
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文




1.How to teach English(《怎样教英语》)Jeremy Harmer,外语教学与研究出版社,2005 2.胡文仲(1989)。《英语的教与学》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。3.刘润清(1996)。《外语教学与学习》。北京:高等教育出版社。4.麦基(1991)。《语言教学分析》。北京:北京语言学院出版社。5.文秋芳(1995)。《英语学习策略论》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。


7.《英语课程标准解读》(试验稿)。(2000)教育部基础教育司组织 , 英语课程标准研制组编写。


16.宋桂月、金莺:《英语课程标准教师读本》。华中师范大学出版社,2002年。17.鲁子问:《中小学英语真实任务教学实践论》。外语教学与研究出版社,2003年。18.梁祝、卢福波:《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》。广东高等教育出版社,2003年。19.程可拉、刘津开:《中学英语任务型教学理念与教学示例》。华南理工大学出版社,2005年。20.于勇:《中小学课堂教学技能训练》。当代世界出版社,2001年 21.顾曰国:《英语教学法》(上下)。外语教学与研究出版社,1998年。22.王蔷:《英语教学法教程》。高等教育出版社,2005年。23.王蔷:《小学英语教学法教程》。高等教育出版社,2003年。

24.肖惜:《英语教师职业技能训练简明教程》。高等教育出版社。1999年。25.罗少茜:《英语课堂教学形成性评价研究》。外语教学与研究出版社。2003年。Some useful websites http://www.daodoc.com(中国中小学教育教学网)http://www.daodoc.com(中国教育在线)http://www.daodoc.com(中国基础教育网)http://www.daodoc.com(浩然考试网)http://www.daodoc.com(小草教学资源网)http://www.daodoc.com(中国英语教研网)http://www.daodoc.com(搜狐教育)GREETINGS(问候)Good morning,everybody, boys and girls /children. 大家/孩子们上午好。Hello,everyone.大家好。

Nice/Glad to meet you all.很高兴见到你们。How are you? 你好吗? How’s your father/mother? 你父亲母亲怎么样? How're you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样? Are you feeling better today? 你今天感觉好多了吗? Did you have a good weekend? 周末过得愉快吗? What did you do yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你是怎么过的? Tell me what you did at the weekend? 告诉我周末怎么过的? C1a will begin soon.很快就要上课了。

It's nearly time for cla.·快到上课的时间了。The bell is ringing.铃响了。

I'm waiting to start.我等待着开始呢。

I'm waiting for you to be quiet.我等着你们安静下来。P1ease get everything ready for cla.请做好上课准备。Be ready for cla.请做好上课准备。Are you ready for cla? 准备好上课了吗? Let's get ready for cla让我们准备好上课。.

Put your English books on the desk把你们的英语书放在课桌上。That’s all right.Go to your seat.好了,到座位上去吧。Try to be on time.请尽量准时。

Try not to be late next time.下次尽量别迟到了。Try to be here on time next time.下次尽量准时到。Don't 1et it happen again.不要再迟到了。


What is the date today? 今天几号? What date is it today? What's today's date? What day is it? 今天星期几? What month is it? 这是几月份? What year is it? 这是哪一年? What's the date next Thursday? 下周四是几号? What Was the date last Tuesday? 上周二是几号? What is the weather like? 天气如何? How is the weather? 天气如何? What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Who are you? 你是谁? May l have your name? 你叫什么名字? Where do you live? 你住在哪里? What is your addre? 你的家庭地址是多少? What is your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么? Which part of China are you from? 你来自中国哪里? What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣? Do you play baseball /basketball/football? 你玩棒球/篮球/足球吗? How do you spend your evenings? 你晚上都是如何度过的? TEACHING PROCEDURE(教学过程)Let’s 1earn something new.让我们学习新内容。

We have some new words/sentences.我们要学一些新单词句子。Do some reading/writing/role play.朗读/抄写/角色扮演。Have some conversation practice.做一些谈话练习。Let's look over it again.我们再复习一遍。Remember? 记得吗? Can you see all right? 你们能看得见吗? Can you see the picture? 你们能看见图片吗? Can you a11 see/hear? 你们都能看见/听见吗? Is the volume all right? 音量合适吗? Does anybody need any help? 有人需要帮助吗? All of you can try.大家可试一试。What's the matter? 怎么回事儿? What's the problem? 有问题吗? Why don't you join in? 为什么不参加进来? Who has finished? 谁完成了? Who has done the mail? 谁把所有的都做完了吗? Anybody not finished? 有谁没有完成? Who’s next? 谁接着来做? Whose turn is it next? 下一个轮到谁了? It is turn to you.下一个是你

Who would like to do this? 谁愿意做这个? Who wants/would like to write that on the blackboard? 谁愿意把这个写到黑板上? Say it with me.跟我说。

Now all the boys.现在所有的男学生。Girls only.只是女学生。

Let's begin with the boys.我们从男生开始。These two rows.这两排。The back row.后面那一排。Just the front row.只是前排。In turns.轮流做。

One after the other,please.请一个接一个。One at a time,please.请一个一个地说。Sorry,What did you say? 对不起,你说什么? What? Pardon? 什么?请原谅,再说一遍行吗? Speak up.大声点。

I mied that.What did you say? 我没听见。你说的是什么? Sorry,I can't hear you.对不起,我听不见 Listen and repeat.听并重复

Listen to the way l say.听我是怎么说的。

Listen again carefully and then you try.再仔细听,然后你试一试。Watch my lips very carefully.仔细看我的嘴唇。Watch my mouth closely.认真看我的口型。How do you spell...? 怎么拼„„? Spell...for me.请拼一下„„ Spell it aloud.大声拼读它。

I'm afraid this is spelt wrong.恐怕这个拼错了。

I'm sorry,you’ve made a spelling mistake.很遗憾,你犯了一个拼写错误。There's a“d”miing.少了个字母d。A“d,’is miing.少了个字母d。

“D”is miing.少了个字母d。There's one letter too many/few. 多了、少了一个字母。Double“d”. 双写d。Use English.用英语。

What is the answer? 答案是什么。Copy this word(text).抄写这个词(课文)。Correct it.把它改正。Work in pairs.两人一组活动。

Work together with your friend.跟你的朋友一起讨论。Work in groups of two/three/four.2人/3人/4人一组讨论。Work on your own.自己做。

Try to work independently.尽量独自做。Do it like this.这样做。Watch me first.先看我。

Everybody,stop what you are doing.各位,停止你们正在做的事。That will do,thank you.行了,谢谢。OK,that’s enough.好了,够了。

You will have to finish in a minute.你们得一分钟之内做完。I'll have to stop you in two minutes.两分钟之后我得要你们停下来。Your time is up now,I'm afraid.恐怕你们的时间已到了。It’s about the time to finish the cla.该结束课了。

Carry on with the exercise for the rest of the leon.剩下的时间继续做练习。It’s almost time to stop.差不多到时间了。

That will do for today.You can go now.今天就到这儿。你们现在可以走了。Cla is over.下课了。The leon is over.下课了。

There’s the bell.It’s time to stop.铃响了,该结束课了。Time’s up.时间到了。

Let’s take a break.让我们休息一会儿。

All right!That ‘s all for today,thank you.好了,今天就到这儿,谢谢。Remember your homework.记住家庭作业。

Be ready to retell the story.准备复述这个故事。Read the whole text three times.朗读全课文三遍。Learn this dialogue by heart.背这段对话。Homework for today...今天的作业是„„

For homework,1 want you to finish this piece of work. 关于家庭作业,只要你们把这个做完就行了。

At home tonight,do the exercises on page 10.今天晚上做第10页上的练习。See you again On Wednesday.星期三见 See you later.再见。See you tomorrow.明天见。

See you tomorrow afternoon again.明天下午见。COMPLIMENT(赞扬)Excellent.极好的。That's very good.非常好。Terrific.太棒了。Well done.做得非常不错。That's nice.那太好了。Fantastic太绝了 I like that.我很喜欢它

You are on the right track now!你的路子没错

I’m proud of the way you worked today.你今天干的真棒,真让我为你骄傲 Congratulations!祝贺你 Nice going.做得不错 That’s a good boy/girl!真是一个好孩子 I’m very proud of you.我为你感到自豪 That’s very much better.这就更好了

I’m happy to see you working like that.看到你这样努力地工作,我很高兴


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