About polymers_howabout的用法

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About polymers由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“howabout的用法”。

About polymers关于聚合物One of the first developments of plastics wasas a replacement to ivory billiard balls, due to the dwindling supply of ivory.As far back as 1866, elephants were being slaughtered at an alarming rate to keep up with the demand for ivory billiard balls, billiard having become America’s favorite pastime.John Wesly Hyatt, invented the replacement, one of the first plastics, called celluloid, which was used in movies for a short time.An important plastics inventor was Charles Macintosh, who developed a plastic coated waterproof fabric in the mid 19th century and gaves is named to the coat.In Britain, people still refer to their raincoats as “Macs”

The inventor of the first synthetic plastic, Bakelite, was Leo Bakeland.Time magazine called him “The King of Plastics” and put him on the cover of its September 22,1924 iue.It dubbed Bakelite “The material with a thousand uses”.In the 1940’s a vinyl based material commonly known as Saran Wrap started as a furniture protector.During World War Ⅱ defense contractors found more important uses for the plastic.Saran film “sprayed”on plans being shipped overseas protected them the salty sea spray, which meant that the proce of disaembling, greasing at the point of origin and then cleaning and reaemblingat the destination were avoided.After the war there was an oversupply of the film and resulted in it being marketed as the self cling food wrap we find in kitchens everywhere.,由于供应减少的象牙,第一个塑料的发展是作为象牙台球替代品。早在1866年,台球已经成为美国人最喜欢的娱乐活动,为了满足美国人对象牙台球的需求,大象以惊人的速度遭到屠杀。约翰Wesly凯悦第一个发明了代替品塑料,叫做赛璐珞,用于很短的电影电影。一个重要的塑料发明家查尔斯·麦金托什在19世纪中期开发了一种塑料涂层防水织物,并给它取名为外套。在英国人们依然把他们的雨衣当做“Macs”。利奥贝克兰迪(Leo Bakeland)是第一个合成塑料酚醛塑料的发明者。《时代》杂志称它为“塑料之王”,并把它作为1924年9月22日发行期刊的封面。它称为酚醛塑料有成千上万种用途。在1940年家具保护器保鲜膜开始用乙烯基材料合成。在第二次世界大战期间国防承包商发现塑料制品有更多的重要用途。合成树脂薄膜“喷雾”计划运往海外保护他们在咸海水的喷淋, 这意味着从出发到终点这个过程的拆卸、润滑、清洗和重新装配都省去了。二战过后保鲜膜的过量供应导致保鲜膜在厨房无处不在并被定位为自我抓食品包装。

Also during the 1940’s started the craze for nylon stockings, which were rumored to be so strong that only an acetylene torch could but a run in them.Manufactures claimed that the nylon stockings were as “strong as steel” and lead many women to believe that the hose were impervious to razor blades and nail files..Nylons were popular that women stampeded to get even one pair.One of the most well known plastics of today, GORE-TEX, which is used to make extremely warm jackets and shoes, is used extensively in vascular grafts and patches for heart defects and hernias.The History of Polymers

Long-chain Molecules which Have Become Indispensable in Modern Life

How did we come to depend onplastic, Teflon, Nylon and Lycra?

Modern life would be incomparably different without synthetic chemicals called polymers.Man-made fibres, as used in clothing, carpets and curtains, plastic used in innumerable domestic And industrial applications and artificial joints, and paints and cleaning materials, are all different forms of this Important discovery.What’s often forgotten is that at the beginning of the 20th century the chemistry of large molecules was unknown and their synthesis unthinkable.Large Molecules

When a German scientist named Hermann Staudinger proposed in the 1920s that it was poible to have large

molecules made up if many thousands of atoms, he was ridiculed by many other scientists.The common wisdom was that the structures of such materials as

rubber and Bakelite were actually many small molecules held together by an







当德国科学家赫尔曼·施陶丁格在1920年代提议说如果由成千上万的原子组成的物质可能具有较大分子时曾被多数科学家嘲笑。当时普遍认为,橡胶和人造树脂材料的结构实际 unknown force

上是由许多小分子通过未知的力量结合在一起的.Organic Synthesis

Staudinger struck to his guns and, with his colleagues, he synthesized a series of organic molecules called poly(methanal)s(聚甲醛).These compounds were long chains of repeating units, the units being —CH2O—.They are made by joining lots of methanal molecules together.The German scientists made chains of different lengths and showed that their properties changed depending on the length of the chains.The next question to answer was: Are polymers any use? Chemists working for Imperial Chemical Industries(ICI), soon discovered a polymer which put the answer to this question beyond any doubt.They were attempting to react to organic molecules, ethylene(now known as ethane)and benzaldehyde(苯甲醛),at very high temperature and preure.But the reaction failed to impre, but there was a small amount of a while, waxy substance on the wall of the reaction veel.This was poly(ethane)or polythene, and soon ICI realized they had a potentially useful compound.World WarⅡ

The new material had many properties which made it stand out.It was easy to form into different items, was tough and hard wearing, was impermeable to water and insulating to electricity.It was discovered in the 1930s and was soonbeing used in the Second World War to insulate the many metres of cables needed for the vital radar equipment used by the British.有机物的合成斯陶丁格与他的的同事坚持自己的观点合成了一系列称为聚甲醛的有机化合物。—CH2O—是这些长链化合物的重复单元。他们由大量的甲醛分子聚合而成。德国科学家发现不同长度链的化合物其性质随着链的长短不一而不同。

下一个问题是:聚合物有什么用途?化学家为帝国化学工业公司(ICI)工作,很快就发现了一种聚合物,把这 个问题毫无疑问的解决了。





The development of the petrochemical industry after the war supplied the raw materials for this product.Then a catalysed method of producing high-density poly(ethane)(HDPE)was discovered by Karl Zeigler in Mulheim, Germany in 1950.both these development meant that the world would never be the same again as more and more uses for this plastic were discovered.Nylon and Lycra [(商)莱克拉(聚氨基


Soon other types of polymers were being development.Some of the more important were poly(propene)by Giulio Natta in Milan, Nylon by Wallace Carothers in the US, poly(urethane)s, used in Lycra, and polyesters, a very important raw material for the clothing industry.Future

The history of the development of polymers is nowhere near its end.New developments and advances are constantly being made and every year there are new patents for novel molecules which promise much.Only time will tell how we come to depend even more on these compounds.高密度聚合物



很快,其他一些类型的聚合物被开发。一些更重要的是聚丙烯)由Giulio Natta在米兰,尼龙通过Wallace Carothers在美国,聚氨基甲酸乙酯)年代,用于莱卡,聚酯,一个非常重要的原材料服装行业。



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About polymers
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