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9.十进制数110.125 转换为十六进制数是____________ H。

10.不少微机软件的安装程序都具有相同的文件名,Windows系统也如此,其安装程序的文件名一般为(第二部分 客观试题


1.在FrontPage 中,要使页面上能显示访问次数,可使用()实现。

A.横幅广告管理器 B.滚动字幕 C.悬停按钮 D.计数器 2.在FrontPage 中的()视图可以直接制作网页。

A.网页 B.报表 C.文件夹 D.超链


A.硬盘 B.软盘 C.键盘 D.中央处理器 4.Pentium(奔腾)指的是计算机中()的型号。

A.主板 B.存储器 C.中央处理器 D.驱动器 5.计算机最主要的工作特点是()。

A.高速度 B.高精度 C.存储记忆能力 D.存储程序和程序控制 6.微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的()。

A.人工智能 B.专家系统 C.信息管理 D.科学计算 7.Internet使用的协议是()。

A.CSMA/CD B.TCP/IP C.X.25/X.75 D.Token Ring 8.下列四个不同进制的无符号整数中,数值最小的是()。


A.使用打印机要有其驱动程序 B.激光打印机可以进行复写打印

C.显示器可以直接与主机相连 D.用杀毒软件可以清除一切病毒 10.调制解调器(Modem)的功能是实现()。)。)。

A.模拟信号与数字信号的转换 B.数字信号的编码

C.模拟信号的放大 D.数字信号的整形


A.网络的拓扑结构 B.网络的通信协议 C.网络的传输介质 D.网络的操作系统 12.下列四个无符号十进制数中,能用八位二进制表示的是()。

A.256 B.299 C.199 D.312 13.微处理器处理的数据基本单位为字。一个字的长度通常是()。

A.16个二进制位 B.32个二进制位

C.64个二进制位 D.与微处理器芯片的型号有关 14.主板上的IDE接口是连接()的数据线接口。

A.硬盘 B.软驱 C.显卡 D.声卡




C.不需调整或仅需少量调整即可用于多种系统的硬件部件,称为兼容硬件 D.著名计算机厂家生产的计算机称为兼容机








A.显示器 B.扫描仪 C.磁盘存储器 D.音响设备 19.下列操作中,()不能关闭FrontPage应用程序。

A.单击“关闭”按钮 B.单击“文件”菜单中的“退出”

C.单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭” D.双击标题栏左边的控制菜单框 20.在Excel 清单中,()。

A.只能将标题行冻结 B.可以将任意的列或行冻结

C.可以将A列和1、2、3行同时冻结 D.可以将任意的单元格冻结


A.0.39 B.0.33 C.0.31 D.0.28


A.只能读盘,不能写盘 B.只能写盘,不能读盘

C.既能读盘,又能写盘 D.不能读盘,也不能写盘 23.软件与程序的区别是()。


B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的D.软件是程序以及开发、使用和维护所需要的所有文档的总称,而程序是软件的一部分 24.微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的()。

A.人工智能 B.专家系统 C.信息管理 D.科学计算 25.下列四个不同进制的无符号整数中,数值最小的是()。



A.服务器操作系统 B.网络操作系统 C.网络传输协议 D.工作站软件 27.在Excel 中,若要编辑修改内嵌图表时,我们首先必须()。

A.双击图表 B.复制图表 C.将图表移动到新工作表中 D.选定图表 28.和通信网络相比,计算机网络最本质的功能是()。

A.数据通信 B.资源共享 C.提高计算机的可靠性和可用性 D.分布式处理 29.调制解调器(Modem)的功能是实现()。

A.模拟信号与数字信号的转换 B.数字信号的编码

C.模拟信号的放大 D.数字信号的整形


A.网络的拓扑结构 B.网络的通信协议 C.网络的传输介质 D.网络的操作系统 31.下列四个无符号十进制数中,能用八位二进制表示的是()。

A.256 B.299 C.199 D.312 32.下列四条叙述中,有错误的一条是()。






A.单元格地址随新位置有规律变化 B.单元格地址不随新位置而变化

C.单元格范围不随新位置而变化 D.单元格范围随新位置无规律变化


A.接入网络的计算机种类 B.使用的传输介质的类型

C.使用的网络操作系统的类型 D.互连网络的规模 35.已知一补码为10000101,则其真值用二进制表示为()。

A.-000010 B.-1111010 C.-000000 D.-1111011 36.计算机字长取决于()的总线宽度。

A.控制总线 B.数据总线 C.地址总线 D.通信总线 37.计算机网络技术包含的两个主要技术是计算机技术和()。

A.微电子技术 B.通信技术 C.数据处理技术 D.自动化技术 38.计算机最主要的工作特点是()。

A.高速度 B.高精度 C.存储记忆能力 D.存储程序和程序控制 39.在计算机系统中,通常所说的“系统资源”指的是()。

A.硬件 B.软件 C.数据 D.A)、B)、C)三者都是 40.与十六进制数(AB)等值的二进数是()。

A.10101010 B.10101011 C.10111010 D.10111011 41.和广域网相比,局域网()。

A.有效性好但可靠性差 B.有效性差但可靠性高

C.有效性好可靠性也高 D.有效性差可靠性也差 42.下列四条叙述中,有错误的一条是()。




D.对信息(即各种形式的数据)进行收集、储存、加工与传输等一系列活动的总称为实时控制 43.在Windows 中,当一个应用程序窗口被最小化后,该应用程序将()。

A.被终止执行 B.继续在前台执行 C.被暂停执行 D.被转入后台执行


A.网络拓扑结构 B.计算机 C.传输介质 D.网络协议 45.网卡(网络适配器)的主要功能不包括()。

A.将计算机连接到通信介质上 B.进行电信号匹配 C.实现数据传输 D.网络互连 46.世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于()。A.1943年 B.1946年 C.1945年 D.1949年

47.微机的微处理器芯片上集成有()。A.CPU和微处理器 B.控制器和运算器 C.运算器和I/O接口 D.控制器和存储器

48.某微型计算机的型号规格标有Pentium III 600字样,其中Pentium III是指()。A.厂家名称 B.机器名称 C.CPU型号 D.显示器名称 49.四个数中,数值最小的是()。

A.十进制数55 B.二进制数110101 C.八进制数101 D.十六进制数42 50.下列四组数据中,每组有三个数,第一个数为八进制,第二个数为二进制,第三个数为十六进制数。这四组数中,三个数值相同是()。

A.277,10111111,BF B.203,10000011,83 C.247,10100111,A8




B.使用这台打印机的计算机必须安装网络打印机 C.这台打印机所在计算机必须打开

D.这台打印机只要设置成默认打印机其他计算机就可使用 E.这台打印机安装时,必须安装成网络打印机 2.联系的分类有()。

A.一对一联系 B.一对多联系 C.多对多联系 D.多对一联系 3.计算机的主要特点有()。

A.速度快、精度低 B.具有记忆和逻辑判断能力

C.能自动运行、支持人机交互 D.适合科学计算,不适合数据处理 4.从逻辑功能上可以把计算机网络分成()。A.计算机子网 B.教育网 C.通信子网 D.Internet E.资源子网

5.以下属于Acce数据库对象的是()。A.查询 B.报表 C.宏 D.模块 E.文件夹


C.混合计算机D.通用计算机E.专用计算机 7.Office2000办公自动化套件包括的组件有()。

A.Word2000 B.Windows2000 C.Publisher2000 D.Outlook2000 E.SQLSever2000 8.微机中的总线一般可分为()。

A.地址总线 B.指令总线 C.控制总线 D.管理总线 E.数据总线 9.接入Internet的方法有()。

A.小型局域网接入 B.电话拨号上网接入 C.主板接入 D.宽带接入 E.大型局域网接入 10.计算机的发展趋势是()。

A.多媒体化 B.网络化 C.智能化 D.巨型化 E.微型化


1.自然码、五笔字型、大众码都属于形码。A.正确 B.错误

2.所谓活动窗口,是指该窗口在屏幕上可以任意移动位置。A.正确 B.错误

3.Word主程序窗口右上角包含了“最大化”、“还原”和“关闭”三个按钮。A.正确 B.错误

4.普通视图和大纲视图状态下,是不能显示页眉和页脚的,只有在页面视图和打印预览视图 状态下才能显示页眉和页脚。A.正确 B.错误

5.剪贴板中将只存放最后一次“复制”的内容。A.正确 B.错误

6.嵌入式对象不能放置到页面的任意位置,只能放置到文档插入点的位置。A.正确 B.错误

7.用户在连接网络时,使用IP地址与域名地址的效果是一样的。A.正确 B.错误

8.Windows2000操作系统没有为用户提供五笔字型输入法。A.正确 B.错误

9.某人要在电子邮件中传送一个文件,他可以借助电子邮件中的附件功能。A.正确 B.错误

10.在Excel中,如果公式中仅出现函数,则该公式一定不会出现错误信息。A.正确 B.错误



1.运算器 2.程序 3.操作系统 4.实时操作系统 5.Ctrl+Alt+Del 6.宋体 7.交互式系统 8.工作表Sheet1到Sheet5中所有E6单元格的值之和 9.6E.2 10.setup.exe或SETUP.EXE或Setup.exe


1-5 DADCD 6-10 CBBAA 11-15 DCDAD 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 DCDCB 26-30 BDBAD 31-35 CDABD 36-40 BBDDB 41-45 CDDCD 46-50 BBCBA




1-5 BBBAB 6-10 AAAAB


(二)发布时间:2011-03-18 发布者:





Part I Listening Comprehension(20Points,15minutes)(Omitted)Part II Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.21There is miserable news that very few people ______the earthquake.A.recovered B.survived C.existed D.discovered

22.______your book, and do this work first.You may read it later.A.put out B.put away C.put up D.put on

23.Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?

I’d love to, ______I didn’t finish my homework yet.A.and B.so C.as D.but

24.Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural______in western regions.A.sources B.resources C.materials D.power

25.Many students will watch TV only to ______ time during the summer vacation.A.spend B.waste C.enjoy D.kill

26.When I try to understand ______that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A.why it does B.what it does C.what it is D.why it is 27.I'm sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.A.if only B.in case C.until D.unle 28.The car ______ halfway for no reason.A.broke off B.broke down C.broke up D.broke out 29.The newcomers found it impoible to ______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A.suit B.adapt C.regulate D.coordinate 30.A ______ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A.result B.response C.settlement D.solution 31.You have nothing to ______ by refusing to listen to our advice.A.gain B.grasp C.seize D.earn 32.As a result of carele washing the jacket ______ to a child's size.A.compreed B.shrank C.dropped D.decreased 33.He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch.A.exchange B.transmit C.transfer D.remove 34.The leons given by Mr.Smith are always_______and interesting.A.lovingly B.lovely C.lively D.vividly 35.Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made __________ with the use of computers.A.poible B.it poible C.poibly D.to be poible 36.He has so many inventions that he is really ______ Edison of ______Japan.A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;the D.the;/

37.Even though they ______side by side for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms.A.have been lived B.had been lived C.had been living D.have been living 38.______who she was, she said she was Mr.Johnson’s friend.A.asking B.asked C.to ask D.when asking

39.You ______ the difficulties after I explain the whole thing to you.A.will be seen B.will have seen C.will see D.see

40.Not only I but Jane and Mary ______worn out after having one examination after another.A.is B.are C.painting D.to be painted 41.A survey of the opinions of students ______that they also admit several hours of sitting in front of the computer ______harmful for one’s health.A.show;are B.shows;is C.show;is D.shows;are

42.By the time your plane lands tonight, I ______ at the airport for 3 hours.A.had waited B.have been waited

C.had been waiting D.will have been waiting

43.The room is in a terrible me;it ______cleaned.A.can’t have been B.shouldn’t have been

C.mustn’t have been D.will have been waiting

44.It is the third time I ______to the Palace Museum, and I still think it is marvelous.A.have gone B.go C.have been D.will go

45.All______you can do to comfort her is to listen to her story patiently.A.what B.that C.which D.things

46.The driver, rather than the paengers, ______responsible for the accident.A.are B.is C.been D.have been

47.Please make sure everything------in its proper place before you leave the lab.A.should be B.is C.will be D.would

48.You can fly to London this morning______you don’t mind changing planes in Paris.A.provided B.except C.unle D.so far as

49.There is ______the fact that the aembly line has greatly improved productivity.A.not to deny B.not deny C.not denying D no denying

50.He is not used to speaking to a stranger, ______to a large audience.A.much le B.much more C.no le than D still more Part III Reading Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill.You should read this materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1

In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written.In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome , testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discu questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject.This custom exists today as part of the proce of testing candidates for the doctor's degree.Generally, however, modern examinations are written.The written examination, where all students are tested on the same question, was probably not known until the nineteenth century.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry.A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers ,resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory.Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test.It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions.To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer.Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like correct answers to students who have not learned the material properly.51.In the Middle Ages students_________.A.took objective tests B.specialized in one subject C.were timed by electric clocks D.never wrote exams 52.The main idea of paragraph 3 is that_________.A.workers now take examination

B.the population has grown

C.there are only written exams

D.examinations are now written and timed

53.The kind of exams where students must select answers are_________.A.personal B.spoken

C.objective D.written 54.Modern industry must have developed_________.A.before the Middle Ages

B.around the 19th century

C.in Greece or Rome

D.machines to take tests 55.It may be concluded that testing_________.A.should test only opinions

B.should always be written

C.has changed since the Middle Ages

D.is given only in factories Task 2

Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor.He gave us an example of the proce by which pins were made in England.“One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, and a fifth gives it a head.Just to make the head requires two or three different operations.The work of making pins is divided into about eighteen different operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them.Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4800 pins a worker.But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work.Fewer people can make more pins.Adam Smith saw this, but he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still.But division of labor adds nothing new, it only enables people to produce more of what they already have.56.According to the paage, Adam Smith was the first person to__________ A.take advantage of the physical labor B.introduce the division of labor into England C.understand the effects of the division of labor D.explain the bad causes of the division of labor

57.Adam Smith saw that the division of labor__________ A.enabled each worker to design pins more quickly B.increased the poible output per worker C.increased the number of people employed in factories D.improved the quality of pins produced

58.Adam Smith mentioned the number 4800 in order to__________ A.show the advantages of the old labor system B.stre how powerful the individual worker was C.show the advantages of the division of labor D.stre the importance of increased production

59.According to the writer, Adam Smith's mistake was in believing that the division of labor__________ A.was an efficient way of organizing work B.was an important development in methods of production C.finally led to economic development D.increased the production of existing goods

60.According to the writer, which one of the following is NOT true? A.Division of labor can enable fewer people to make more pins.B.Division of labor helps people to produce more of what they already have.C.Division of labor is by no means responsible for economic growth.D.Division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work.Task 3

A new poll shows that people believe that computers and the Internet have made life better for Americans, but people also see some dangers in the trend toward computerization.The poll found that the public favors some government protection from cyber-problems, but in general people are not eentially concerned with iues such as information overload or the never-ending flow of phone calls, faxes and e-mails.A separate survey of children aged 10-17 shows that they have a more positive attitude about computers than adults do, and most have made use of up-to-date technology in their schools.The survey found that enthusiasms for computers and the Internet is found in all income groups, all regions of the country, all races, and most age groups.However, people over 60 and those toward the lower end of the income rank tend to show lower rates of computer ownership and Internet usage.The survey shows that “some kind of gap has been croed: computers are part of everyday life for most Americans, and the Internet is close behind.” 61.The first paragraph shows that

A.the new poll about computers and the Internet is helpful B.people should explore the dangers of computerization C.people can not do without computers and the Internet D.computerization has its advantages and disadvantages 62.The word “enthusiasm” is closest in meaning to

A.great love B.great hatred C.problem D.advantage

63.What are the Americans concerned about according to the poll? A.Age of children using the Internet

B.Government protection from the Internet problems C.Information overload

D.The flow of phone calls, faxes, and e-mails.64.American adults tend to than teenagers.A.care more about information overload B.like using computers more C.dislike using computers more D.face le danger

65.We can learn from the paage that

A.all the American children have used the latest technology in schools B.computers and the Internet are very popular with Americans

C.Americans tend to place more importance in the Internet usage than computers D.the public in America do not hate the Internet problems

Task 4

Directions: After reading it, you should give brief answers below it(numbered 66 through 70).You should write your answers briefly(in no more than 4 words)after the corresponding numbers.This autumn term, spring term, or academic year program offers advanced students an opportunity to improve their spoken and written Chinese, and to be familiar with a range of people and organizations that are helping to shape China’s relationship with the United States and the world.All students who take intermediate or advanced Chinese language may make a choice to participate in the Profeional Development Program that includes guest lectures by Chinese and foreign profeionals on areas such as politics, foreign affairs, economics, trade, media, art, and culture.This program is supplemented(补充)by field trips and short journeys in and around Beijing.Housing and meals: Students live in the foreign students dormitories and take meals in the dormitory dining hall or local restaurants.Requirements: Two years of college-level Chinese and one Chinese studies course;graduate students accepted.Program Free: 2004 Autumn Term: $6, 995, 2005 Spring Term: 6, 995.Fees include tuition, housing and all meals, cultural activities, local journeys and field trips, insurance, and the International Student Identity Card.66.What language abilities will be improved if advanced students take part in the program? __________________________________ Chinese.67.Who will be guest speakers in the Profeional Development Program? Both __________________________________.68.Where will the foreign students stay when they are in China? In __________________________________

69.Apart from academic activities, what else will the foreign students do in this program? They will take__________________________________ and tour around Beijing.70.How many requirements are there for one who wants to be accepted to the program? ___________________________________.Part IV Translation

Section A Put the following into Chinese.(10 Points)

71.In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written._________________________________________________________________

72.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development _________________________________________________________________

73.But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one._________________________________________________________________ 74.But he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still._________________________________________________________________

75.A good many proposals were raised by the delegates as was to be expected _________________________________________________________________ Section B Put the following into Einglish.(10 Points)76.他下决心,不管遇到什么困难都要坚持做这项工作。

_________________________________________________________________ 77.要是没有你的帮助,我们不能按时完成任务。

_________________________________________________________________ 78.在出国期间,他一直与他的同事保持联系。

_________________________________________________________________ 79.在教学中,学生参与课堂活动是很重要的。

_________________________________________________________________ 80.我们制定的计划由于多种原因不能付诸实践。

_________________________________________________________________ Part V Writing

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write something according to the following information given in chinese.Remember to wirte something in no le than 120 words on the Composition Sheet.写一篇关于我的理想的文章,提示如下:句子连贯清晰,表达清楚。1.我理想的职业是什么? 2.为什么我选择这个职业?


英语试题 答案

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

21-25.B B D B D 26-30:CABBD 31-35: ABCCA

36-40: D D B C B 41-45: B D A C B 46-50: B B A D A Part III Reading Comprehension

51-55:D D C B C 56-60: C B C C C 61-65: D A B C B

66.Spoken and written

67.Chinese and foreign profeionals

68.the foreign student dormitories 69.field trips 70.requirements

Part IV Translation Section A




75.【译文】正如人们期望的那样,许多好的建议被代表们提出。Section B

76.He was determined to hold on to this job whatever difficulties he might run into.77.But for your help, we could not have accomplished our task in time.78.While he was abroad, he kept in touch with his colleagues constantly.79.In the proce of teaching, it is very important for students to participate in the claroom activities.80.The plan we made can not be put into practice because of various reasons.Part v Writing(10分)

In China young people usually want to be engineers, doctors, businemen, etc.and few want to be teachers.Unlike most young people I decide to be a teacher.There are many reasons for my personal preference but generally they come down to three major ones.First, I was born in a teacher's family and so I was greatly influenced by my father.Second, I find that education is important because it is the basis of science and technology and if a country's education is backward, its science and technology will never be advanced.Third, teachers are needed in our country, especially in the countryside.However, it is not easy to be a qualified teacher.A qualified teacher must have a good command of his specialty.Besides, he should be responsible and devoted to the educational cause.Most important of all, he should be patriotic.To be a qualified teacher in the future I must lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as poible.'Furthermore I must know the history of our country so as to cultivate patriotism


2006年成人高考专升本大学语文考试真题及答案 一、选择题:1~20小题,每小题2分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内......




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