The influence of the Internet to the juvenile and the measure which we shoud adopt to
[摘要] 互联网的出现,使信息网络化的浪潮席卷全球。网络以其无可抵挡的魅力对人类特别是青少年有着双重的影响,引导青少年健康上网迫在眉睫。网络对青少年学生的优势有目共睹,但由于他们生理、心理的不成熟性和非稳定性,使得网络对他们的影响极大,且负面影响显得尤为突出。如何应对网络对他们的负面影响,并使之降到最低程度,要求政府、社会、家庭和青少年个人要达成共识。
[ Abstract ] With the appearance of Internet, the tide ofinformation networking sweep over the global.Being the irresistiblel charm to person, the Internet has dual influence to person especially to young person.So ,how to lead the juvenile to use the Internet correctly is stare us in the face..The advantage of the Internet is obviously to the juvenile,but because their physiology and psychology are not mature and stably,the Internet hasa great influence to the juvenile,and the negative influence appears outstandingly also.How to deal with the negative influence of the Internet and how to make it down to the lowest degree ? It need the government ,society ,family and the individual of juvenile reach a common understanding.[关键词] 互联网;青少年;影响;网络素养;措施
[Keyword ] Internet;Juvenile;Influence;Diathesis of Internet;Measure
题 目:新传播媒介-网络对青少年成长与认知的积极影响学生姓名:罗佳佩 学号:0802090121 指导教师:院 (系):专 业: 吴应驹 西财行知学院 广播电视新闻学 年级:班级:2008级 1班新传播媒......