
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


 Indeed , we speak so much and write so little that some people begin to suspect that

phones will kill letter writing.确实,我们说可以说这么多,而写只可以写一点,所以很多人都放弃了写信,用起了电话。 2004 :Nowadays young people ten to phone more often than write to each other.So ,some say that phones will kill letter writing.What is your opinion ?

 现在很多年轻人都更愿意打电话,而不会互相写信了。所以有的人说打电话这种沟通

方式会是书信这种交流方式消失。你是如何认为的呢? Nowadays phones play more and more important part in our society.On the contrary, letter-writing became not as common as the past.So

someone hold that phones will kill letter-writing in future.However, I do

not agree with them.

It could not be denied that phones can make people keep in touch

with each other more convenient and easily, but letter-writing still has

its advantages, so it will not be killed inthefuture.First, sending a

letter is much cheaper than having a telephone call.Second, people

can not only greet each other but also exchange their thoughts in

letters.When a person writes, he can organize his mind and expre

his idea and feelings more logically and completely, but it is hard for

phones to make it.Finally, people can easily keep secret in the letter

and say whatever they want to say, while they sometimes can not do

that in a telephone.

So from the above, we can conclude that no matter how important

the phones is, letter-writing will not be killed for ever.Furthermore, under some important circumstances, letters are more appropriate and feasible than phone call.For example, if you want to invite a good friend to attend your wedding ceremony, it’s better to send him a letter of invitation than just to phone him.




indeed意思:1、adv. 的确;实在;真正地;甚至。2、int. 真的(表示惊讶、怀疑、讽刺等)。短语:Indeed difficult 确实有困难;indeed beer 啤酒;Indeed Praiseworthy 甚至值得赞许;sprouti......

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