
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


A Christmas Carol

Author: Charles Dickens

I gue you can say that A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens has been a

succe.It was published in 1843 and has never been out of print since then.It’s

spawned all manner of plays, films, adaptations, and spoofs.It’s been adapted at least twice by Disney, once featuring Mickey Mouse and another time featuring Jim Carey.We’re almost inundated with the story — I’m not sure how many ways I’ve seen it.Yet I had never read the original story by Dickens until just now.On Christmas Eve in Victorian England, Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter and miserly old moneylender, holds everything that embodies the joys and spirit of Christmas in contempt, refusing to visit his cheerful nephew Fred's Christmas dinner party with his family, and forcing his underpaid employee Bob Cratchit to beg to take the day off for his own family.That night, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former busine partner, Jacob Marley, who had died seven years prior on Christmas Eve and is now forced to spend his afterlife carrying heavy chains forged from his own greedy ways.Marley warns Scrooge that he will suffer an even worse fate if he doesn't repent, and foretells that he will be haunted by three spirits that will help guide him.The first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past, shows Scrooge visions of his own past that take place on or around the Christmas season, reminding him of how he ended up the greedy man he is now.He had spent much of his childhood neglected by his father over the holidays at boarding school until he was finally brought home by his loving sister Fan, who died prematurely after giving birth to his nephew Fred.Scrooge later began a succeful career in busine and moneylending and became engaged to a woman named Belle, though she later called off the engagement when he began to grow obseed with accumulating his own wealth.Unable to bear having to witne these events again, Scrooge extinguishes the spirit.The second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, shows Scrooge the happine of his fellow men on Christmas day.Among them are his nephew Fred, who playfully makes jokes with his family at Scrooge's expense, and Bob Cratchit and his family, who are just barely able to make do with what little pay Scrooge gives Cratchit.The Cratchits also tend to a sickly young son, Tiny Tim, whose commitment to the spirit of Christmas touches Scrooge, who is dismayed to learn from the spirit that he may not have much longer to live.Before the spirit vanishes, it warns Scrooge about the evils of Ignorance and Want, showing them as terrifying, uncivilized children doomed to grow into savage, despicable individuals.The third and final spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, shows Scrooge the final consequences of his greed.Tiny Tim has died, leaving the Cratchits to mourn him on Christmas.Scrooge has also died, though there is more comfort than grief in the wake of his funeral.In addition, Fred finds benefit from inheriting his wealth, and

Scrooge is even robbed by his former maid.Unwilling to let this grim future come to pa, Scrooge begs to be given a second chance as the spirit forces him into his deep and empty grave leading all the way to Hell.Scrooge awakens to find himself in his bed on Christmas morning, the three spirits having guided him over the course of one night, and immediately sets out to atone for his sins, making donations to the poor, attending Fred's dinner party, and giving Cratchit a raise to care for his family, allowing Tiny Tim to live.Scrooge spends the remainder of his life a new man embodying the spirit of Christmas itself.And I must say, what a treat it was.Despite knowing the plot in advance, it was a very good read.Well, count me among those many inspired and reminded by Dickens to be a more empathetic person, to remember how good even many of the poor in the West have it compared to other parts of the world, and to try to do more for others.And that, perhaps, is part of the genius of Dickens.He inspired a complete

change of how people looked at Christmas in his time.And his work is no le relevant today;perhaps it hits even closer to home these days.He invites us to

carefully consider the question: what does it mean to achieve succe in life? And he deftly illustrates that “wealth” is wrong answer.Here’s hoping that many others will also learn a small bit about life from Dickens.Ilike what Scrooge’nephewsaid, “I have always thought of Christ mas as a time to be helpful and kind to other people.It is the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each other.And so, althought I have never made any money from it, I think Christmas has been and will be a good time for me!And I said ,God ble Christmas!”

From he, I know Although money is very important, to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on, let the world, more people happy, they should spend the money to, because it values.Fortunately, Scrooge wake up later, the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to help a

disabled child, for their family and their aistants together after a happy Christmas!Nowadays,The spirit of giving and sharing is at its peak during the Christmas season.People are so generous to dole out gifts, money and other things to people they care about, and at times to charity, too.This innate feeling in us is always there.It's not only for special seasons like the holidays that we should be able to give and share whatever we have in abundance.It must likely be the instinctive feeling in us that we should be willing to share and give something all year round especially to those who are in need.Hopefully, everybody would give a little help.The spirit of sharing and giving doesn't mean that you are spoiling these people thru charity.It's not that;it's just that these people may feel helple at times, hopele most of the time and this is where

we can come in, that we can show them that we care, we can give them hope and

something to live for in their life.It is our way of showing them that their life is worth caring for so that they should be inspired to do better in their life.Thankfully, there is always the goodne in all of us;all we have to do is make use of it this Christmas and through out the years to come.I'm thankful to Charles Dickens.He told me that what important in our world is happine and do ourbest to help each other.PS: Charles Dickens was a great writer in the 19th century.He was born in 1812.When he was a child,his father was heavily in debt.The only education he received was two years of schoolingat a school for poor children.At the age of 12he had to work first as a worker and then became a reporter for a newspaper.In 1837,his novel,The Pickwick Papers,made him the most famous of his time in England.He died in 1870.











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