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Caring about old people: urgent and neceary

With the development of modern society, many social iues concerned about old people lost their security in supporting themselves have been revealed comprehensively in our daily life, due to severer phenomenon, ignorance from family、absence of social pension insurance system and lack of enough attention from the whole society have been linked to those realities.So, how to find some effective methods to solve the problems of the elder have significant meaning in sharing the economy benefit.First of all, family should pay more attention and share more mental care for the elder.China has a long history of giving the honor to parents and caring about the old people, visit our parents frequently with full attention and behave in a polite way will provide mental care to the old people.So, enhance the education of supporting and loving old people would form a person with right attitude in dealing with old people, at the same time, the whole society would form a more proper atmosphere in how to treat the elder, which is full of patience, caring and positive attitude.On the other hand, accelerate the construction of pension insurance system can provide old people security with reliable income when people reach the legal retired age.Insurance system of old people are including following policy: one is pension insurance system which can make sure that old people get paid when they retired, and another is social security, which would guarantee the elder a basic living ability.Concern about some advanced experience, social organization of supporting the elder can be more effective in helping old people, especially the elder without a family, such as public nursing house and supportive fund to elder, etc.To those old people who

have no children or relatives, choosing to live in nursing house is the best way to live a more comfortable life, so complete the condition of existing nursing house will reduce social conflict from old people.Last but not least, raise fund to solve social iues have become more and more feasible recently, so gathering social energy to build up supporting fund will devote in founding public aid organization to help the old, as well as enhance the effect of promoting pension insurance system.To sum up, how to deal with these problems that old people are suffered should arouse our full attention, and we should take effective measures to make sure each people can get really good care when they are getting old one day.




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