Healthandwealth, whichismoreimportant?
There is an interesting topic:Health andwealth, which ismore important?
Different people have different opinions about it.Some people think wealth is everything.There is no denying thatwealth brings a lot of material help.For example food, clothes andhouse, is the most simple and most need.Truly, wealthcanreallysolve a lot of problemsin our lives.It seems that wealth can really bring everything.However,The body is the capital of revolution.Other people see more advantages arising from health.As far as I'm concerned,health is irreplaceable, and my reasons as follows:
Firstly,as we know,health is the first wealth,only if have healthy body can we do what we want to do.Secondly,health refers not not only to have a strong body, including mental health.It's obvious that a truly healthy man can better enjoy his life.Thirdly,needs are limited,but not greed.In other words, wealth can be measuredbut health cannot.On this point of the view, health is more important than wealth.In a word,keeping health first if you want to be wealthy.It is well--known that a people can make a large fortune if he has the good opportunities during his life, butif we lose health,everything will loseitignificance.Choose good health, andchoosemorewealth.