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How Punishment Affect Behavior

Operant behavior can also be conditioned through the use of punishment.Here the goal is not to reinforce a response, and therefore make it likely to occur again in the future, but to eliminate a response by following it with an unpleasant experience.Most people and indeed society as a whole seem to believe in the effectivene of punishment as a form of behavior modification.Toddlers are punished by a slap on the hand if they grab at a fragile lamp or by a slap on the hand if they whine too much.Older children are punished if they are “say,” get into fights, or refuse to do their homework..Researchers studying marriage have found that it is not uncommon for one or both partners to use punishment in an attempt to change the other’s behavior.Note this case: A husband was annoyed because whenever his wife was in a bad mood , she had the habit of swearing at children if they misbehaved.In an effort to change her behavior ,he yelled at her ,or stormed out or the house for the evening ,or stopped sharing in household chores when she swore at the child.The wife ,in turn ,was annoyed because the husband always left the den in a me----with newspapers, magazines, and books scattered over the floor and on top of the television set.In an effort to change his behavior, she threw out his magazines out his magazines, stopped talking to him, and rejected his sexual approaches whenever he left his den in a me(Patterson, Hop, Wei ,1975).Both were saying, in effect, “ Yes, I’m punishing you by being as unpleasant as I can----and I’ll do it until you change your ways.The question is: Dose punishment really work? In the case of the couple just described, it did not.They wound up talking their problems to a marriage counselor.But the question cannot always be answered with a simple yes or no.It is surrounded by many complications, all bearing on our attempts to get along in society and with our fellow human beings.Punishment with Animals----and with People

In general, punishment often results in rapid and long-lasting earning by animals(Solomon, 1964).As might be expected from what was said earlier about delayed reinforcement, the punishment is most effective if administered as soon as poible after the experiment wants to eliminate(CampbellChurch,1969).The punishment is most effective of all when combined with reward----that is, when the “wrong” behavior is punished and the “right” behavior is rewarded.This has been shown by placing a rat in a simple T-shaped maze.The animal starts at the bottom of the T and has the choice, when it reaches the top , of turning either right or left.A really-life demonstration of the same principle is provided by the housebreaking of a young puppy, which, as countle dog owners have discovered, is best accomplished by punished by punishing the animal immediately by slapping it with a rolled-up newspaper when it wets the rug and showing it that the same act is praiseworthy when performed outdoors.In at least some cases, punishment also helps babies and small children to learn.Its use is sometimes unavoidable.A slap on the hand when a child reaches toward a forbidden object may be the only way to prevent damage, as when the object is a fragile lamp, or even serious injury, if the object happens to be a sharp knife.With older children and adults, however, the effectivene of punishment is much le clear.One reason is that it is impoible to say how any give individual feel about any particular kind of supposedly punishing treatment.If that statement strikes you as peculiar, consider this situation: A mother and father make it a regular practice, when their children misbehave, to raise a great fu.They yell at the children, call them to task, bawl them out, threaten them with everything from

being sent to bed without supper to a thorough spanking.They believe that this punishment will make the children mend their ways.The children, however, may view the situation in an entirely different light.Let us say that their parents ordinarily ignore them, displaying very few signs of interest or affection.Thus, to the children, the intended punishment is actually a form of attention, which they desperately crave.It constitutes a positive reinforcement that they are likely to seek again and again.In these cases even a spanking may be regarded as a positive reinforcement.Psychologists are well aware that punishment often achieves exactly the opposite of its intended effect(Feshbach, 1983).It can create a vicious circle within a family: The child misbehaves, the parent punishes, and the punishment leads to further misbehavior(N.E.Miller, 1975).Punishment may also have far-reaching side effects.Studies of children who received drastic verbal or physical punishment have shown that they tend to acquire a dislike for the people who punish them, such as their parents or teachers.These children often become aggreive and punishing toward other children---and as adults frequently are cruel to their own offspring.惩罚如何影响行为












How Punishment Affect BehaviorOperant behavior can also be conditioned through the use of punishment .Here the goal is not to reinforce a response, and therefor......


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