The Local Market on Saturday_ontheway是什么意思
The Local Market on Saturday由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“ontheway是什么意思”。
Writing course 9cla 1李玉萍2010-12-1
The Local Market on Saturday It’s a place bustle with shoppers.With laughter, music, TV programs and advertisements given by staffs mixed, streams of people pour out and in from the new supermarket near our campus on weekends.The moment we steep into the supermarket, various kinds of commodities dazzle our eyes.It’s a paradise for shoppers.Picking up a market basket at the entrance, we jump to the food district directly with high spirits.Every time we go shopping together, it’s an exciting time that we all enjoy very much.Talking, joking, or even quarreling and fighting noisily on purpose, we wander around the different districts in the market back and forth.Maybe it is the only thing that we never feel tired no matter how long we walk or how heavy we carry.During the elevator down to the first floor, an old man with wrinkly face holds his white-hair wife gingerly by putting his arm on her shoulder tightly.The feeling beyond description in our deep heart nearly move us to tears.A little lovely boy held in his mother’s arms is kiing his mommy naughtily, and his daddy whose left hand carries the market basket filled with toys and sweets hugs his mommy gently with his right hand.Happine brims over their faces;envy flows under our hearts.If only can we stay with our own parents like them!However, the far distance from our hometown always let us down.Anyhow, the excitement in shopping can always cover the light sadne of homesick in temporary.The merchandises on sale always attract us to buy even if we don’t need them urgently sometimes.As to how we force into the crowded to get the bargains through a hard competition, we don’t mind any more.After a long shopping time, everything we need has gone into our basket.Then we arrive at the accounting place, only to find a long line of people each with one basket filled goods are waiting for paying.We have already been accustomed to this phenomenon after one year’s experience, so it is still a wonderful shopping day for us.