
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Sophomore, cla 2, No.10Echo吴霞蔚

A Student & a Teacher

I have been a student for many years and I am destined to be a teacher in the years to come.This period of time of being a student of how to become a qualified teacher is quite different from the previous years.I was merely a learner.I absorbed knowledge without questioning and tried to be a good student.I tried ways that my teachers recommended and followed my teacher’s ways of conducting my learning.Yet now I have another role to play.I start to think what it is that makes me a good English learner and what it means to be a good teacher, and a good English teacher.First, I am fully convinced that the way you learn will greatly affect the way you teach.I believe I can be a good English teacher provided that I have been a quite efficient English learner and I enjoy the proce of learning English very much.I have been doing some tutoring lately.And I heard many students complaining about how boring English learning was.Back in my junior and senior years, I heard similar complains from my clamates, too.And moreover, I felt exactly the same way when I was asked to follow our English teacher’s instructions of memorizing words and sentence patterns.Something was wrong!And I think it’s not only the teachers that are to blame.It’s the rigid educational system!Students mainly learn in order to pa exams rather than enjoying the proce.That is exactly why they lose interest.We seem to have forgotten that life, in and of itself, is more about experiencing.The leading character Rancho in the wonderful film 3 Idiots embodied this life philosophy quite excellently.I have a dream.I want to make English learning an enjoyment rather than a daunting tusk.I want my students fully experience this proce and enjoy it.I want them to be confident and become efficient English learners.To achieve this, I have been observing what my English teachers have been doing and carefully evaluating the different methods according to my own feeling and my clamates’ feedbacks.I tried out different ways of teaching on my own tutoring and observed the outcome in my students.Once in my tutoring, I had this student who showed no interest in studying at all.His mother tried to persuade me into using a method of instilling, to elaborate which she even used a wood metaphor for her son and me, the water, with the intention of wood absorbing water.How absurd it was!In my opinion, what I was supposed to do is exactly the opposite.We should inspire students to become a sponge and absorb the water zealously and with much higher efficiency.I came to know the Pygmalion Effect *1 and related it to different

phenomena in my own learning experiences.Apart from that, I think of my favorite teacher and find out what make them respectable and popular.I read many books of excellent teachers and see the miracles they made.I love miracles.They are great examples of eminence.From Marva Collins *2 to Carle Witte *3, every prominent educator can teach us many things that have been neglected by the majority of us in daily life.Moreover, I get in touch with some of my excellent teachers and discu with them about teaching.It’s really fruitful.For example, once I wrote a thank-you letter to my favorite teacher and expreed my gratitude to him.We were both so grateful for the time we spent together.What a precious experience!We talked about excellent books and activities that can be applied to teaching.For example, I suggest he do the merit-finding activity among students.“Believes are often self-fulfilling prophecies.” Harvard profeor Tal put it.I got the idea from an excellent novel named

*4 Christmas List.And he did it!What an encouraging gesture!And I believe

both of us benefited a great deal from it.It’s like that I have a purpose now.So I can see more things related to being a good teacher, thus I see more and learn better.By and by, those tiny pieces in different aspects come into one.It is indeed one remarkable advantage of entering a normal university.A teacher is indeed a bleed career.Note:

1.皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect),也有译“毕马龙效应”、“比马龙效应”、“罗森塔尔效应”或“期待效应”,由美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔和雅格布森在小学教学上予以验证提出。暗示在本质上,是人的情感和观念,会不同程度地受到别人下意识的影响。人们会不自觉地接受自己喜欢、钦佩、信任和崇拜的人的影响和暗示。而这种暗示,正是让你梦想成真的基石之一。皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect)指人们基于对某种情境的知觉而形成的期望或预言,会使该情境产生适应这一期望或预言的效应。你期望什么,你就会得到什么,你得到的不是你想要的,而是你期待的。只要充满自信的期待,只要真的相信事情会顺利进行,事情一定会顺利进行,相反的说,如果你相信事情不断地受到阻力,这些阻力就会产生,成功的人都会培养出充满自信的态度,相信好的事情会一定会发生的。这就是心理学上所说的皮格马利翁效应。


2.Marva Collins: 在上课第一天,她对学生们说:“我们好好树立自己的信念。”她不厌其烦地传达着这一信息。她坚持对学生说——我相信你,你能成功,自己承担自己的责任,别再埋怨,成功与否全在你。她不厌其烦地传达着这些积极的信息。同时她对学生满怀期待,把目光放在他们的优点和长处上,并加以培养。奇迹就这样发生了。




3.卡尔?威特(Karl Witte)1800年7月1日出生于德国萨勒河畔的哈勒市洛赫小村,是19世纪德国的一个著名的天才。他八九岁时就能自由运用德语、法语、意大利语、拉丁语、英语和希腊语这六国语言;并且通晓动物学、植物学、物理学、化学,尤其擅长数学;9岁考入莱比锡大学;10岁进入哥廷根大学;13岁出版了《三角术》一书;年仅14岁就被授予哲学博士学位(事实上,卡尔目前仍然是《世界吉尼斯记录大全》中“最年轻的博士”记录保持者[1]);16岁获得法学博士学位,并被任命为柏林大学的法学教授;23岁他发表《但丁的误解》一书,成为研究但丁的权威。与那些过早失去后劲的神童们不同,卡尔?威特一生都在德国的著名大学里授学,在有口皆碑的赞扬声中一直讲到1883年3月6日逝世为止。卡尔?威特能取得这番惊人的成就,并不是由于他的天赋有多高超——恰恰相反,他出生后被认为是个有些痴呆的婴儿——而是全赖他的父亲教育有方。卡尔的父亲把小卡尔长到14岁以前的教育写成了一本书,这就是《卡尔?威特的教育》。书中详细记述了这个父亲的核心理念,一个人最终能否有所成就,其禀赋起着一定的影响,但最主要的还是后天的教育。教育得当,普通的孩子也能成长为天才。教育不当,即使再大的天才也会被毁掉。他记载了他的孩子成长的过程,教育心得、方法,提出了早期教育的理念。





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