Completing this thesis, I would like to expre my great gratitude to those whohave helped me a lot in the research.My great thanks are to my supervisor, aociate Prof.Fang Qinghua, who hasgiven me constant help in both academics and daily life in the past three years.Herserious research attitude and spirit of continuous learning leave me strong impreionand will guide my future endeavors.I am very grateful for her tirele efforts anddevotion of her precious time in revising my manuscripts.It is because of such aresponsible and nice profeor that I could finish this thesis.Thus I give my fullygratitude to my dear profeor.Besides, I also appreciate all the profeors andteachers who have taught me in the past three years and have had great impacts on mewith their profound knowledge and conscientious instructions.Finally, I would give my thanks to my parents, clamates and friends whosupport and encourage me to fulfill this paper.论文致谢二:
I would like to take the opportunity to expre my hearted gratitude to all thosewho make a contribution to the completion of my thesis.Above all, I am deeply indebted to my respectable supervisor, Profeor ShuangWenting, who has offered me valuable advice and incisive comments on my thesis.Without his illuminating guidance and great patience, it would be impoible for me tofinish the thesis so smoothly.During my postgraduate life, I am filled with admirationby his profound academic knowledge and influenced by his comprehensive knowledgeand research spirit.My supervisor makes me know what is needed for a qualifiedpostgraduate majoring in linguistics.Secondly, my gratitude also goes to all the teachers who taught me during mypostgraduate study at Foreign Language School of Wuhan University of Science andTechnology.I feel grateful to them for their excellent and insightful lectures in differentfields of linguistics.I would also like to expre my thankfulne to my parents and friends for theircare and help, without which I wouldn’t have finished my thesis so succefully.Finally, I would like to expre my appreciation to my friends.It is their sincerefriendship which makes me forget all disappointments and becomes self-confident inmy study.论文致谢三:
At the completion of the thesis, I would like to expre my great gratitude to thosewho have helped me during the writing proce of this thesis and also those who havekindly helped and encouraged me in the past three years.To begin with, my greatest gratitude goes to my respected supervisor, Prof.ShuangWenting, both for his stimulating advice, intellectual guidance and for his warm andconstant encouragement during the proce of writing the thesis.His painstakinginstructions, inspiring guidance and heartfelt encouragement have led me through thewhole proce of the thesis writing.Without his endle patience and valuable suggestions,the completion of the present thesis could not have been poible.Secondly, my special thanks also go to the profeors and teachers in the EnglishDepartment of WUST who have taught me and influenced me during my postgraduatestudies.From their informative profitable lectures, I have learned of their serious attitudestowards academic study, which inspired me with not only sparkles in thinking but alsoenthusiasms for scholarly pursuits.Last but not least, I also owe my sincere gratitude to my beloved family for theirloving considerations, great encouragement and unfailing support is indispensable to thecompletion of my thesis.And I would also like to expre my thanks to fellow clamatesand friends for their comments, friendship, and trust during the difficulties course of thisthesis.In short, I feel deeply indebted to all those who have given me their advices,encouragements and supports, which have been the driving force to finish this thesis.论文致谢四:
My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Profeor Ren Baogui, mysupervisor, for his valuable instructions and guidance.He has walked me through all thestages of the writing of this thesis.It is from his illuminating instruction that my ideas ofthis thesis stemmed, refined and took shape.Without his patient instruction, insightfulcriticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have beenpoible.My sincere thanks also go to my tutor Bao Yiqian for her selfle help andsuggestions for the study.In addition, I would like to expre my heartfelt gratitude to the profeors in theForeign Language College.I have learned and benefited a lot from theirthought-provoking lectures during the past two years.Finally, I want to expre my thanks to my parents for their tender love and greatconfidence in me through all these years.I also own my sincere gratitude to my friendsand fellow clamate who give me their suggestions and help during the painstakingproce of the thesis writing.论文致谢五:
This thesis can’t be finished without the help from many people.It is attributed toseveral persons I’d like to give my sincere appreciation.First of all, I’d like to acknowledge my supervisor profeor Yuan Xuemei who hasbeen giving me advice on the proposal and the structure of this thesis and providing mewith many useful references that are of great help during the writing of the paper.Thisthesis can’t be completed without her patient instruction, constant encouragement andinsightful advice.I am so grateful to be her student.Then, I’d like to give my thanks to all the other English teachers who have given meclaes of literature, linguistics, culture and thesis writing, etc.in the two years.Theseclaes greatly enlarge my knowledge and help me finish my thesis writing.I want toexpre my gratitude to Mr.Ren Baogui, Ms.Yuan Caihong, Mr.Li Yinfang, and Mr.Zhao Dongsheng, Mr.Liang Chenggong and Mr.Liu Qicheng who taught me during thepostgraduate study.Besides, I’d like to thank my tutor Wang Jinxuan in No.l senior school of Luoyang,Henan Province who gives me inspiration on the investigation needed in the thesis andoffers many suggestions on my these writing.At last, my parents, friends and roommates all are worth my grateful appreciation.They keep giving me support, encouragement and help in my two-year study so that I canfocus my attention on my learning and research.
When this thesis is completed, i would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and students who give me a lot of great help.Firstly, I am sincerel......
毕业论文致谢1 First of all, I would like to thank my mentor profeor Xiang Ji During my pH.d., teacher Ji teach by precept and example,and let me learn a lot such......
英文论文致谢(推荐12篇)由网友“旺旺尼”投稿提供,下面小编给大家带来英文论文致谢,希望能帮助到大家!篇1:论文英文致谢 Upon the completion of the thesis, I would like to ta......
论文英文致谢(共11篇)由网友“ruhdvgjnb”投稿提供,以下是小编帮大家整理后的论文英文致谢,欢迎大家分享。篇1:论文英文致谢 Upon the completion of the thesis, I would like t......