• polyethylene 聚乙烯,polypropylene 聚丙烯,polyamide(聚酰胺)尼龙,polyester 聚酯
• polystyrene 聚丙烯,polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯,polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯,polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA)有机玻璃聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯
• synthesis 合成,polymerization 聚合,catalyst 催化剂,chemical reactivity 化学反应性,monomer 单体单体结构
• thermoplastic 热塑性塑料,thermoset热固性塑料,elastomer 弹性体
• double bond 双键,repeat unit 重复单元,conformation 构象, configuration构型pendant group 侧基,branch chain 支链,coil 线团
• number average molecular weight 数均分子量
• intermolecular attraction 分子间的吸引力,hydrogen bonding 氢键,entanglement 纠缠、纠结,orientation 取向• amorphous 非晶,crystalline 晶区,crolinked交联的• nucleation 成核,folded chain model 折叠连模型,sphereulite 球晶• blend 混合,composite 复合,morphology 形态 ,Composition 组成,component组分,matrix phase聚集相• Infrared spectroscopy 红外吸收光谱法
• differential scanning calorimetry 差示扫描量热法
• X-ray diffraction X射线衍射
• gla transition temperature 玻璃化转变温度,melting point 熔点,decomposition 分解,degradation 降解,thermal stability热稳定性 ,coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数 • impact toughne 冲击韧性,tensile strength 抗张强度,reinforcement 强化,melt index 熔融指数
• modulus 模数,stre-strain curve 应力-应变曲线,elongation at break 断裂伸长率,deformation 变形
• creep 蠕变,stre relaxation 应力松弛,annealing 退火 • shear-thinning / thickening 剪切稀释/增稠
• pseudoplastic 假塑性体,viscoelasticity 粘弹性
• twin-screw extruders 双螺杆挤出机
• injection molding 注塑
• die 冲模,mold 模,cavity 型腔• proceing aids / additives 加工助剂,filler 填料 • melt,熔融plasticizing 塑化,solidify 固化
• Because of the close connection between the terms resins, plastics, and polymers, they are sometimes used interchangeably, although correctly used there are differences.To summarize, polymers are any material made up of molecular chains;plastics are synthetic, long-chain polymers that can be or have been shaped;and resins are solids or liquids that are subsequently shaped into a plastic part.因为树脂、塑料、和聚合物这些术语之间密切的联系,它们有时可以互换使用,虽然准确地使用有差异。总之,聚合物是由分子链构成的物质,塑料是合成的,长链的可以成形的聚合物,而树脂是以后可以形成一个塑料零件的固体或液体高聚物。
• The complexity in polymers arises because solid polymeric materials can exist, in two very distinct types of structure.In one type, the polymermoleculesarerandomlycoiledabouteachotherwith entanglement.This structure type is called amorphous.In the second type, the polymer molecules can pack together into regular, repeating structural patterns.These regularly packed regions are called crystals or crystalline regions.在聚合物的复杂性的产生是因为固体聚合物材料可以存在于两个非常不同的类型的结构中。在一个类型的结构中,聚合物分子随机盘绕互相纠缠,这种结构类型被称为非晶。在第二个类型的结构中、聚合物分子可以折叠成常规,重复的结构模式,这些结构区域经常被称为晶体或晶区。
• The most important(but not the only)feature of a polymer that determines whether it will be amorphous or crystalline is the shape of the polymer repeat unit.If the repeat unit is complex, especially with large pendant groups, the polymer cannot pack tightly together and will be amorphous.Some of the most common amorphous polymersarepolystyrene,acrylic,polycarbonate,andmost copolymers.•最重要的(但不是唯一的)决定一种聚合物是否是非晶态或晶态的一个重要特征是聚合物重复单位的形状。如果重复单位是复杂的,尤其是有大侧基,聚合物不能紧紧的折叠在一起,即是非晶态。一些最常见的非晶态高分子聚合物有聚苯乙烯、丙烯、聚碳酸酯和大多数共聚物。
• In addition to these structural factors, the crystallinity of polymers also depends upon molding or proceing conditions.Crystallization in polymers takes time to occur.Therefore, factors such as cooling rate can have strong influences on the amount of the material that crystallizes, since below certain temperatures there is not sufficient molecular motion to allow the molecules to rearrange into a close packing configuration.除了这些结构性的本质因素之外,聚合物的结晶度还取决于成型或加工条件。聚合物的结晶需要时间。因此,冷却速率等因素可以对材料的结晶度产生很大影响影响,因为在一定的温度以下分子运动将减小到不足以使分子链重新排列一个紧密的折叠晶体构型。
• Most polymer materials have some characteristics that are similar to viscous liquids and some that are similar to elastic solids.These materialsarethereforeknownasviscoelastic.Viscoelastic materialscanbeeitherliquidorsolid,althoughthedistinction between liquids and solids in these materials is not a clear one.Thetimedependenceofviscoelasticmaterialsisanimportant consideration that significantly affects their behavior.Most polymer viscoelastic liquids exhibit shear-thinning, and many are thixotropic.大多数聚合物材料有一些特征,既类似于粘性液体又跟弹性固体相似。因此这些材料的这种性质被称为粘弹性。粘弹性材料可以是液体或固体,尽管液体和固体的区别在这些材料中并不明确。这些粘弹性材料的时间依赖性的是一个重要的考虑因素,很大程度上影响材料的性质。大多数聚合物粘弹性液体表现剪切稀释特性,而且许多是触变。
• The viscous nature of a polymer solid can be aociated with long-range movements.The viscous material will move more freely than an elastic solid when a force is imposed, and all the energy input intothematerialmaynotbereturnedbecauseofpermanent deformations or the creation of internal heating.The long-range movements require moreenergyto activate than do the short-range movements.Hence, above a certain level of internal energy, the behavior of the material will more likely be dominated by long-range movements, and below this characteristic energy level, the material will exhibit only short-range movements.聚合物固体的粘性与协同运动有关。当施加力的时候粘性材料将比弹性固体材料运动的更加自由,所有输入材料的能量将不能返回来全部被吸收,用于使粘性材料产生永久变形或产生内能的增加。协同运动比短程运
• The molecular interpretation of elastic and plastic behavior is that in the elastic region the strain results from recoverable movement-stretching out of the twisted molecules in the amorphous regions and minor deformations in the crystalline regions.At the yield point, nonrecoverablemovementsbeginthatresultinpermanent deformation.Some of the most common are disentanglement of the molecules, slip of one molecule past another in a way that the slipcouldnotberecovered,slipalongacrystalplane,and formation of a crack.弹性和塑性行为的分子水平的解释就是,在弹性区,应变来自于在非晶区和小变形的结晶区的分子的可恢复的伸展和扭曲。在屈服点,不可恢复的运动开始,导致永久变形。最常见有分子解缠,不可恢复的分子间滑动,沿晶面滑移,形成一个裂缝。
• High molecular weight favors high toughne.This results from the combination of higher strength and better sharing of the impact force along the polymer chain by causing more atoms to rotate, vibrate,andstretchtoabsorbtheenergyoftheimpact.Crystallinity gives higher strength but lower toughne unle the nature of the backbone changes.Crolinking of a brittle polymer willusuallydecreasetoughnebecauseoftheincreased limitationofmotionwithinthepolymermacausedbythe intermolecular bonds.高分子量与高韧性城正比。这个是由高强度的分子间结合,和通过沿着聚合物链引起更多的原子旋转,震动,并延伸来吸收能量吸收冲击的能量,以更好的分担冲击力导致的。结晶度可以导致高强度同时降低韧性,除非分子链的主链改变。脆性聚合物的交联通常会降低韧性,因为分子间键会增加聚合物运动的限制。
• The differences between the commodity thermoplastics arise from the differences caused by the substitution of one functional group(atom)onthecarbon-carbondoublebond.Oneofthemost important effects is steric, that is, the consequences of differences in the size of the functional groups.When the functional groups are small(suchashydrogen),littlesterichindrance(interference becauseofsize)isencountered.Withoutsterichindrancethe polymers are relatively free to rotate, bend, and pack together.不同商品热塑性塑料之间的差异是由碳碳双键上的取代基官能团(原子)导致的。其中最重要的影响是空间,即不同取代基大小的差异导致。当官能团很小(比如氢),遭到的是小位阻(干扰因为大小)。如果没有位阻,聚合物会相对自由旋转,弯曲,并且混合在一起。
• Themajorityofengineeringthermoplasticsaresimilarinmany respects.Theyaregenerallystrongandhave,ahighuse temperature, good impact strength, good dimensional stability over awiderangeoftemperatures,generallygoodresistanceto environmental conditions, and are much more moldable than the metal,ceramic,orwoodpartsthattheyoftenreplace.Most engineering resins can also be made into fibers, films, and coatings, which is beyond the capability of most metals.大部分的工程热塑性塑料在许多方面是相似的。他们通常具有高的强度,使用温度,良好的冲击强度、在很宽的温度范围内良好的尺寸稳定性,较好的耐环境条件的性质,比它们所经常替代的金属、陶瓷、或木制品可塑性好得多。大多数工程树脂也可以被制成纤维,胶片,和涂料,这超出了大部分金属的性能。
• In addition to the shaping of parts, extrusion is the most efficient and widely used method for melting plastic resin as part of the proce of adding or mixing fillers, colorants, and other additives into the molten plastic.Extrusion can be used to shape the part directly after this mixing or an extruder can be used as the melting device that is coupled with other shaping procees.When used for direct shaping, a shaping device or tool is placed directly on the end of the extrusion machine(extruder)and the proce is called extrusion molding.除了铸塑零件以外,挤出成型是最有效的和广泛使用的把塑料树脂制成零件的方法,在融化过程要中添加或混合填料、着色剂、和其它添加剂到熔融塑料。挤出成型可以在混合后直接成型零件,或挤出机可以用作熔化装置,再加上其他成形过程。当用于直接成型,成形设备或工具是直接放在挤出机最后面的,这个过程叫做挤压成型。
• In normal plastics extrusion, plastics granules or pellets and any othermaterialstobemixed
withthemarefedintoahopper attached to the extrusion machine.From the hopper the material falls through feed throat onto the extrusion screw.This screw, which turns inside the extruder barrel, conveys the plastic forward into a heated region where the combination of external heating and heating from friction melts the plastic.The screw moves the molten plastic forward until it exits through a hole in the end of the extruder barrel.在正常的塑料挤出成型中,塑料颗粒或球和其他材料混合着被送入一个附加到挤压机上的漏斗中。通过漏斗材料从下料口落入挤出螺杆。这个螺杆在挤出机管道内旋转,将塑料向前传送到加热区,在这个区域外部加热和摩擦生热结合起来将塑料熔化。螺杆将熔融塑料向前传动,直到它从挤出管道最后面一个洞中被挤出。• The extruder screw has several important functions to perform such as(1)conveyingtheresinthroughtheextruder,(2)imparting mechanicalenergyaspartofthemeltingproce,(3)mixing ingredients together,(4)building preure in the extruder so that the resin will be pushed through the die.One majordevelopment in screw design is the creation of twin-screw extruders, in which two screwsoperatetogethertoachieveuniqueperformance characteristics.挤出机螺杆有几个重要的功能要执行,比如(1)输送树脂通过挤出机、(2)提供熔化过程能量的一部分-机械能,(3)将配料混合在一起,(4)在挤出机中制造压力,以便推动树脂通过模具。在螺杆设计上一个主要的发展是创造双螺杆挤出机,两个螺杆一起运作实现独特的性能特征。
• In contrast to the extrusion proce, which makes continuous parts of constant cro section, injection molding makes discrete parts that can have complex and variable cro sections as well as a range of surface textures and characteristics.The wide variety in the types of parts that can be made by injection molding is a key reason that more injection molding machines are used for plastics proceing than any other type of molding equipment.Almost all thermoplastics and some thermosets can be injection molded, thus adding to the flexibility of the proce.与能形成连续零件和稳定截面的挤出成型相比,注塑成型使独立的零件,可以有复杂多变的截面以及一系列的表面纹理和特点。通过注射成型可以制造各种各样的类型的零件,是注塑机器比任何其他类型的成型设备更多的用于塑料加工一个关键的原因。几乎所有的热塑性塑料、一部分热固性塑料可以通过注塑成型,这样就使加工的灵活性大大增加。
• Anotherimportantreasonforthepopularityofinjection molding is that parts are highly repeatable;that is, the parts can be made with very little part-to-part variation.Furthermore, injection molding is highly automatable with little postmolding finishing required in most parts and high output rates, so labor costs can be only a small portion of the part cost.注射成型大受欢迎的另一个重要的原因是,加工的零件是高度可重复的;也就是说,制造的零件零件间的变差可以很小。此外,注射成型是高度可自动化的,只需要很少的大部分零件所需的后成型加工,并且有很高的产出率,所以劳动力成本可以可以只占零件成本的一小部分。
• In injection molding, a plastic is melted and then forced into the cavity of a closed mold, which gives shape to the plastic.After sufficient time for the plastic part to solidify(usually by cooling), the mold is opened and the part is removed.在注塑成型中,塑料被融化,然后被强行注入使塑料成型的封闭的模具的型腔,。经过充分的时间使塑料零件凝固(通常通过冷却),模具打开和零件取出。
• 聚合物可以分为天然聚合物和合成聚合物。
The polymers can be further divided into natural polymers and synthetic polymers.• 大分子链的长度是决定大分子间相互作用的本质的关键因素。
The length of Macromolecular chain is the key factor to decide the intermolecular attraction between macromoleculars.• 常常称为通用塑料的树脂有聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚苯乙烯及这些基础树脂的各种改性产品。Some of the most commonplastics are polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride(PVC)and polystyrene and all kinds of modified products of these basic resin.• 材料吸收能量而不断裂的能力称为韧性。
The property ofMaterials that absord energy without fracture called toughne.• 蠕变是材料在静载荷下的逐渐变形。
The creep is that materials gradually deformation with static load.• 许多塑料材料的强度和模量能通过添加增强材料而获得提高。
Many plastic material can improve their strength and modulusby adding reinforcing materials.• 工程塑料通常具有高的强度、使用温度、良好的冲击强度和很宽温度范围内良好的尺寸稳定性。
Engineering plastics aregenerallystrongandhave,ahighuse temperature, good impact strength, good dimensional stability over awiderangeoftemperatures.• 聚合物的加工温度就是聚合物能方便的进行模塑成型的温度。
Polymer proceing temperature is a certain temperature at which polymer can bemolding
conveniently.• 典型的塑料成型方法包括挤出模塑、注射模塑、压缩模塑、压延成型等。
The typical plastic molding methods includes extrusion molding, injection molding, compreion molding, calendaring an so on..• 挤出生产线的主要部分包括挤出机、口模、冷却系统、牵引装置等。
Main part extrusion production lineincludes extrusion machine, die, cooling system, traction device, and so on.• 注射成型设备分为三个主要的功能段:注射单元、模具、合模系统。The injection molding equipment can be divided into three main function section: injection unit, mold, closing system.• 决定注射成型制件成本的主要因素包括材料种类、模具成本、模塑周期等。
The main factors of injection molding product cost includes material types, mould cost, molding cycle, etc.
学号:姓名:班级:1) Copy and Translate of Words and Expreions:1.Pharmaceutical; 2.enzyme; 3.precursor;4.clinical;5.pharmacokinetics; 6.subacute; 7.impurity;8.inhaler......