
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


圣 诞 贺 词

A:Ladies and gentlemen.B: Good evening!

C: Today is Christmas Eve.D: So merry christmas and happy new year!

A: Hi,_____,how to celebrate the Christmas?(你准备怎么庆祝圣诞节呢?)

B: Oh, I want to buy a christmas tree, lots of stars and candy canes(我想买棵圣诞树,再买一大堆漂亮的小星星和拐棍糖)

A : I want to buy some bells, and a very long stocking.(我想买几只小铃铛和一个长长的长筒袜)

C: Decorate the Christmas tree, and wait for the Santa Claus patiently.I’m sure he will bring you the right gifts in your stocking.(将这棵圣诞树好好的装扮一翻,在平安夜静静地等待圣诞老人的到来。我想,他一定会在你的圣诞袜里塞进你最想得到的礼物)

D: And if you want to meet the Santa early, please hang his photo onto your christmas tree.Maybe, he will leave his deer for you.(动作:胜利)(如果你想早点见到圣诞老人,就把他的照片挂在圣诞树上,没准儿他老人家一高兴,连他的梅花鹿也给你留下了)

B: Yes, Christmas comes into our lives, like an old friend to bring back memories, in spiring dreams, making our world a warmer place.A: The song of the angels, the joy of that night.B: May it shine round your heart, and make your paths bright.(愿天使的歌声,圣诞之夜的欢欣,萦绕你的心灵,使你前程似锦!)

A: Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

B: Beautiful dream comes true

Bring you Good wishes of happine.This Christmas and on the coming year.During this Season may the joy and love of Christmas be yours.Now, the children will send you their best wishes, listen……

Wishing you a bright white holiday full of love...Wishing you a very prosperous Health and Happy Time for you...Wishing you all the bleings of a beautiful Christmas seasons

Wishing you the Gifts of Peace and Happine this Christmas and throughout the New Year

现在还有一个秘密要告诉大家,今天除了是圣诞节,还是加枫英语成立三周年的纪念日。噢!!加枫英语三岁啦!我提议,我们现场所有的人一起祝加枫英语生日快乐!!Three years, just like a beautiful picture;

Three years, just like a radical poem;

Three years’ hard working, full of the deep feelings of parents and kids;

Three years’ striving, three years’ roadway, three years’efforts, three years’succe, it desribes a brilliant history.To recall the past, we sigh with emotion;To look into the future, we are full of the confidence

We wish a bright tomorrow for LSC!



圣诞贺词站立在又冷又窄小的厨房里,满腹悲伤。有生以来我第一次怀疑仁慈上帝的存在,心里比冰雪还要冷。the doorbell rang and peggy ran fleetly to answer it, calling that......


圣诞贺词合 普天同庆举世欢腾女:你顺服父神的旨意赞美救主今日降生 完成救赎功德无量男:是你,驱散了深沉的黑暗 男:人世间无一声音能把你的解开人间罪的锁链 恩德唱尽女:是......


祝词一新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。一份小小的贺卡,一声亲切的问候,祝福您圣诞开心、新年快乐!Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!拂去岁......





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