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OC 英文作文由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“oc英文作文”。
People can be influenced by their environment.Oh, My God, That is my daughter!How can I abandon the only person that I care in this world? I ask myself.The same question keeps revolving in my mind, haunting me like a ghost and stabbing me like a dagger.I fall down on the ground crying and gasping.I am standing in front of the gambling house where I just lose all my poeions and money, yet my intensive desire for gambling is still alluring me to sell my only daughter for money.Thunder is roaring in my ears and storm slapping on my cheeks.Oh, Jesus.I tell myself.Can somebody tell me what to do?
My three-year-old daughter just sits beside me.She grips my hand and whispers to me, “Dad, I am scared, let’s go home.”
Now there are two choices laying in front me.I can either quit gambling and seize my own fate, or sell my little daughter who symbolizes the only hope of my life.I could just sell my daughter.The profit of this busine would bring me a great fortune which might turn my life around, and I would no longer have a burden that distracts me anymore.However, my little girl is the only reason why I am still breathing, and I love her more than everything I can imagine.I would be condemned forever by my morality if I can’t fulfill my responsibility as a dutiful father.I slowly turn my head towards my little angel.She is soaked under the harsh rain, suffering and trembling.Having seen this, I quickly stand up and use my body to shield her away from the rain.She looks up at me, and her eyes are filled with purity and innocence.Just from that gaze, I finally make my decision..Suffering twists my face.In place of raindrops, tears drip on my daughter’s face.My teeth keep chattering, and my hand can’t stop shaking.I look into my little angel’s eyes, and whisper to her in the most sorrowful tone that I have ever used.“Sorry, my dear, please forgive me.”
Having sold my daughter, I feel like my dignity and faith has been deprived from my life.The desperation of losing my daughter overwhelms me.I dash into the pub where I always visit, and drink countle bottles of alcohol that I could ever take.In the morning, I look down to those bottles scattered around my feet, and reveal a sneer smile.
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