令人开心的事。我们总以为表面撒糖、有玫瑰花香的土耳其软糖应该作为圣诞礼物,但用蜡纸包进盒子里后,它也是一份精美的情人节贺礼。
你也可以尝试添加纯柠檬香精和一滴黄色食用色素,而不是玫瑰水和粉色色素。土耳其软糖 做20份。375克细白砂糖
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柠檬汁,用量为一个柠檬 25克明胶粉 100克玉米粉 25克糖粉 2至3茶匙玫瑰水 粉色食用色素
50克去壳的无盐开心果,稍微切碎 葵花籽油,用来轻抹容器
line: 用……做衬里,在内部形成一层
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food colour: 食用色素
bring to the boil: 使沸腾,煮沸 clingfilm: 透明薄膜,保鲜塑料薄膜 set: 凝固;凝结
airtight container: 密封容器
Raspberry and paionfruit pastilles from Annie Rigg's Gifts from the Kitchen.Raspberry and paionfruit pastilles
Cut these pastilles into small squares, to in caster sugar and pack into pretty gla candy jars tied with ribbons and a gift tag.One batch of this recipe will make enough pastilles to fill a couple of standard-sized jars, or one big one.Try using a small heart-shaped cutter to stamp out the pastilles, to in sugar and package into little bags or boxes as wedding favours or Valentine's gifts.Any offcuts are a little gift to yourself.Makes 20 pieces 400g raspberries 3 paionfruit juice of lemon
approx.300–400g preserving sugar with added pectin caster sugar, to serve
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Lightly oil a 17cm square baking tin and line with non-stick baking parchment.Tip the raspberries into a solid-bottomed shallow pan.Halve the paionfruit and scoop the seeds and juice into the pan.Add the lemon juice, cover the pan and cook over a medium heat until the raspberries have softened and cooked down to a pulp.Remove from the heat and push the fruit through a fine nylon sieve into a bowl.Weigh the resulting puréeand return it to a clean pan.Add an equal quantity of preserving sugar and stir over a low to medium heat until it has diolved.Continue to cook for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon, until the purée has reduced and thickened considerably to the consistency of jam and reached setting point.Use a rubber spatula to scoop the purée into the prepared tin and leave to set for at least 6 hours or overnight.Cover a baking sheet or tray with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment sprinkled liberally with caster sugar.Flip the pastille mixture out of the tin and on to the sugar-covered paper, and carefully peel off the backing paper.Cut into pastilles and to in the caster sugar to coat completely.Leave to dry for 1 hour before packaging.Stored in an airtight jar these pastilles will keep for 4–5 days.山莓和百香果粒
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大约300克至400克添加了果胶的蜜饯糖 细白砂糖,备用
放入密封容器内,果粒可保存4至5天。Vocabulary: pulp: 浆状物
Pink and white vanilla marshmallows from Gifts from the Kitchen by Annie Rigg.Pink and white vanilla marshmallows
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Homemade marshmallows are the stuff of dreams!They are light as pink fluffy clouds, oh-so-sweet and with just a hint of pure vanilla extract.Cut into squares and package into pretty pink-and white-striped bags for hen nights, girly birthday parties and Valentine's Day treats.Makes about 30 1 tablespoon icing sugar 1 tablespoon cornflourtablespoons powdered gelatine 400g granulated sugar 50g golden syrup 2 large egg whites pinch of saltteaspoon vanilla extract pink food colouring paste
Mix the icing sugar and cornflour in a small bowl.Lightly grease a 23cm square tin with a depth of about 5cm with a little sunflower oil and dust with the icing sugar and cornflour mix, tipping out and reserving the exce.Measure 6 tablespoons of cold water into another small bowl, sprinkle over the gelatine and set aside.Tip the sugar into a medium-sized pan, add 250ml water and the golden syrup and place the pan over a medium heat until the sugar has diolved.Bring the mixture to the boil and continue to cook steadily until the syrup reaches 120C/250F on a sugar
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thermometer.Remove from the heat, add the sponged gelatine and stir until thoroughly combined and the gelatine has melted.Place the egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whiskattachment.Add a pinch of salt and whisk until the whites hold a stiff peak.Add the vanilla and the hot gelatine syrup in a steady stream and continue to whisk for a further 3–4 minutes, until the mixture will hold a ribbon trail when the beaters are lifted from the bowl.Pour half the mixture into the prepared tin in an even layer.Add a tiny amount of pink food colouring paste to the remaining mixture and stir until evenly coloured.Pour the pink marshmallow over the white and leave to set(at least 2 hours).Once the marshmallow has completely set, dust the work surface or a board with the remaining icing sugar and cornflour mixture.Carefully tip the marshmallow out on to the prepared board and cut into squares, using a sharp knife.Dust the individual marshmallows before packaging.Package in striped paper bags.Stored in an airtight box, the marshmallows will keep for 3 days.粉白香草棉花糖
做30份。一汤匙糖粉 一汤匙玉米粉 两汤匙明胶粉 400克砂糖
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蛋清,用量为两个较大的鸡蛋 少量盐 一茶匙香草精 粉色食用色素
hen night: 女子婚前单身派对
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whisk: 搅拌器,打蛋器
Where did you see him?
How do you like America?
Whom do you like?
Which cake do you want?
Whose book is this?
What kind of method is this?
Which country were you born in?
Which do you want, an apple or an orange?
Whom do you like most, your brother or your sister?
Where did you go last night?
When did you meet your father?
When did you read this book?
Whom did you give this book to?
Who gave you this car?
Who wrote this letter?
Who took my pen away?
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Who wants to go with me?
Who can sing this song?
1.did you go last night?
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2.book do you like?
3.is your brother?
4.is his name?
5.wrote this letter?
6.did you give this book to?
7.gave you this book?
8.car is this?
9.dog is this?
10.movie did you see?
11.can speak English?
12.did you speak to?
13.kind of car is this?
14.fruit do you like most?
15.does not swim?
第八章 被动语气(Paive Voice)
8-1 及物动词和不及物动词
1.He was a teacher before.登陆网站 参加免费试学www.daodoc.com
2.He went to school yesterday.3.He hit a dog.4.I saw you yesterday.5.He walks to school every day.6.He sent this book to me.7.They are good students.8.He wrote two novels.9.They ate all of the apples.10.He swims every morning.在以上的例子中,第3、4、6、8及9句子中的动词都是及物动词(transitive verbs)。这些动词后面都跟着一个名词,而这个名词是动词的受词(object),其它句子的动词,都是不及物动词,因为他们都没有任何受词。
句子 主词 及物动词 受词
He hit a dog.He hit dog
I saw you yesterday.I saw you
He sent his book to me.He sent his book
He wrote two novels.He wrote two novels
They ate all of the apples.They ate all of the apples
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一旦动词是及物动词,我们就可以将这个句子由原来的主动语气(active voice)改成被动语气(paive voice)。但我们也要警告读者,不要轻易用被动语气,因为有时被动语气的句子是不自然的。
8-2 没有助动词的被动语气
(2)动词变成verb to be+过去分词(past participle)
I saw a cat.被动语气就成了
A cat was seen by me.最重要的是,verb to be的时式必须和原句子的相同,以上的例子中,动词是过去式,所以verb to be也是过去式。除此以外,verb to be也要配合新的主词。请看以下的例子:
I saw two cats.改成被动语气以后,句子是:
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Two cats were seen by me.以下是主动改被动的例子,最重要的是注意verb to be的形式:
主动语气(active voice)被动语气(paive voice)
Mr.Jones hit the dog.The dog was hit by Mr.Jones.My brother saw you yesterday.You were seen by my brother yesterday.He sent the book to me.The book was sent to me by him.Dickens wrote those two novels.Those two novels were written by Dickens.They ate all of the apples.All of the apples were eaten by them.Jane wrote that song.That song was written by Jane.My mother loves me.I am loved by my mother.【练习二十八】
1.He saw that movie last night.2.He wrote that letter to me.3.He teaches those English claes.4.God loves you.5.They bought two houses.6.I painted this room.登陆网站 参加免费试学www.daodoc.com
7.He grows those roses.8.He helps his students.9.I sold the house.10.My uncle bought this car.【练习二十九】
1.The policeman was seen by me.2.Those two books were written by me.3.These sentences were corrected by my teacher.4.He was hit by a car.5.His door was locked by me.6.His house was built by my father.7.His boat was given to me by my father.8.This bird is rarely seen by people here.9.He is liked by every one.10.They were given ten dollars by their friends.11.This picture was taken by him.12.Too much wine was drunk by the young men.
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