To: **** Co.Ltd(the “Company”)
Dated _____, June 2011
I, ***, ID number ****, confirm that I have resigned from my position in the Company and settled with the Company all compensations and payments of RMB
[***] to which I am entitled according to the Employment Agreement dated 22 April 2010(the “Employment Agreement”)and Chinese laws(the: “Compensations”):本人***,身份证号为****,特此确认本人已辞去本人在公司担任的职位,并已根据日期为2010年4月22日的《劳动协议》(下称“《劳动协议》”)以及中国法律,与公司结算了本人应得的所有赔偿和款项,总额为[***] 元人民币(下称“赔偿”)。
Subject to the full payment of the Remuneration, I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release and forever discharge the Company and any of its succeors, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliated, related, sisters and parent companies, including but not limited to*****, owners, and each of their present and former officers, directors, officers and employees from any and all claims, demands, and/or liabilities whatsoever(collectively: the “Claims”), which I may ever have had, now have or hereafter in the future may have, with respect to any and all events or undertakings occurring prior to the date of execution of this Waiver and Release, specifically including without limitation, any Claims arising from my employment at the Company(including without limitation, any Claims regarding related taxes, social insurance payments, housing allowance and other payments), or my relationship with the Company in any manner and any rights arising under the Employment Agreement.如报酬已全部付清,本人特此无条件、不可撤销地免除和永久解除本人过去、现在或此后可能就本弃权与免责声明签署之日前发生的、任何及全部事件或承诺,向公司及其任何继承人、部门、子公司、关联公司、姐妹公司和母公司,包括但不限于*****、所有者、及其各现任、前任高级职员、董事和员工,提起的任何及全部索赔、要求和/或任何责任(以下统称为 “索赔”),具体包括但不限于因本人在该公司任职、或以任何方式与该公司构成劳动关系所产生的任何索赔(包括但不限于就相关的税收、社会保险费的缴纳、住房补贴及其他应付款提出的任何索赔),以及根据《劳动协议》产生的任何权利。
声明我司同志已于年月日离职,我司郑重声明今后其在外的一切活动皆属于个人行为,所造成的任何经济损失及法律责任皆与我公司无关。特此声明诚 信 地 产年月日......
离职员工声明本人自愿与春绿饮料厂解除劳动合同关系,已于签署之日前正式解除、终止。 在现单位的工作期间与原工作单位发生的任何劳动纠纷、经济纠纷所引起的一切后果,由本人......
声明我司同志已于 年 月 日离职,我司郑重声明今后其在外的一切活动皆属于个人行为,所造成的任何经济损失及法律责任皆与我公司无关。特此声明 诚 信 地 产 年月日......