透析外企面试 如何回答面试中的行为性问题_面试中的行为性问题
透析外企面试 如何回答面试中的行为性问题由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“面试中的行为性问题”。
透析外企面试 如何回答面试中的行为性问题 在上期中,笔者剖析了面试中有关应聘者的领导能力、决策能力、解决问题能力、创新能力、沟通能力的行为性问题,并提出了回答此类问题的核心框架:①简单描述你当时所面临的问题或任务;②细述你当时是采取何种措施和步骤来解决问题或完成任务的;③陈述该问题或任务处理的结果。本期笔者将和大家一起探讨与应聘者的组织策划能力、团队合作能力、抗压适应能力、注重细节和工作标准能力相关的行为性问题,继续引导应聘者根据以上核心框架来思考并回答这些问题。
① Tell me about a time when you had to plan and coordinate a project from start to finish.② Describe a situation in which you had to schedule your activities to meet an objective.问题①要求应聘者举例说明自己过去曾策划和协调的一个完整的工作项目。问题②要求应聘者描述一下自己是如何安排工作进度,从而实现一个具体的目标的。两个问题的设置旨在考察应聘者设置项目目标、安排项目工作进度、处理项目具体任务的能力。通过这些问题,还可以考察应聘者是否具备合理调配资源并有效分配任务以实现目标的能力。
① [具体任务] I headed up a project which involved sales personnel and engineers.[执行步骤] I organized a meeting to get everyone together to brainstorm and get his or her input.From this meeting I drew up a plan, taking the best of the ideas.I organized teams, balancing the mixture of technical and non-technical people.We had a deadline to meet, so I did periodic checks with the teams.After three weeks, we were exceeding expectations, and were able to begin implementation of the plan.[完成结果] It was a great succe, and I was commended for my leadership, but I was most proud of the team spirit and cooperation.② [具体任务] I had to complete a technical report every month.This involved collecting a large amount of information from different departments.[执行步骤] I scheduled all the data collecting tasks.Each department was given a monthly deadline to submit information to me and I scheduled reminders to be sent out before the deadline.I set aside a time in my diary each month to check all the information.Then I allocated time for writing up the report.[完成结果] This worked well and I comfortably met my deadline.关于应聘者的团队合作能力
① What kinds of people do you have difficulties working with?
② Describe a time when you demonstrated the ability to be an effective team member.问题①要求应聘者具体说明和哪一类人共事有困难。通过这个问题,主考官想从侧面了解一下应聘者的团队合作能力。应聘者在回答这一问题时,比较明智的选择是如实讲述自己不擅长与某类人共事,但尽量将回答的重心放在如何成功地与此类人沟通方面。应聘者可以首先简述自己不愿和这类人共事的原因,然后说明自己如何积极与他们沟通并取得共识,从而解决问题,最后别忘了强调自己从中学到的东西。问题②旨在考察应聘者是否具备与新团队成员培养良好合作关系并为团队作贡献的能力。应聘者应举例说明自己是如何与新团队成员积极沟通培养良好关系,以及自己是如何理解团队目标并为团队作出重要贡献的。
① [具体问题] In my last two jobs I have worked with people from different backgrounds and cultures.The only time I had difficulty was with people who were dishonest about work iues.[解决措施] I worked with one man who was taking credit for the work that his team accomplished.I had an opportunity to talk with him one day and explained how he was affecting the morale.He became very upset that others saw him that way, and said he was unaware of his behavior or the reactions of others.[处理结果] His behavior changed after our talk.What I learned from that experience is that sometimes what we perceive about others is not always the case if we check it out.② [具体问题] I was transferred to a new team at my last company.The team members were not welcoming, and I was not included in their meeting discuions.[解决措施] I asked each team member to talk to me about their expectations of me as part of their team.I explained that I understood their reluctance to trust and accept me straight away, but I wanted to make positive contributions to the team.We discued team objectives, individual roles and working styles and started to develop a rapport with each other.I made sure that I asked for their advice and feedback initially, and gradually I earned their trust.[处理结果] The team learned to be more flexible in their approach to new staff members, and I learned that one has to earn trust and acceptance.Our team works really cohesively towards its goals now.关于应聘者的抗压适应能力
① Tell me about how you worked effectively under preure.② Tell me about a time when you had to quickly adjust your work priorities to meet changing demands.问题①要求应聘者描述一下自己如何在压力下成功完成工作。通过这个问题,主考官想了解应聘者是否能在压力巨大或工作条件困难的情况下成功完成工作任务。回答这种问题,应聘者要举出实例,着重强调自己具备沉着冷静地面对压力的素质,并懂得如何为自己减压。问题②考察应聘者是否具备为满足不同的工作需求而调整工作重心的能力。应聘者在回答这一问题时,应举出代表性的例子强调自己能够有效调整自己,以适应不同环境下的工作,同时履行不同职责。
① [具体任务] While at the KDC factory, we were faced with a sudden and big order increase for the power tools.It was for a new customer and urgent.[执行步骤] I immediately sat down with the production supervisor and manager.We were able to make a workable plan that guaranteed materials were available and met the production deadline.We also paid a few visits to this customer to make sure that we completely understood their needs.[完成结果] While it was challenging and involved long hours, the pay-off was a signed contract with this new customer.② [具体任务] I was in the middle of planning a new product launch for the company when I was asked to prepare a feasibility report for a big project we were tendering for.[执行步骤] I made an outline of the information I needed immediately for the report and aigned a portion to each of my staff.I spent the next couple of days drawing up schedules of the tasks that needed to be carried out to complete the report and meeting with staff members to brief them and get feedback.I was then able to refocus on completing the new product launch on time.[完成结果] The feasibility report was completed on time with great efforts made by each staff member, and I didn’t mi the deadline of the new product launch.关于应聘者在注重细节和工作标准方面的能力
① Describe what you did to control mistakes in your work.② Tell me about a time when you were not satisfied with your work performance.What did you do about it?
问题①要求应聘者描述一下自己是如何控制工作中的失误的。通过这一问题,主考官想了解应聘者是否能全面关注工作任务中各方面的细节,并准确无误地完成任务。应聘者在回答该问题时,应强调自己是一个严格、细心的人,在工作中十分注重细节,并且经常检查细节方面的问题,从而能有效杜绝失误的出现。问题②要求应聘者举例说明对自己工作表现有哪些不满意的地方。主考官想通过这一问题了解应聘者如何为自己制定具体的工作标准,以及在工作出现问题时能否及时予以纠正。在回答该问题时,应聘者应强调自己一直为自己的工作设置非常高的标准,一旦发现工作表现不符合标准时,总是积极地采取措施,弥补不足之处。① [具体任务] In my last position I had to make all the conference arrangements for my line director.[执行步骤] I listened carefully, wrote down what he needed and then read it back to him to confirm that I had everything right.I would also follow up with a detailed email to check again.Once I had made the arrangements I would set up a time to get his feedback and check I had everything he needed.I then followed this up with an email with all the confirmed details.[完成结果] This was time-consuming for both of us, but it meant that no errors were made in the arrangements.It would have been frustrating and costly not to have made such thorough checks.② [具体问题] Once my sales performance review rating was lower than I had expected.[解决措施] I met with my line director to make an action plan for improvement and set very specific sales targets to be met on a monthly basis.I worked very hard to meet these targets and constantly monitored my sales performance.I also asked for regular feedback about my performance.[处理结果] After six months, my line director conducted another review and my rating was much higher.总之,在面试过程中,主考官主要想通过行为性问题了解应聘者在某一特定情形下的具体表现,从而考察应聘者是否符合应聘职位的具体要求。在回答问题前,应聘者应仔细聆听问题,给出的回答要尽量明确、详细,以便主考官从中了解你是否真正具备该职位所需要的技能和素质。以下笔者补充提供了一些类似的常见行为性面试问题,以供应聘者实战演练:① Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem.② Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.③ Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled it.④ What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.⑤ Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about? How did you do it?
⑥ Have you handled a difficult situation with a co-worker? How?
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