
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


With the tremendous development of modern society and science,experimentations become an eential impetus to the scientific advancement.Accordingly, the using of animals in experimentations is raising people's attention for the number of it has exceeded 8 millions according to figures ,what a huge amount!Which means 8 millions lives disappeared by force.Some people persevere this standpoint that human being is the domination of the world ,who has the domination patent of using animals to the experimentations for the purpose of progre of science.As well as the sacrifice of animals is prerequisite to some extent.Not only agriculture、industry、medical science、hereditism、military but neceities of our daily life ,the using of animals in experimentations plays an significant role to these researches ,The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences data shows that three fourths research achievements depends on the experiment animals every year.However, the others take prohibiting using animals in experimentations for granted ,especially zoophilists.From a modern perspective, they understand that equal rights take precedence over scientific interest.Science improvements should not at the expense of animals.How can the animals' rights be neglected as the human rights has been upraised to

a high position which touch off so many watchful eyes that every country has to do something for their management and legislation.If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should we give them a peaceful and safe environment not force them in death for experimentations but let them go? My friend, a student in college of medicine posted a card in Internet says that when the using of animals in experimentations can over, seeing these innocent animals lost their life for a reason to research is so cruel.We can never taste the painful feeling of experimental animals.injection narcosis surgery seaming even struggling against death.Every step they taking stands drastic sufferings.how dear can we leave them in this situation ? It is a vivid life ,not a thing but our company in this world ,who own a longer living history than we human being.All in all,every thing has two sides ,what we should attach importance to is judging and weighing which side is more meaningful and worthy.If you ask me ,i will provide you a viewpoint that the using animals in experimentations is so ruthle and brutal that should be forbided as soon as poible.Of course the science moving step is neceary for us ,however,which can not be a powerful reason that we can ending a life without permit.And we can use dead humans

cell or organs to the experimentations instead of vivid animals ,As the technology of science high developed ,we has no hinder that we can create a now tool or something kinds like appliances can be used in experimentations.Remember we are a member of living lives ,we are equal ,please do not deprive the rights of animals ,just give them a space to be a











动物权利摘 要:一些学者认为动物跟我们人类一样,可以感知痛苦,并拥有情感。所以它们应该拥有获得尊重对待的平等权利。所以,人类对动物的任何利用方式都是错误的,要求人类完全废......

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