Dear my mom:
Yesterday we had a quarrel because of the education methods you uses on me.Anyway, yelling at you is my fault.When I say what even makes myself incredible words, I feel also very sad from the bottom of my heart!I hope you can forgive me for the disrespect.At the same time, it is neceary for us to communicate with each other.Mom, I don’t want you to interfere my daily life and study, after all I have already grown up.You don’t allow me to attend a sleepover or have a play date.However, I really eager to go out freely to play like others.I know you require me rigidly just because of your worried about my safety, but I am not a child, and I have the ability to protect myself.You don’t agree me to spend time playing computer or watching TV.How I wish I could budget my own time!I have a lot of hobbies as well, whereas, I can not attend them in order to follow your requirement that don’t choose my own extracurricular activities.In addition, you are strict with my grade, I feel there is too much preure on my study and even think learning is a hard work.It is not what you want to see, isn’t it? Moreover, I enjoy opening to new things, new experiences, but you forbid me to play any instrument other than the piano or violin.Mom, I understand what you've done is good to me.You want me to be the best person I can be, so you try to tie me down with those rules.However, I am long for freedom.You love me so that you don’t want me
to get hurt.In fact, only permit me to fail, so that I can learn from my own mistakes.Then someday I will be prepared to make the kind of decisions life will require of me.I will be happy, if you can stand in my view.Anyhow, I love you, my mother.
“读者杯”征文大赛第二季入围作品名单 《The Bucket List》高雅 《不知道的世界》刘齐鹏 《尘埃的幸福》林洁仪 《对话花满楼》杨佩诗 《告别程矜》晏竹《她的猫名叫费拉》......
附件2:全国科普日活动口号入围作品(70个)掌握科技,开创未来(连云港市江苏核电有限公司) 汇集科普知识雨露,汲取和谐幸福甘泉(北京曾先生) 新科学新技术欣欣向荣,争繁荣争富强蒸蒸日......
篇1:入围申请书范本 入团申请书 尊敬的团组织:我是一名来自初一x班的xxx。我上初一已经有半年多的时间了,在我初中生活中,我已经很好的适应了现在的学习生活,在今后的工作中,我相......