Friends of the pre and guests, good morning!今天上午,中国共产党第十九届中央委员会召开第一次全体会议,选举产生了新一届中央领导机构。我们非常高兴地邀请到,新当选地中共中央总书记和各位常委同中外记者见面。
Earlier this morning, the 19thCenteral Committee of the Communist Party of China held its first plenary seion and elected a new central leadership.It is my privilege to invite the newly-elected Central General Sectary and other members of the Political Bureau Standing Committeeto meet Chinese and foreign pre.现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎总书记和各位常委。
Please join me in a warm applause to greet the General Sectary and other Political Bureau Standing Committee members.让我们热烈欢迎中共中央总书记习近平同志讲话!
Let us warmly welcome General Sectary Xi Jinping to deliver some remarks!女士们,先生们,同志们,朋友们,大家好!昨天,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会已经闭幕。这一次,来了许多记者朋友,有些是远道而来。我了解,你们对大会做了许多的报导,很充分的报导,大家辛苦了!这些报导引起了全世界的广泛的关注,我向你们表示衷心的感谢!
Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends, good morning!The 19thNational Congre of the Communist Party of China was concluded yesterday.The Party Congre has received extensive and detailed reporting by our friends from the pre.With many of you coming from afar, you have worked very hard and your mediacoverage has captured the attention of the world.I want to say a big thank you to you all!大会开幕以来,一共有165个国家、452个主要政党,发来了855份贺电、贺信,其中有814份是国家元首、政府首脑、政党和重要组织机构的领导人发来的。在此,我谨代表中国共产党中央委员会向他们表示诚挚的谢意!
Since the opening of the Party Congre, 452 major political parties in 165 countries have sent 855 meages of congratulation, of these, 814 came from heads of state or government or the leaders of political parties or important organizations.On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, I wish to convey our sincere appreciation to them all.在刚才召开的中共十九届一中全会上,选举产生了新一届中共中央领导机构,全会选举我继续担任中共中央委员会总书记,这是对我的肯定,更是鞭策和激励。
We have just held the first plenary seion of the 19th Central Committee and elected a new central leadership.I was reelected General Sectary of the CPC Central Committee, I see this as not just approval of my work, but also encouragement that will spur me on.现在我向大家介绍一下当选的其他六位常委同志。
Now, Iwish to present to you the other six members who have also been elected to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.李克强同志
Comrade Li Keqiang 栗战书同志 ComradeLiZhanshu 汪洋同志 ComradeWangYang 王沪宁同志
ComradeWangHuning 赵乐际同志 ComradeZhaoLeji 韩正同志
ComradeHanZheng 其中,李克强同志是十八届中央政治局常委,其他的五位同志都是十八届中央的政治局委员。他们更多的一些信息资料大家可以通过媒体渠道来获取到,我在这里就不再详细地介绍。
ComradeLiKeqiang served on the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the 18th CPC Central Committee, while all the others were members of Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee.You can learn more about them from the media.在这里,我代表新一届中共中央领导成员,衷心感谢全党同志对我们的信任,我们一定恪尽职守、勤勉工作、不辱使命、不负重托。
Here, on behalf of the newly elected central leadership, I wish to expre our heart-felt thanks to all of the members of the party for the trust they have placed in us, we will work diligently to meet our duty, fulfill our miion and be worthy of their trust.过去的五年,我们做了很多的工作,有的已经完成了,有的还要继续做下去。中共十九大又提出了新目标、新任务,我们要统筹抓好落实。
Over the past five years, we have set out a broad agenda.Some tasks have been completed, while others need more work.This Party Congre has set new goals and new tasks, we must make coordinated efforts to see them through.经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代。新时代要有新气象,更要有新作为。中共十九大到下一次的二十大这五年,正处在实现两个一百年奋斗目标的历史交汇期,第一个百年目标要实现,第二个百年奋斗目标要开篇,这其中有一些重要的时间的节点是我们工作的坐标。
With decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.In this new context, we must get a new look and more importantly, make new accomplishments.The coming five years between the 19th and the 20th Party Congre is the period in which the time frames of the two centenary goals will converge.Not only must we deliver the first centenary goal, we must also embark on the journey towards the second centenary goal.As I look ahead to the next five years, I see several important jointures and signposts.2018年,我们将迎来改革开放40周年,改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键一招。40年的改革开放使中国人民生活实现了小康,逐步富裕起来了。我们将总结经验,乘势而上,继续推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,坚定不移深化各方面的改革,坚定不移地扩大开放,使改革和开放相互促进、相得益彰。我坚信,中华民族伟大复兴必将在改革开放的进程中得以实现。
In 2018, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the launch of Reform and Opening-up.Reform Opening-up is a crucial move that is shaping China’s future.40 years of Reform and Opening-up has made it poible for our people to lead decent and even comfortable lives.We will review our experience and build on a good momentum to continue modernizing China’s system and compacity for governe and make determining efforts to comprehensively deepen reform and open China still wider to the world.We will see that Reform and Opening-up complement and reinforce each other.It is my conviction that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will become a reality in the course of Reform and Opening-up.2019年,我们将迎来中华人民共和国成立70周年,我们将贯彻新发展理念,推动中国经济持续健康发展,惠及中国人民和各国人民,我们将继续落实好十三五规划确定的各项任务,并对未来发展做出新的规划,推动各项事业全面发展,把我们的人民共和国建设得更加繁荣富强。
In 2019, we will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.We will act on the new vision for development and strive for sustain and healthy economic growth that benefits people in China and around the world, we will continue our efforts to accomplish all the tasks lay down in the 13th Five-Year Plan, develop new blueprints for China’s future and see the flourishing of all our endeavors.These efforts will contribute to a more prosperous and strong people’s republic.2020年,我们将全面建成小康社会,全面建成小康社会一个也不能少,共同富裕路上一个也不能掉队。我们将以全党全国之力坚决完成脱贫攻坚任务,确保兑现我们的承诺。我们要牢记人民对美好生活的想往就是我们的奋斗目标,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,努力抓好保障和改善民生各项工作,不断增强人民的获得感、幸福感、安全感,不断推进全体人民共同富裕。我坚信,中国人民的生活一定会一年更比一年好。
In 2020, we will establish a moderately prosperous society acro all metrics.This is the society to be enjoyed by each and every one of us.In the march towards common prosperity, no one must be left behind.We will mobilize the whole party and the whole country in a resolute push to deliver on our pledge and eradicate poverty in China.The aspirations of the people to live a better life must always be the focus of our efforts.We must remain committed to a people-centered philosophy ofdevelopment, strive to ensure and improve living standards and make steady progre towards enhancing our people’s sense of fulfillment, happine and security and towards realizing common prosperity for everyone.I have no doubt in my mind that our people’s live will see further improvement year after year.2021年,我们将迎来中国共产党成立100周年。中国共产党立志于中华民族千秋伟业,百年恰是风华正茂。中国共产党是世界上最大的政党,大就要有大的样子。实践充分证明,中国共产党能够带领人民进行伟大的社会革命,也能够进行伟大的自我革命。我们要永葆蓬勃朝气,永远做人民公仆、时代先锋、民族脊梁。全面从严治党永远在路上,不能有任何喘口气、歇歇脚的念头。我们将继续清除一切侵蚀党的健康机体的病毒,大力营造风清气正的政治生态,以全党的强大正能量在全社会凝聚起推动中国发展进步的磅礴力量。
In 2021, we will mark the centenary of the Communist Party of China.For the Party, which fights for the eternal well-being of the Chinese nation, the centenary only ushers in the prime of life.As a world’s largest political party, the CPC must behave in a way commensurate with this status.Its history makes it abundantly clear that the CPC is capable of not only spearheading a great social revolution, but also imposing a great reform on itself.We, as its members, mustalways have a useful spirit and forever be the servants of the people, the vanguard of the times and the backbone of our nation.Exercising full and rigorous governe over the party is a journey towhich has no end.We shall never entertain the idea of taking a breath or halting our steps.Instead, we must continue to rid ourselves of any virus that erodes the party’s vibrate, make great efforts to foster a healthy political environment of integrity and generate waves of positive energy throughout our party, which convene building our party nation-wide force, driving China’s development and progre.中国共产党和中国人民从苦难中走过来,深知和平的珍贵、发展的价值。中国人民自信、自尊,将坚定维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。同时,将同各国人民一道,积极推动构建人类命运共同体,不断为人类和平与发展的崇高事业做出新的更大的贡献。
The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have gone through trials and tribulations.These experiences have taught us that peace is precious and development must be valued.With confidence and pride, theChinese people will be steadfast in upholding our country’s sovereignty, security and development interests.We will also work with other nations to build a global community with a shared future and make new and greater contributions to the noble course of peace and development for all humanity.历史是人民书写的,一切成就归功于人民。只要我们深深扎根人民、紧紧依靠人民就可以获得无穷的力量。风雨无阻,奋勇向前。
The people are the creators of history.It is to them that we owe all our achievements.As long as we firmly allying ourselves with the people and rely on them, we can and will have boundle energy to forge ahead, come rain or shine.俗语说,百闻不如一见。我们欢迎各位记者朋友在中国多走走、多看看,继续关注中共十九大之后中国的发展变化,更加全面地了解和报导中国。
As a saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.We encourage members of the pre to visit and see more of China.We hope that after the Party Congre, you will continue to follow China’s development and progre and learn about and report more dimensions of China.我们不需要更多地溢美之词,我们一贯欢迎客观的介绍和有益的建议,正所谓,不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤,谢谢大家!
We do not need lavish praise from others, however, we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions.For this is our motto, not angling for compliments, I be content that my integrity fills the universe.Thank you!
《厉害了,我的国》观后感 学号:M170200490 姓名:李佳洁2018年4月19日,有幸与高党各位同学在食品学院A210观看了大型新闻纪录片—《厉害了,我的国》。短短90分钟的影片,一幕幕壮......
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