威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
Section 1 志愿者申请 10填空
Section 2天堂岛屿旅游介绍 10选择 Section 3鸟类观察 5填空 5选择 Section 4(新题)10填空
二、具体题目分析: Section 1
场景:志愿者申请 题型:10填空
1-10)Note Completion 1.Addre: 62 Mileda Street 2.Language skill: French and Chinese 3.Bring old to go shopping
4.Know how to socialize with people 5.License to drive
6.Where does she live now: South of the river 7.Be free only on Wednesday 8.Date to start on: 3th June
9.Put a mail note on the stairs in front of house 10.Where to get the information on the radio 答案仅供参考
备考建议: 常规的咨询场景,单词拼写难度不大,考生们应该在这一部分争取尽量少错。
Section 2
场景:天堂岛屿的旅游介绍 题型:10选择
11-20)Multiple Choice 11.Which color of bus: A red
12.Activity is free: B nocturnal walk
13.which one needs to paid for by coins? C changing room locker
14.which activity needs to be booked in advance? B fishing
威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
15.which activity will be offered every day? B banana boating 16.part was closed? A canoeing
17.island restaurantC 19.children centreE 答案仅供参考
Section 3
场景: 鸟类观察
题型: 5填空,5选择 21-23)Table Completion 21.Quantities small scale 22.Cost within budget
23.The bird are fed on seeds, fruits and nuts 24-26)Sentence Completion 24.Position of the table in each garden: underneath a tree 25.Birds daily observe frequency time: 5 minutes 26-30)Matching 26.date recorded byA themselves 28.birds' food byC not be included in the form 30.comments by-B observers 答案仅供参考 备考建议:匹配题或者选择题在Section3部分还是常见的题目,提高看题和听力同义转换的速度是提高这一部分的方法。
Section 4 新题
题型:10填空 31-40)Completion 31.waste 32.store 33.powder 34.holes 35.electricity 36.37.38.威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
39.factories 40.demand 答案仅供参考
二、具体题目分析 Paage 1:
题目:Viking ship and its replica维京船及其复制品 题型:7判断题+6简答题 题号:旧题
文章大意:待补充 参考答案: 1-6)判断题
2.FALSE。只是在Dublin发现的。3.FALSE。只用wooden tree nail。
4.NOT GIVEN。Flexibility使之valuable。5.TRUE。船in poor condition 6.TRUE。Media coverage 7.TRUE。
8.20 percent。20 percent slower 9.needles。Kit needles 10.wood.wood rope 11.1.5 square meters. 12.proper test. 13.tent.
Paage 2:
题型:段落信息配对题+人物名称配对题+填空题 题号:新题
威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
文章大意:暂无 参考答案:待补充 参考文章:暂无
Paage 3:
题目:Commiion art佣金文化 题型:判断题+填空题+选择 题号:新题
文章大意:待补充 参考答案:待补充 参考文章:暂无
Word count: 175 The diagram shows the procedure of how to apply for a driving license in the USA.威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
If a candidate intends to apply for a driving license, he/she has to go to the driving license center to fill a form at first, before taking an eyesight test.If the candidate fails to pa the test, he/she will not be permitted to enter the next stage.Having paed the initial test, the applicants are supposed to pay the fee to sit the writing test.The applicants are given three chances to take part in the writing test, after which there will follow a driving road test.However, provided the applicant is not qualified in the writing test for three times, he/she has to repay the writing test fees until getting the qualification to move into the next procedure.In the final step, those who have paed the driving road test will be offered a driving license.To sum up, the proce mainly consists of two stages: the physically qualified test and the driving theoretical and practical test.TASK 2 题目类别:社会类
Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people.Others think this has an opposite effect.Discu both view and give your own opinion.Word count(280)
It is quite common to see technology merge into people’s everyday life.However, whether it would be a driving force of widening wealth gap between the rich and the bottom 10% of people has become a debatable iue.Personally, I believe that it has both positive and negative effects on the income gap.On the one hand, it is true that the richer a person is, the more he benefits from the technology enhancement.There is no doubt that those with more poeion focus more on the cutting-edge technology having impacts on people’s life.By doing this, they smell the trend of the future market right from the beginning and buy relevant stocks accordingly.For example, they had, since five years ago, held the stocks of Amazon and Apple, which have tripled their stock price since a significant amount of people have purchased their products, long before other people even saw their potential.Therefore, the upper cla takes more advantage of the technological development, leading to greater gap between the very top 10% and the bottom of the scale.On the other hand, it seems average people have more opportunities to move to higher cla by utilizing more high-tech gadgets for individuals.For example, computers were an extremely expensive laboratory product two decades ago.However, it has became a neceity in average family in China.This allows those even from disadvantaged families to acquire the latest technology and use it to
威学教育|专注托福、雅思等出国考试培训 网站:www.daodoc.com
move up the ladder since being a programmer is the job with the highest pay in China.In this sense, more people are allowed to lead a better life in such social environment;and therefore, the general wealth gap may reduce.In conclusion, with the spread of the latest technology, the odds are high that both the rich and the poor are leading a better life.And whether it would widen or narrow the gap between the two group of people remains unknown.口语
1.Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work 2.Describe an important river or lake in your country 3.Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown 4.Describe a thing you own that you want to replace 5.Describe a talkative person you know
Describe a talkative person you know You should say: Who he or she is How you got to know him or her What he or she likes to talk about And explain how do you like him or her
Actually this topic reminds me of a boy named Jason.I knew Jason from an international exchange program in Chicago University last year.It was my first time got to know him but soon we became good friends.He is a charming boy who is also pretty stout.But what makes him a real popular program in our cla is his perfect personality, you know, quite outgoing and approachable.Actually, what I can learn from him is his inter-personal communicative skills.Or, in other words, being talkative.That’s our first time to participate in an English program with so many clamates with many countries.For the first week, I felt hard to get along with my teammates, as I was reluctant to speak to others.But it seemed like Jason was having a great time with his teammates.And I notice that, Jason was glad to talk and share his ideas with others, though he was not always fluent.I wouldn’t say he talked too much, I gue he just made good use all poible opportunities to practice and interact with others which was actually beneficial.At the end of that exchange program, I turned to another person and I gue I should be thankful to Jason because he was the person who really inspired me.
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