
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


So just by show of hands , how many of you all have a robot at home ?

Not very many of you

Okay.And actually of those hands , if you don’t include Roomba how many of you have a robot at home?

So a couple?

That okay.that’s the problem that we’re trying to solve at Romotive—that I and the other 20 nerds at Romotive are obseed with solving.So we really want to build a robot that anyone can use , whether you’re eight or 80.And as it turns out , that’s a really hard problem.Because you have to build a small , portable robot that’s not only really affordable ,but it has to be something that people actually to take home and have around their kids.This tobot cant’t be creepy or uncanny.He should be friendly and cute.So meet Romo.Romo’s a robot that uses a device you already know and love your iPone as his brain.And leveraging the power of the iPome’s proceor.We can creat a robot that is wi-fi enabled and computer vision-capable for 150 bucks ,which is about one percent of what these kinds of robots have cost in the past.When Romo wakes up , he’s in creatunre mode.So he’s actually using the video camera on the device to follow my face.If I duck down , he’ll follow me.He’s wary , so he’ll keep his eyes on me.If I come over here , he’ll turn to follow me.If I come over here ,--(Laughs)


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