Seeing without being seen_beingdone用法小结

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Seeing without being seen

-------a repot of Jane Eyre With a relaxed mind, satisfied curiosity, I turn over the last page of Jane Eyre.Just like a warrior finally succeed in conquering, I find my triumphin reaching an ending, after an seemingly endle yet much enjoyable proce.I admire her so much, the heroin Jane Eyre, for her character departing from all the female slavish conformity to destiny I see almost everywhere in 19th century‘s English literature.She has no tamene like Anne Eliot in persvasion, risking lifelong marital happine just because of a few words of a friend, nor is she worldly as Catherine in Wuthering Height to marry a man she would regret for life.Thought she is being little, plain and poor, she refuses to suffer mistreatment paively and defiantly insists on her own right, she poees the paion, the dignity and the tenderne much more strong than any beauty in English literature.Jane Eyre is not flawle, there are times she lash out anger and make mistakes, yet in this sense she is more realistic and I‘m willingly to believe her real existence.Jane Eyre is a governe as well as a writer, but the later identity often ignored by most readers.As a witer, Jane Eyre relates what she really sawand heard to her gentle readers, and most often directly addre them in the latter half of the book with a beginning ―Readers‖ She takes her

readers into her confidence and tell us what she really think, her situation as well as other people around her.We are led by her to explore and witne other people‘s lies and crimes but seldom doubt what we were told.Seeing without being seen, she presents a picture in front of us with everyone inside except herself, for we seldom capture her initiatively confiding to other characters or getting involved in discuion.With this excellent writing strategy, Jane Eyre reveals other people‘s weakne without exposing her own.In this eay, I will show what the witter Jane Eyre concealed from us---her cunning and tactics to win confidence, to revenge or even to deceive.I prefer to show how human and realistic this character is rather than attempt to defy her good characters, after all, to forgive is divine, to err is human.Jane has almost no confidants as we see in her novel, but she is suprisingly taken to many people‘s confidence.The first suggestion in Jane Eyre that the relationship between Jane and Rochester, between Jane and her readers were built within a series of confidence exchanges.As early as Jane and Rochester‘s first extended conversation, Mr.Rochester addreed Jane as ―In the course of your future life you will often find yourself elected the involuntary confidant of your acquaintances.‖(Chapter16)Mr.Rochester did tell Jane much about his life experiences , including his family conflict and his eloped French lover, however, he concealed the most important crucial truth from Jane—his marriage and

his mad wife as we know later, in this sense, he only take Jane into his confidence to lie to her.As to Jane, she was willingly to serve as a confident to Rochester and continued to win his confidence in latter scenses by aiding him and not to tell.We pity Jane for her position as a victim to those lies of Rochester, but is she the only one to be pitied? Perhaps we should have mercy on Mr.Rochester, for he miscalculated Jane‘s talents and characters.He sees no writer things in his little shy governe and her disguise as a confident in order to obtain stories to write about latter in her book.He knows not that we readers will be led by his confident Jane to observe his criminal conducts and witne his malicious lies.Jane actually develop her novel by alternatively acting as a voluntary confident to Rochester and a confeant to her readers.From Mr.Rochter she abstains information to satisfy her witting desire ,to the readers she informed her writing desires but perpusefully relating what may be unreliable informationhow much Rochester really knows about Jane?it also seems that she is a total victim of

It is crucial to notice that Jane first gains confidence of Mi Temple and Helen by relating the mistreatment in Gateshead as ―infused into the narrative far le of gall and wormwood than ordinary.‖(chapter

8)Thereafter, Jane learns not to tell, or at least as soon as she gains the confidence of others, she stops talking.Therefore, she gains the confidence of Mrs Fairfax, Adela, Georgeanna her cousin and

Mr.Rochester.It is even can be said the whole book is rather a confidence game played between Jane and Rochster.As early as in their first extended conversation, Mr.Rochester addreed Jane as ―In the course of your future life you will often find yourself elected the involuntary confidant of your acquaintances.‖(Chapter16)Mr.Rochester told the truth, in a number of scenes later

but to show how human and realistic this character is, whichWe onlyalways conceal her from the society.The book like most of English literature I have read, strike me as a first-person novel, an autobiography.―the function of the fictional biography in the mid-nineteenth century, in the move between Romantic egoism and Victorian ―duty‖ or socialization, is to exorcise that Romantic ego or transcend---not escape or ignore--egoism‖(misreading Jane Eyre: a postformalist paradigm,Columbus: Ohio state university)indeed, unlike the tenderne and the slavish conformity to fate of a female‘s character as I have often observed in Jane Austin works, Jane Eyre imprees me

most as a independent women of ego, who refuses to suffer mistreatment paively and defiantly insists on her own right, her individuality.As a heroin ,She is distinguishable from others not only in her small plain poor appearance, but also in characters, in which apart from the same tenderne, consideration, and all female virtues we find elsewhere, a strong egocentric ,self –reliance or even deceivable character manifested in the context.Being a narrator, Jane seldom acts as a story teller.Instead of talking, she accquainted us with her experiences by rendering what she really see and hear.She watches people‘s action but scarcely let them see hers.Janet Gezari indicated that the name ―Eyre‘ may be pronounced as ‗ire‘ or ‗eyer‘ rather than ‗air‘(See Chalotte Bronte and Defensive Conduct: the author and the Body at risk;Philadelphia;Univ,of Pennsylvania Pre,1992)implies her excellent ability of observation.Mrs Reeds later explains her hatred towords her niece stem from Jane‘s ―continual, unnatural watchings of one‘s movement!‖(chapter 11)What Mrs Reeds said is not unreasonable, we can tell from the very begging of the story that Jane conceals herself behind the curtain reading.Except watching, most of the time, she remains silent.She remains silent in Galesheads until the outburst of anger.She remains silent in Lowood after the death of Helen Burns and the departure of Mrs.Temple.When she makes the transition from Lowood to Thornfield, she writes: ―I now pa a space of eight

years almost in silence‖ This sentence not only serves the purpose to skip over eight year‘s narration, but also suggest the utter silence for eight year‘s time.But it‘s useful to be silent.

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Seeing without being seen
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