
2020-02-26 其他范文 下载本文










关键词:城管; 暴力执法; 危害; 原因;对策

Abstract: Enforcing the law by the administration organ is the important component of administration work.Several years ago, our government put forward an aim “There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed, the laws must be strictly enforced, and law-breakers must be prosecuted”.It is a guiding principle for our jury practice, having shown a clear way for our country’s legal system building, having accelerated the course of our country’s legal system building.But nowadays in China, during the course of Chinese administrative law enforcement, a lot of contradictions appear;some are quite fierce, especially in the field of city management.The violent conflicts between the law-executors and the peddlers have frequently occurred, violent law-enforcement has happened repeatedly, which gravely deviated from the target of constructing harmonious society, and endangered the stability of society, the relationship between cadres and the maes, destroyed general situation of reform, development and stability, then affected the image of our Party and government in the people’s mind.This article made a systematic and deep survey on the phenomenon of violent law enforcement in the city management by using some basic theories and methods of Administration and Jurisprudence, tried to find out the causes and results of violent law-enforcement, then explored and discued some solutions to the problem.This article is divided into three parts except the introduction:Part I: The concept and harm of violent law-enforcement in city management.In this part, the author first made a clear definition about the violent law-enforcement, then analyzed the serious results and harms caused by violent law-enforcement, that is, bringing violence for violence;mere and more violent law-resistance;numerous bleeding conflicts;higher and higher cost of law-enforcement;challenges on the authority of laws;more and more contradictions;obstructing the development of society harmoniously and stably, etc.Part II: The main causes of violent law-enforcement in city management.This part mainly analyzed five causes of violent law-enforcement in city management: low quality of some law-executives;unreasonable checking and evaluating systems in the city management aims;Lower “special privilege” mentality of one-way authority order;lack of strict supervision and restriction;the defection of system, etc.Part III: Discuion about the solutions of

reducing and preventing violent law-enforcement in city management.This part mainly talked about the solutions of reducing and preventing violent law-enforcement in city management, including changing the concept of city management, instantly, establishing the human-oriented notion and notion of harmonious law-enforcement in city management;promoting the quality of law-executives;perfecting the laws and systems of city management, instantly, perfecting the law-making of city management, strengthening the supervision of law-enforcement in city management;building and perfecting the system of responsibility for law enforcement investigation;reforming the system of law-enforcement in city management;innovating the ways of city management;strengthening the communication between city-executives and peddlers;sharpening the propaganda and education, connecting the way of governing the city by law with the way of governing the city by moral;cultivating peddlers’ self-governance organizations, etc.Innovation of this thesis mainly manifests four aspects: First, from the viewpoint of neo-public administration, the author explores the ways to solve the problem of violent law-enforcement in city management;Second, the author puts forward a series of reform tactics and supporting measures, such as “people-oriented, government-leading, democratic participation, strengthening supervision, practicable responsibility, sharpening propaganda”, makes every effort to resolve the practical problems;Third, the author introduces “the Theory of balanced-development” into the field of law-enforcement in city management, attempts to find out the best joint of government power, social organizations and peddlers’ self-governance organizations;Fourth, the ways of law-enforcement change from unilateral commanding, administrative compulsion to instruction, bilateral consultation, co-operation and administrative contract;the relationship between government and people changes from rigid “management and being managed” “commanding and obedience” to flexible, democratic “co-ordination and co-operation”, building a happy and harmonious society together.Key words: city management;violent law-enforcement;harm;solutions




(二)城管暴力执法的危害 第一,以暴制暴,暴力抗法越演越烈,流血冲突不断。暴力执法的一个直接的逻辑结果即是暴力抗法。对于一个没有工作收入的人来说,当他最起码的生存都不能保证,那种“你不让我活,你也别想活”的后果就很难避免。凤凰网报道: “2011年7月26日,贵州安顺城管在执法过程中打死一摊贩,然后造成数千名群众围观,而旁边则有一两倒下的城管车辆”。此次事件给党和政府造成了极坏的影响。第二,加重社会矛盾,影响社会稳定。中国政法大学教授马怀德在接受记者采访时说:“暴力执法,会带来暴力抗法。”由于城管执法的对象主要是下岗工人、无业市民和农民等为生计而从事“违法”经营的摊点商贩,这些人一般素质较低,且是处于社会底层的弱势群体,所以暴力执法的直接逻辑结果便是暴力抗法,以及社会大众出于对弱势群体的同情而对城管执法工作的不满甚至愤懑。这种以暴制暴的执法方式,一方面会导致执法对象的暴力抗法,引发一系列执法者与被执法者之间的暴力冲突事件;另一方面,会引起全社会对城管部门执法工作的不支持,给执法工作带来巨大的阻力,这将严重威胁一个城市的社会秩序和稳定发展。第三,执法成本越来越高。一些地方政府动用财政资金给城管配备了俨如防暴警察的保护装备,如上海浦东部分城管队员开始装备钢铁头盔、防刺背心、防割手套和反光背心,三年内所有城管队员将人手一套。据了解,此‘‘四宝”费用不菲,装备一个大队需要50万元。上海、北京等地的城管甚至还在监视‘‘无证摊贩”时装上了监控设备。暴力执法遭遇的纠纷官司也额外地增加了行政成本,而所有的公共管理费用都是取之于纳税人,如此看来,最终受拖累的还是百姓。第四,虚弱法律权威,损害政府形象。城管本是法规的捍卫者,是国家和城市的执法者。执法部门及执法人员在执法过程中执法犯法,动辄挥舞“执法”大棒予以惩戒,更有的执法者的行为严重偏离正常轨道,私自扩大执法范围,将野蛮的执法方式、专制落后的执法理念贯穿到城管执法工作中,这既有悖国家法律法规和政策,也有违法律的初衷,城管的暴力执法和不文明施法会严重削弱法律在城市管理和社会建设中的权威。另一方面,城管部门的执法工作代表的是政府的形象,其工作质量的好坏、文明与否不仅代表执法者本人的素质,还关系到政府在民众中的形象。城管的暴力执法会严重削弱法律在社会大众中的权威,也会损害政府的形象。













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