Martin Luther King, J_martineden作品赏析
Martin Luther King, J由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“martineden作品赏析”。
1.When was Martin Luther King, Jr killed? 2.Which state was reported to came together to remember the Man? 3.How do they remember the man? 4.How do they feel the black people's situation nowadays? Why?
5.What does it remind us?
And April 4th, 1968, James Earl Ray kills Martin Luther King, Jr.Tonight, 41 years after the aaination, the South Florida community came together to remember the meage preached by Dr King.CBS4's Michael Williams has the story.They lifted their voices and their spirits in Liberty City.An aain's bullet claimed Martin Luther King's life on this April night in Memphis in 1968, but it could not claim his voice and his vision, they marched too, dads with sons who would never know a country that did not have a black man as president, in large part because of the path trail-blazed so long ago, and so, they celebrated it.“We come a long way, and Martin Luther King opened, you know, opened the1
”We’ve done leaps and bounds as far as race relations.I think we still have a long way to go.”
Much they say has changed for the good, but for old-timers watching the march pa by, there remains the nagging worry that the community is still not fully in step with King's call for equality always and everywhere.“There is no real community ownership here, a black still don't have community control over the businees.”“We have to come together, to survive as one people, as one nation of people.”And beyond the economic challenges, violent crime continues to often take its cruelest toll in the black community.“That resonates with all of the residents and me, as a leader, it is important for us to work harder and do more to make opportunities available for young people.”
So many hurdles yet to clear but at this gathering also a chance to acknowledge all the ones that have been croed.“We came a long way, we came a long way.As I remember when I want to go to school back in the 50's, I couldn't do what I'm doing today.I thank God Almighty.”
Remembering the dream and reclaiming it as well as the slogan of the night says historyis best served.These people remind us by always trying to renew its leons of equality and opportunity in this community.InLibertyCity, Michal Williams, CBS4 news tonight.
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