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Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Addre

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Washington, DC

March is Women’s History Month, a time not only to celebrate the progre that women have made, but also the women throughout our history who have made that progre poible.One inspiring American who comes to mind is Eleanor Roosevelt.In 1961, the former First Lady was unhappy about the lack of women in government, so she marched up to President Kennedy and handed him a three-page list of women who were qualified for top posts in his administration.This led the President to select Mrs.Roosevelt as the head of a new commiion to look at the status of women in America, and the unfairne they routinely faced in their lives.Though she paed away before the commiion could finish its work, the report they released spurred action acro the country.It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our society a more equal place.It’s been almost fifty years since the Roosevelt commiion published its findings – and there have been few similar efforts by the government in the decades that followed.That’s why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.There was a lot of positive news about the strides we’ve made, even in recent years.For example, women have caught up with men in seeking higher education.In fact, women today are more likely than men to attend and graduate from college.Yet, there are also reminders of how much work remains to be done.Women are still more likely to live in poverty in this country.In education, there are areas like math and engineering where women are vastly outnumbered by their male counterparts.This is especially troubling, for we know that to compete

with nations around the world, these are the fields in which we need to harne the talents of all our people.That’s how we’ll win the future.And, today, women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.That’s a huge discrepancy.And at a time when folks acro this country are struggling to make ends meet – and many families are just trying to get by on one paycheck after a job lo – it’s a reminder that achieving equal pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s iue.It’s a family iue.In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who’ve been discriminated against in their salaries could have their day in court to make it right.But there are steps we should take to prevent that from happening in the first place.That’s why I was so disappointed when an important bill to give women more power to stop pay disparities – the Paycheck Fairne Act – was blocked by just two votes in the Senate.And that’s why I’m going to keep up the fight to pa the reforms in that bill.Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as President.It’s something I care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where there are no limits to what they can achieve.As I’ve traveled acro the country, visiting schools and meeting young people, I’ve seen so many girls paionate about science and other subjects that were traditionally not as open to them.We even held a science fair at the White House, where I met a young woman named Amy Chyao.She was only 16 years old, but she was actually working on a treatment for cancer.She never thought, “Science isn’t for me.”She never thought, “Girls can’t do that.”She was just interested in solving a problem.And because someone was interested in giving her a chance, she has the potential to improve lives.That tells me how far we’ve come.But it also tells me we have to work even harder to close the gaps that still exist, and to uphold that simple American ideal: we are all equal and deserving of the chance to pursue our own version of happine.That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt was striving toward half a century ago.That’s why this report matters today.And that’s why, on behalf of all our daughters and our sons, we’ve got to keep making progre in the years

ahead.Thanks for listening.

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Longing for a New Welfare System·
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