
2020-02-26 其他范文 下载本文


Hello, everyone!Today I'm going to share [ʃεə] with you my favorite one comic

['kɔmik] piece [pi:s] from third on middle and off to see a comic film, it is“Dragon

['dræɡən] Ball”.大家好!今天我将给大家分享我最喜欢的一部漫画片,我从初三开始到现在断断续续看这部漫画片,它就是《七龙珠》。

“ DRAGON BALL”, is the proud [praud] work of the famous Japanese cartoonist

[kɑ:'tu:nist] Toriyama.The World sales [seilz] of three hundred ['hʌndrəd] and fifty million, ranking ['ræŋkiŋ] third, Japan's domestic [dəu'mestik] sales of One hundred and fifty million, ranking the second.《DRAGON BALL》中文译名《龙珠》(又名七龙珠),是日本著名漫画家鸟山明的得意作品。世界销量3.5亿册,位居第三,日本国内销量1.5亿册,位居第二。

【Seven named in the story world “Dragon Ball” objects, each tablet Pearl ranging from one to seven five-pointed star mark and spread around the world, as long as the aembly of the seven Dragon Ball can call the Dragon will be able to reach any desire to Dragon Wishing , while Dragon to achieve the aspirations of the Pearl will automatically flying...and turned to stone after a year you can once again achieve their dream.故事世界中有七颗名为“龙珠”的物件,每颗龙珠各自有一至七颗不等的五角星标记并散布于世界各地,只要集齐七颗龙珠就可以呼唤出神龙,向神龙许愿便可以达成任何愿望,而龙珠在神龙实现愿望后便会自动飞散„„并且变成石头,一年后便可再次实现愿望。】

“Dragon Ball” is a cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] that according to Chinese ancient ['einʃənt] dragon ball legend ['ledʒənd] and journey ['dʒə:ni] to the west of the combination

[,kɔmbi'neiʃən].1 to 194 by Toei Animation [,æni'meiʃən] company changed the animated ['ænimeitid] “Dragon Ball”, while 195 to 519 parts into a cartoon cartoon “Dragon Ball Z”.Total ['təutəl] of this full-length ['ful'leŋθ] comic series

['siəri:z] about a decade ['dekeid], “Dragon Ball Z” after the end of Toei Animation original [ə'ridʒənəl] production the animation “Dragon Ball GT”.《七龙珠》是一部根据中国古代龙珠传说和《西游记》结合的漫画。第1篇至第194篇被东映动画公司改成动画《龙珠》,第195篇至第519篇部分被改成动画片《龙珠Z》。这部长篇漫画一共连载了十年左右,在《龙珠Z》完结后,东映动画原创制作了动画《龙珠GT》。【第1篇至第194篇被东映动画公司改成动画《龙珠》,在第195篇至第519篇则以超激战为主,这个部分改成动画片《龙珠Z》。这部长篇漫画一共连载了十年左右,而东映动画获得集英社同意,拍摄了动画片《龙珠》与《龙珠Z》,在富士电视台热播,每周放映,并推出了电视特集和21部龙珠剧场版。在《龙珠Z》完结后,东映动画原创制作了动画《龙珠GT》。此后,还有根据《龙珠Z》精简重制的《龙珠改》。】



Story of Dragon Ball Z takes place in the world five years after the “Dragon Ball” about the story of the Monkey King and his companions [kəm'pænjəns] to defend

[di'fend] the Earth [ə:θ].龙珠Z故事发生于《龙珠》后五年的世界,讲述孙悟空和同伴保卫地球的故事。《七龙珠GT》

“Dragon Ball GT” the first half focuses on the Monkey King and Trunks and

Xiaofang ,as well as radar ['reidə] robot ['rəubɔt] Giroux together to find the story of flying to the Black Star Dragon Ball in the universe ['ju:nivə:s], the second half of talking about the evil['i:vəl] dragon.《七龙珠GT》前半部分主要讲述孙悟空和特兰克斯与小芳以及雷达机器人吉鲁一起寻找飞散到宇宙里的黑星龙珠的故事,后半部分讲的是邪恶龙篇 孙悟空,原名卡卡罗特。原为宇宙战斗民族贝吉塔星上的赛亚人,后流落地球取名孙悟空,是一个正义和勇敢的角色,多次拯救地球和宇宙。

Monkey King,(Kakarotto).Original [ə'ridʒənəl] Meiah of the Vegeta Star on the cosmic ['kɔzmik] battle ['bætl] nation living on the Earth called the Monkey King, is a righteous ['raitʃəs] and courageous [kə'reidʒəs] role, many times to save [seiv] the earth and the universe.孙悟饭,孙悟空和地球人琪琪的长子。性格不像父亲作为纯种战斗民族那般好战,而且在母亲的导训下勤奋地读书,理想是长大成为一名学者。

Monkey King and Earth Kiki` eldest ['eldist] son.Has a strong potential [pəu'tenʃəl], but Not in character ['kærəktə] as pure [pjuə] as father fight as warlike nation, and in the mother's conducting ['kɔndʌkt]and training [trein] study diligently ['dilidʒəntli], ideal is growing up into an scholar ['skɔlə].贝吉塔(达尔),赛亚人的王子,拥有极高的自尊心,一直在为了超越孙悟空而奋斗。【最大的对手是孙悟空,初次登场时是以入侵地球的反派角色出现,后来在孙悟空等人的影响下性格发生了改变。】

Vegeta(Dahl),Meiah prince, with a high self-esteem, has been struggling to go beyond the Monkey King.特兰克斯,贝吉塔和布尔玛之子,赛亚人和地球人的混血儿之一。

Trunks,Vegeta and Bulma `son, is one hybrid ['haibrid] of the Meiah and the people on earth.【在《七龙珠》中有3个特兰克斯,但是都是同一人,只是身处时代不同。一个是原来历史中的特兰克斯,另外俩个来自未来的特兰克斯。】


【自创“龟仙流”,教育悟空和小林等人成才,天下第一武道会冠军勇敢、好色、幽默 ;绝招: 龟派气功、万国惊天掌、残像拳,】

Master Oogway ['mɑ:stə ]Martial['mɑ:ʃəl] artists ['ɑ:tist] known as “Wu-day teachers” , , Martial arts high strength [streŋθ], is a lewd [lju:d]of old man;he on Earth can be regarded[ri'ɡɑ:d] as a powerful momentary['məuməntəri] character


BAK,is divided [di'vaidid] into two generations [,dʒenə'reiʃən](two generations of parent-child ['pærənt tʃɛəd] relationship).A generation of evil['i:vəl] forces [fɔ:s] in a supporting role,2 generations later repented[ri'pent] and Monkey King became good friends.小林(克林),与孙悟空一同在龟仙人门下习武,是地球人中最强的战士之一。Kuririn , With the Monkey King with martial arts with Master Oogway , is one of the strongest warrior ['wɔriə] of the earth.小芳,是悟饭和比迪丽的女儿,从小跟着她的爷爷孙悟空修炼,参加了第28届天下第一武术大会,和孙悟空、特兰克斯一起到宇宙寻找龙珠。

Xiaofang, Gohan and Videl's daughter ['dɔ:tə], a child accompanied [ə'kʌmpəni] her grandfather Monkey King to practice ['præktis], attended the 28th best in the world martial ['mɑ:ʃəl] arts of the General ['dʒenərəl] Aembly [ə'sembli], and Monkey King, Trunks to the universe ['ju:nivə:s] looking for Dragon Ball.属于我们心中的漫画不应该结束......The comic ['kɔmik] part of our hearts should not be ended...











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