
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文




【英文摘要】At present,China is still dominated by thermal

power.,and is about 75% of the total of Generation.But thermal power consumption accounts for more than 50% of national coal consumption.Led to emiions of sulfur dioxide is about 45% of the country’s total.While the emiions of carbon dioxide accounts for about 40% of the total.Therefore, thermal powers are facing greater preure of energy saving in the low-carbon economy.Combustion proce is a very complex physical and chemical reactions.The actual state of the boiler and crew is in the constant adjustment because of the change of grid load and so on when power plant is in operation.Therefore, to ensure that the steam quality, production and safe operation, and achieve the boilers and other equipment in the economic operation at the same time, we must optimize and adjust the operating parameters of the boiler which is in operation.Currently used by the regulation control are often not fully control for the characteristics of boiler operating the best conditions.Moreover, with the unit load changing , the change in efficiency operating is also very large, which can not keep unit operating in the best running curve.Over time, the original operational control basis will change ,and the experience of operating personnel will not meet the unit changes.In this case, optimization control system of the

boiler combustion has been more and more attented.In order to achieve saving energy, reducing pollution of thermal power , enhancing optimal control of combustion side of unit is one of the most direct and effective method.In this paper,we desgu two key technologies boiler combustion Optimization System: prediction model technology and optimal search technology.And reference to overseas advanced combustion optimization system discu the software architecture and technical characteristics of the real-time closed-loop control of the boiler combustion optimization system.【关键词】燃烧系统 神经网络 遗传算法 目标函数 【英文关键词】combustion control system neural networks genetic algorithm objective function 【目录】火电厂锅炉燃烧优化方法分析与研究5-6绍9-10Abstract6

第1章 绪论9-15

摘要1.1 背景介1.3 燃烧优化闭1.2 锅炉燃烧优化现状10-11环控制技术11-13键点13

1.4 成功实施燃烧优化闭环控制软件的关

第2章 锅炉燃烧特性的2.2 电站锅炉燃烧过1.5 本章小结13-15

2.1 概述15神经网络模型15-30程建模的要求15-1717-19

2.3 人工神经网络基本原理

2.3.2 2.3.1 人工神经网络的数学模型17-18人工神经网络的特点18-192.4 BP 神经网络模型设计

19-242.4.1 BP 神经网络模型19-22

2.4.3 模型的层数22-232.4.5 代价函数和激励函数232.5 BP 算法的改进24-25

2.4.2 模型的输2.4.4 模型的拓2.4.6 学习2.6 BP 网络的泛

2.8 入与输出22扑结构23速率23-24化能力25-26本章小结29-30术30-43简介31-3233-34骤35-36

2.7 神经网络模型的训练过程26-29

第3章 基于预测模型的锅炉燃烧最优搜索技

3.2 遗传算法3.3.1 编码3.1 最优搜索技术综述30-313.3 遗传算法的步骤32-363.3.2 适应度34-35

3.3.3 遗传算法的基本步

3.4 遗传算法在3.3.4 遗传算法的收敛性36锅炉燃烧优化中的应用36-4236-37小结42-4343-48

3.4.1 锅炉燃烧优化模型

3.5 本章3.4.2 遗传算法的设计和应用37-42

第4章 锅炉燃烧闭环优化系统探讨4.1 锅炉燃烧优化软件结构43

4.2 国外先进锅炉燃烧优化系统现状43-47优化控制系统44-45最优化技术45-464646-4748-5048-49

4.2.1 Power Perfecter 锅炉燃烧

4.2.2 ULTRAMAX 生产过程的在线辨识与4.2.3 GNOCIS PLUS 燃烧优化系统4.2.4 NeuSIGHT 神经网络燃烧优化闭环控制系统4.3 本章小结47-485.1 研究工作总结485.3 展望49-50

第5章 总结5.2 今后研究的重点






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