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“天地宽大,父母恩大”.不错,我们应当体会到父母对我们博大而无私的爱.转眼间,又是一个母亲节的来到.初二五.六班在英语老师胡老师的倡导下,发起了“我为母亲做顿饭.”的活动.要求同学们每个人为母亲做一顿饭.5月10号正好是周日,同学们各显神通,有的熬粥,有的炒米饭,有的做面条,大家忙得不亦而乎.饭做好了,母亲们望者精心准备的饭菜和满头大忙的儿女,一个个热泪盈眶,度过了一个终身难忘的“母亲节”.同时,同学们也体会到做饭的艰辛,母亲的不易.活动的效果超出意味.一个同学感慨到:“滴水难报涌泉恩,我们应当努力学习,来报答父母!” 附: 同学的感受及母亲的感言 5班学生&家长 胡老师您好:
朱一丹的妈妈 second,cut some ham finely.third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and vegetables lightly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some salt.finally,put the fried rice in the bowl.妈妈感受:孩子长大了懂事了这份礼物很特别 李依楠
first,cut some eggs,ham and cucumber very finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the eggs,ham and cucumber lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.母亲的感受:
today is mother's day.i cooked fried rice for my mother.first,cut some aggs and cooked meat.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat ang eggs lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈 感受:孩子长大了,懂事了,这份母亲节礼物很特别。妈妈很高兴。
this sunday is mother's day.i cooked a dinner for my mother.she looked very happy and she said:“我非常高兴,这是我一生中吃过的最好的一次饭。”武志丹
first,wash some vegetables.second,cut some ham finely.#p#副标题#e# third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and vegetables lightly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some salt.finally,put the fried rice in the bowl.妈妈的感受:今天做的饭放盐少,吃起来比较淡,但是妈妈还是开心地吃了,还夸我做的很好。我知道妈妈是为了安慰我,不让我太难过,毕竟是第一次做饭。以后,我要多帮助妈妈做家务,体会妈妈的辛苦。最后,我想在母亲节的夜晚,说:“妈妈,我爱您!”刘晓媛
first,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈的感受:心情激动!一种幸福包围了我!张华
first, cuts some cooked meat and green onion very finely.next, put some oil in the pan.then, fry the meat lightly.after that, add the rice and green onion very slow.finally, add some salt.母亲的感受:以前孩子很少帮我干活,但在这个母亲节里,我发现孩子变了,希望这个变化能一直持续下去 赵倩 first,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈的感受:味道不错,孩子大了,可以自己做一些事了,感到很欣慰.---郭伟栋
today is mother's day.i got up very early then prepare some eggs and some vegetables i cooked fried rice for my mother.first cut som vegetables next add som oil in the pan then fly t he vegetables and aggs lightly after that add the rice slowly finally add some salt 妈妈的感受: 孩子真是长大啦,能够感受到那份心---路俊峰 first , cut ham and eggs finely.next , put some oil in the pan.then , fry ham and eggs very lightly.after that , add the rice slowly.finally , add some salt.my mother was very surprised and eyes filled with tears.(任鹏)
first,cut ham,big onions and egg finely.next,put a pan on the cooker and put some oil in the pan.then,fry ham,big onions and egg very lighly.after that,addthe rice slowly.then,add some salt.finally,put them on the plate.i think cooking is not easy.but my mother cook everday.i think mom worked hard.妈妈的感受:妈妈说这是我第一给她做饭,感到很惊喜。虽然说盐放多了,但很不错了。妈妈说这是最有意义的母亲节。贾璐
today i went home, my mother did not at home.so i decided to cook for her.at the english cla, the teacher told us how to make porridge, so i want to make porridge.first,i putted the pot on the cooker.then boiled water slowly.next added the rice lightly.after 3---5 minutes,i pu tted the poeeidge into the bowl and waitted my mom come back.妈妈说:这是第一次做饭,比较成功。以后应多多锻炼。--韩朔 体验做饭——母亲节献礼
今天是母亲节按照胡老师所说我给母亲做了炒大米,具体步骤如下: first,cut some cooked meat very finely.next put some oil in the pan.then, fry the meat lighely.after that, addd the rice slowly.finally, add som salt.最终,母亲吃到了我做的炒米饭,她很高兴!吃后感言:
儿子长大拉!很懂事,老师这次活动很好!--孙宁 感恩母爱
today is mother's day.i got up very early.i cooked fried rice for my mother.first,cut some cooked meat very finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.母亲的感受:恩!还是能吃的!不过放的盐太多了!继续努力吧!#p#副标题#e# 申菲 5月10日
first,perpare some eggs ,vegetables and rice.next,cut some vegetables.then,fry the eggs.after that,add the rice and vegetables.finally,add some salt and some gourmet powder.母亲的感受:
孩子长大啦!虽然做的不是那么好,但是心意很好。---韩凯轩 today is mothers'day.i cooked fried rice for her.first,cut the cooked meat very finely.second,put some oil in the pan.next,fry the meat lightly.then,add the rice slowly.after that,add some salt.finally,put it out.感受:感谢老师给孩子布置了这样一个特殊的作业。我想通过这一次活动,孩子们会理解母亲每天做饭的不易。
today is mother's day.i give my mother cook fried rice.first,cut some cooker meat finely.next,i need to put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add the rice siowly.finally,add some salt and sugar.妈妈的感受:
today was the mother's day, mrs.hu has kept a meaningful work to us, made for mother the food, what i did was the fried rice......although the rice does a little sticks, but looks that mother can be popular the fragrant appearance, at heart warm.今天是母亲节,胡老师给我们留了一项有意义的作业,为妈妈做一顿饭,我做的是炒米饭......尽管米饭做得有点糊,但看着妈妈吃得香香的样子,心里还是暖暖的。
母亲:谢谢胡老师给孩子留了一项有意义的作业,现在的孩子只懂得怎么享受而不懂得怎么为他人付出,你看看,李皓羽好不容易做了回饭,结果还糊了,但是说实话,是孩子做的饭即使是糊了家长吃的也香,毕竟是孩子的一番心意嘛,家长也不忍心批评啊!--李浩羽 happy mothers'day today i cooked a special breakfast for my mother.to thank you for her supplies.this morning i got up early.then,i began to cook.at first,i was very nervous.but i thought she did everything for me.i believed never mind.i cut the cooked meat very finely.and cooked very carefully.#p#副标题#e# few minutes later, my mother got up.she was very moved.of courseit's our duty to make her happy.especially on the mothers' day.母亲感言:谢谢聪聪,让妈妈过了一次特殊的母亲节,孩子真的长大了。a special dinner today is mother's day.today is also her birthday.i had a special dinner for her mother.i have made the porridge and the vegetables.i think is very delicious.and my mother think so.i am very happy.我妈妈:“孩子做的很好吃,我自己吃掉了一整盘。继续加油!” today,i cooked a special dinner for my mother.it's fried rice.i learned it from the english book.it's very easy.first,cut some cooked meat.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add th-e rice slowly.finally,add some salt.i put them into the bolwand gave it to my mother.i think this is my fi-rst time to make food for my mother,she will be very surprised.after she tasted the rice,she said,”than-k you for giving me the delicious fired rice,i'm proud of you!“i believe that i'll give more for her.妈妈尝过我的炒米饭后,心情异常空前very激动。因为这是我第一次为她做饭。她感到非常幸福。
today is mother's day.i feel very happy.because i cooked fried rice for my mother.first,cut some aggs.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry ang eggs lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈的感受:孩子懂得心疼帮助父母了,这次的母亲节是最有意义的!谢谢老师。
任娟:today,i make many delicious food for my mother.i make the fried rice.the steps of making fried rice is: first,cut some cooked meat very finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.i am very excited.and i think it is the most delicious food in the word.妈妈说:“孩子真是长大了,虽然这次的饭有点咸,但再咸只要是孩子做的就都会很香。毕竟这是一份孩子的一份心意,也谢谢老师给孩子这样一个机会。6班学生:
today is mother's day.it's a western festival,but many western festivals are popular in china now.our english teacher,ms.hu,told us to cook fried rice as a special gift for mother.we were excited,and we believed we can cook it well.my mother is a accountant(会计),and she works very hard.she is a great mother,i think.when she heard the news,she was happy.she helped me to buy the ham,cabbage and so on.i was thanksful for her preparation.first,i added an egg and fryed it quickly.second,i added ham.next,i added cucumbers(黄瓜),then,i added cabbage and onions.after that,i added the rice slowly.finally,i added some salt.i put it for three bowls.my parents were all surprise and they thinked the fried rice was very delicious.i felt very pleased.what a wonderful day!(huangjing)#p#副标题#e# 妈妈感受:成功是要经过考验才会获得的,还是要多加练习。.my mother and i feel very happy.what a special day!在母亲节可以收到这么意外的礼物,要谢谢你和你的老师。虽然味道欠佳,但我还是觉得很好吃。这是你第一次做饭给我吃,我很感动。希望你今后可以继续努力!
a present for mother the important exam is past,mathers'day is coming.but i am unhappy ,because my chievement is not very good.though it is bad,my mother still said her son is the best in my heart,keep trying,you can do it well next time.i love my mother,i believe mother's love will go on.so,today i will give my moher a surprise.the freid rice is not delicious,but my mother isvery happy,she said my son is grown up.sound this words,i am so happy.what a wonderful day!i'll remember it clearly.when my mother taste the fried rice, she is so happy that she can't help laughing ”well done!you are a good girl!" 昨天是母亲节,我做了一顿饭给妈妈,妈妈说:“终于有人能给我做饭了,虽然米饭有点软,油放的有点多,但我真的很感动,女儿终于长大l了.......”
不止滴水恩 涌泉报不完我们中华民族是礼仪之邦,有一句雅言叫:“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。”可有些恩情啊,却是永远也报不完的。我的家乡坐落在贵州高原上的一个风景秀丽的小山村。......
