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In science the meaning of the word “explain” suffers with

civilization’s every step in search of reality.Science can not really

explain electricity,magnetism,and gravition;their effects can be

measured and predicted,but of their nature no more is known to the

modern scientist than to Thales who first looked into the nature of the

electrification of physicists reject the notion that man can ever

discover what these mysterious forces “really” are.Electricity,Bertrand Ruell says,is not a thing,like St.Paul’s Cathedral;it is a

way in which things behave.When we have told how things behave when thry are electrified,and under what circumstances they are electrified,we

have told all there is to tell.Until recently scientists would have

disapproved of such an idea.Aristotle,for example,whose natural science

dominated Western thought for two thousand years,believed that man could arrive at an understanding of reality by reasoning from self-evident

principle.He felt,for example,that it is a self-evident principle that

everything in the universe has its proper place,hence one can deduce

that objects fall to the groud because that’s where they belong,and

smoke goes up because that’s where it belongs.The goal of Aristotelian

science was to explain why things happen.Modern science was born when

Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus originated

the method of controlled experiment which now forms the basis of

scientific investigation.The aim of controlled scientific experiments is _____.[ANSWER]

A)to explain why things happen

B)to expalin how things happen

C)to describe self-evident principles

D)to support Aristelian science

What principles most influenced scientific thought for two thoudsand years?[ANSWER]

A)The speculations of Thales.B)The forces of electricity,magnetism and gravity.C)Aristotle’s natural science.D)Galileo’s discoveries.Bertrand Ruell’s notion about electricity is _____.[ANSWER]

A)disapproved of by most modern scientists

B)in agreement with Aristotle’s theory of self-evident principle

C)in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward “how” things happen

D)in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward “why” things happen

The paage says that until recently scientific [ANSWER]

A)that there are mysterious forces in the universe

B)that man cannot discover what forces “really” are

C)that there are self-evident principle

D)that we can discover why things behave as they do

Modern science came into being _____.[ANSWER]

A)when the method of controlled experiment was first introduced

B)when Galileo succeeded in explaining how things happen

C)when Aristelian scientists tried to explain why things happen 翻译练习

 D)when scientists were able to acquire an understanding of reality by reasoning Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.因为时尚的变化,衣裳仅仅穿了几次就要被丢到一边。

Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do , and of maintaining a placid state of mind free from worry or emotional strain.许多百岁老人强调独立自由地做自己想做的事情,远离烦恼和情感压力,保持平静的心态很重要。

Even if a job is not perfect for you , every interview can make you learn from it.假如某一份工作对你来说并不理想,你也可以参加每个面试。We and the ancients share a common human nature and hence certain common human experiences and problems.我们和古人享有共同的人类的天性,因此也会有共同的经历和问题。

Perhaps the reason is that advertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer.也许,目的是登广告能让生产者省心,不用去考虑消费者。

Its vast influence strengthened the anti-slavery movement and angered defenders of the slave system.这本书巨大的影响激励了反对奴隶制的运动,也激怒了奴隶制的拥护者。

Money laundering is the proce by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation.洗钱是将非法途径得来的金钱,在流通领域的掩盖下使之成为合法收入。

It is also poible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.学生也可能在学习期间在两所大学交叉学习,尽管这样做并不常见。


In the early fifties,only eight or nine out of a hundred young men changed their jobs within the first three years with a company.由于大多数工作只需花一年多就可以掌握,为了继续学习,他们就会调换工作。

Since most jobs take only a year and a half to master,in order to continue learning,they have to make a job change.作为技术专家,他们在工作了几年之后会更快地跳到更高的管理岗位。

They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions.社会学家们对于一个社会是怎样形成与怎样发展起来的很感趣。

Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.80年,一个叫Auguste Comte的法人使社会学成为一门独立的学科。

A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 80s.执行死刑的方法因国家而各不相同。

The method of capital punishment varies from nation to nation.有个人大胆提议用这种新装置,后来这种刑具就以那个人的名字命名。

The new device was named after the man who spoke out in favor of it.许多人认为使用断头台来处决一个人,这是很仁慈的,因为这样会让人死得更快一些。

Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickne of death.小孩儿不知广告为何物,因此便完全听信广告上所说的。

A little child cannot understand advertisement for what they are and so believes totally in what he or she hears.广告商是如何掌管孩子的世界观,对此我非常焦虑。

And I am upset myself at how the advertisers can control a child's outlook on the world.涉及到针对儿童的广告,我想我应当与Jolie一起努力去改变广告策略。

I think I should join Jolie in her efforts to change advertising tactics(策略)when it comes to advertisements for children.然而,政策制定者们当时并未对许多重要的环境保护问题付诸行动。

However,policymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems.购物中心舒适而且方便,这是超市受人欢迎的另外一个原因。

The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers.如果人们努力去改变生活方式,就能远离大多数的疾病。

Most of the ill health we suffer could be prevented if people made more effort to change their life styles.同样所有的酒类广告都应当被禁止,对于那些因喝酒导致生病,最终死亡的人应当赔偿。

Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease.在美国,尽管母亲节时间夏天对来讲并不长,但世界上越来越多的国家都开始规定某一天为母亲节,来表达对他们母亲的敬意。

Although mother's day is a relatively new holiday in America,more and more other countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers.她再也不像以前那样温柔,随和,好说话了。

No longer was she so gentle,so relaxed and easy-going.一些人们认为他应该也能在同一时间把问题处理好。

Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time.有时候人们说的话言不由衷。

Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.(当你)仔细斟酌别人对你所说的话的时候,可以使你避免再犯错误。

The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.和人们的普遍想法相反,感冒并非恶劣的气候造成。

Contrary to popular belief,colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather.现在,人们付小费的数量取决于享受的服务质量。

Today most people decide the size of tip according to the quality of the service.往往是那些付不起大额小费的人在朋友面前付小费最大方。

People who usually cannot afford it are the biggest tippers in front of their friends.许多分析家认为,对于那些已经承担了繁重的养儿育女责任的妇女们来说,这无疑是雪上加霜。

Many analysts suggest that this added preure disproportionately touches the women,who already carry major responsibility for their own children.也许上述社会倾向所产生的最重要的问题是家庭的不稳定性及单亲家庭对儿童的影响。

Perhaps the most important iue that emerges from the social trends just described is the impact of family instability and single parenting on children.当这种情况发生时,政府应该通过增税来减少工人的工资。

When this happens,the government should decrease the salaries of the workers by raising taxes.尽管这样做表面上看是一种积极的措施,可实际上却是消极的。

While this might appear to be a positive step,it is actually regreive.尽管这个法律按当今的标准来看是很滑稽的,但它却表明很久以前人们就已经估计到这一点了。

While this law is not without humor by today's standards,it clearly shows an awarene of the problem in times gone by.人们自杀的原因分类很多,例如失败,暴怒,需要关注,压力等。

the motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure,wrath(暴怒),the need for attention,stre,and so on.这个问题更为棘手的是,自杀的人往往掩盖自己的真实情感,结果使周围的朋友也没有把需要严肃对待的问题当回事儿。

To make the problem even more involved,people will often camouflage(掩盖)their true feelings,thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.单词


Let‟s go to the restaurant get something to eat. 让我们的。


You must go then turn right. 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。




the aging people = the old people

现代社会出现越来越严重的aging problem(人口老龄化问题)等。


1、shake all over 浑身颤抖

2、all of a sudden 突然地

All of a sudden,.我突然想起了她的名字。转自学易网 www.daodoc.comic after victory.在小说中,冲突中的受害者描绘了胜利后的野餐。

571.The pupils will fix with a mixture the fixed figure in the future.学生们将来要用一种混合物整修固定轮廓。

572.The impure mixture with impurity is purified.含杂质的不纯混合物被提纯。

573.The native has no nationality;he is an international man.这个土著没有国籍,他是一个国际人。

574.In the rural the naturally matured tomatoes have this nature.在乡下自然成熟的番茄具有这种性质。

575.The worshiper thinks that the worst is the insufficient horsepower.崇拜者认为最坏的事是马力不足。

576.A year ago I could go without the foregoing favorite flavor.一年前没有先前最喜爱的风味我也能过。

577.The fresh flesh on the mesh refreshed the dog.网格上的新鲜肉使狗恢复了体力。

578.In the autumn the authorities automatically authorize me to buy highly mobile automobiles.秋天,当权者自动授权我买高机动性的汽车。

579.The columnist holds the colorful column of the colonial newspaper.那位专栏作家主持殖民地报纸的多彩专栏。

580.In the beautiful bureau my daughter's laughter served for the sauce of the sausage.在漂亮的办公署,女儿的笑声充当了香肠的调料。

581.The mechanical mechanic knows the technique and technology of the echo mechanism.呆板的机修工知道共鸣装置的技术和工艺。

582.The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头。

583.I hope to make copper copies of the telescope and microscope for hobby in the lobby.我希望制作望远镜和显微镜的铜质复制品。

584.The sloped envelope indicates the development velocity of printing.那个倾斜的信封显示了印刷的发展速度。

585.The rope is proper property to the prospering rope maker.绳子对成功的制绳者来说是真正的财产。

586.It's a pity that the spitbox in the pit was hit and split.遗憾的是坑内的痰盂被打裂。

587.The situation is fit for profiting and beneficial to the shops situated nearby.这种形势适于获利且对坐落在附近的商铺有益。

588.The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel.爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌。

589.The advanced van has disadvantages as well as advantages.这辆先进的篷车有优点也有缺点。

590.The original Organ Organization was originated with an original man.最初的风琴组织是由一个有创见的人发起的。

591.The pale salesman wholesales scales on a large scale.面色苍白的推销员大规模批发比例尺(天平,鱼鳞)。

592.The males think the females have talent for telling stale tales.男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能。

593.Beneath(Underneath)the wreath the deaf man near death is out of breath.花环下面那个快要死的聋子喘不过气来。

594.The conclusion includes my attitude toward his rudene.结论包含了我对他的粗鲁所持的态度。

595.In the pond the sponsor responded to the correspondent's corresponding responsibility.在池塘里主办者对通讯员的相应责任作出了回应。

596.In this version, some conversions are made to the verbs and adverbs in the conversation.该版本中,会话中的动词和副词作了一些转换。

597.The cosmic verse on the reverse of the paper is very welcome in Universe University.纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。来源:考试大

598.The dismied Swi mi kied the once miing miile and sciors.被解雇的瑞士小妞吻了一度失踪的导弹和剪刀。599.The comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb.梳子和坟墓里的炸弹结合在一起。

600.The sum of the hammers is made in the summer summary.锤子总额在夏季总结里作了统计 为了统一,这些单位联合成一个独特的联盟 601.Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.去年夏天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。

602.Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.长舌联合会的同僚们编目录编累了。

603.The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage.瓶子被藏在农舍里一吨棉花的底部。

604.The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.电池的式样对与脆小牛作战无关要紧。

605.By the biography, the biologist's playing the violet violin violently violated rules.据传记记载,生物学家猛奏紫罗兰色的小提琴违犯了规矩。

606.In the faithful waiter's waist exists a list of the ten listeners.在忠实的侍者的腰里存有那十位听众的名单。

607.The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.打字员以典型的风格在钢琴上演奏“台风”。

608.I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.我急忙推开压皱的软垫子,看见一把浓密的刷子。

609.Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud.骄傲的新娘骑在桥脊上对着云大声喊。

610.The decisive decimal point made the acid man decide to suicide.决定性的小数点使刻薄之人决定自杀。

611.I'm convinced that the provincial government will provide provisional provisions.我深信地方政府将提供临时供应品。

612.The hidden division is subdivided into individuals.隐藏的师被细分为个体。

613.The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other.海潮在整洁宽阔的海滩上滑行并相互碰撞。

614.The briber described the tribe head's bribery.行贿者描述了部落首领的受贿行为。

615.The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre.来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的。

616.The continent continues to control the import of petrol and petroleum.大陆方面继续控制汽油和石油进口。

617.They returned in turn to bury the luxuries burnt in the burst.他们依次返回来埋藏在爆炸中烧毁的奢侈品。

618.Banned murders in the suburb bring turbulent disturbance and burden to the urban turbine works.在郊区被禁止的谋杀给都市透平工厂带来汹涌骚乱和重负。

619.A nice price of the iced rice is offered to the officer.军官得到了冰冻米的好价钱。

620.The poor man in poverty sleeps on the floor at the doorway.那个贫困的可怜人睡在门口的地板上。

621.In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies.在木屋里他说了些不合逻辑的道歉话。

622.The slogan crier saw the dog and frog jump to and fro in the fog.呼口号者看见狗和青蛙在雾中来回跳。

623.I recognized the large-sized prize and seized it.我认出了大号奖品并将它占有。

624.The lying liar lied to the dying diet maker that the tie was dyed blue.躺着的说谎者对临死的食疗制作者谎称带子染成了兰色。

625.The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野里的盾牌。

626.Perhaps something happy will happen to the unhappy man.或许那个不高兴的人将要碰上某件快乐的事。

627.The Greek checked his cheeks on the weekend.希腊人在周末检查了他的面颊。

628.The troop's stoop on the loop became the top topic at the bus stop.部队在环行道上的屈服在公共汽车站成了头等话题。

629.The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops.排骨店老板让血滴到庄稼上。

630.The pop song is popular in the populous city.这首流行歌曲在人口稠密的城市流行。

631.Regretfully, we can't regulate the irregular liner on the gulf.遗憾的是我们不能调整海湾上不定期的班船。

632.The pig is obliged to dig a big pit for the pigeon.猪被迫为鸽子掘一个大坑。

633.In this district I can strictly distinguish the distinct distinctions of bees' stings by instinct.在该地区我能靠直觉严格分辨蜜蜂刺的明显特征。

634.In the Administration, this minister is in charge of registering regional religions.在内阁中这个部长负责登记区域宗教。

635.The energetic enemy submerged in the water on the verge of the emergency.在紧急情况快要发生时精力充沛的敌军沉入水中。

636.The muscular musician found the bud in the mud in the museum.肌肉发达的音乐家在博物馆里的泥巴中发现了嫩芽。

637.I also heard of the false pulses elsewhere.我在别处也听说过这些虚假脉冲。

638.The kid kidnapper can't get rid of a ridiculous kidney disease.绑架小孩的家伙无法摆脱荒谬的肾病。

639.My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the God.侄女郑重地给神供上一块馅饼。

640.The sinful single singer's finger skin is singular.有罪的单身歌手的手指皮肤独特。

641.“The enterprise will be supervised by a group comprising prominent men,” the despising chairman said concisely with no compromise.“企业将由杰出人员构成的小组来监管,”轻蔑的主席毫不妥协简明地说。

642.The promising singer underwent mysterious misery.那位有前途的歌手遭受了神秘的痛苦。

643.The physician made a physical examination to the sophisticated philosopher and physicist.医生给世故的哲学家和物理学家作了体检。

644.Bowing its elbow, the owl sows in the bowl.猫头鹰弯着肘在碗中播种。

645.The cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.胆怯的母牛发誓不拖元音字母。

646.The answer is: Owing to a shower, the powerful powder is no longer on show.答案是:由于一场阵雨,这种强有力的火药不再展览了。

647.The biscuit compels the mosquitoes quit the equipment.这种饼干迫使蚊子离开设备。

648.What a nuisance, the suit is ruined due to the unsuitable style.真糟,这套服装由于款式不合适而毁了。

649.The judge has prejudice to the juicy fruit.法官对这种多汁水果怀有偏见。

650.The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid.导游把酒与一公升液体混合的罪过掩饰起来。

651.When I fetched the sketch on the stretcher I found the secretary's secret.当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的秘密。

652.The mutual spirits inspired us to reach the annual aim.相互的精神鼓舞了我们达到年度目标。

653.The roaring oar hit the coarse keyboard on the cupboard aboard the boat.轰鸣的桨击中了船上碗柜上的粗糙键盘。

654.My intimate mate's ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value.我亲密伙伴的最终估计接近恰当的值。

655.In case of neceity, neceary seion can be held on the veel.必要时,必需的开庭可在船舶上进行。

656.By the navigation of microwave, the navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea.借助微波导航,海军在多浪的大海上铺了一条路。

657.The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.我们少数人在该专业尖端领域面临困难。

658.From the context of the text, I find the next pretext for selling the textile.我从课文的前后关系中找到卖纺织品的下一个借口。

659.The systematic items stem from the walker's talk about the chalk.这些系统的条款来源于步行者关于粉笔的谈话。

660.Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。

661.I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.我断然确认了理论与实践相符。

662.The subordinate coordinates are in accordance with that set by the cordial chorus.从属坐标与热心的合唱团的设定值一致。

663.The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.办理人认为激活未受影响的反应堆内原子的相互作用是种可行的。

664.The distracted reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract.心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录。

665.The compact faction fractured because of friction.紧密小宗派由于摩擦破裂了。

666.Under the guideline, the output of streamlined seamle liners declines linearly.在该方针的指引下,流线型无缝班机的产量直线下降。

667.The dreadful tread on the meadow broke the deadly deadlock.草场上可怕的践踏声打破了致命的僵局。

668.The heading is “Headline of Headlong Pleadings”.标题为“仓促答辩状的摘要”。来源:考试大

669.I overhear that the hearty man heartily yearns for my harne in the barn.我无意中听说那个热忱的人十分向往我的牲口棚中的马具。

670.After the rehearsal, the weary mechanic repaired the gears with shears and spear.排练完后,疲倦的机修工用剪刀和矛修理了齿轮装置。

671.Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.检查过仪器的参数后,瘫痪的寄生虫乘降落伞到天堂去了。

672.In the compartment, the impartial participant told me his counterpart's departure.在隔间里,公正的参与者把其对等人物的离世告诉了我。

673.The articulate man's artistic cartoon startled the charterer.发音清晰者的艺术卡通使包租人大吃一惊。

674.The guardian found a quarterly quart of quartz in the safeguard.监护人在安全装置内找到了四分之一夸脱石英。

675.The immortal man's mortgage can be a shortcut to resolve the food shortage.不朽之人的抵押可以作为解决食品短缺的捷径。

676.The escort resorted to the orthodox paradox to retort his distortion.陪护者借助正统悖论反驳他的歪曲。

677.The oppreor suppreed his aggreive opinion about compreor.压制者制止了他的有关压缩机的挑衅性观点。

678.The sensele senator's pretense of consensus caused a sensation.愚蠢参议员的舆论借口引起了轰动。

679.The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension.那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放。

680.He repents having compensated the dispensable pesion for fear of penalty.他后悔因害怕处罚而补偿了不必要的养老金。

681.Abundance doesn't mean redundance.The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.充裕并不意味多余。猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。

682.By courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞食滋养气味。

683.The thermal therapy terminated after the terminal germ seminar.热疗在期末细菌研讨会后终止了。

684.The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific.地中海渡口附近的台地地形好极了。

685.The consul's consultant hauled out the aaulter from the vault.领事的顾问把袭击者从地窖中拖了出来。

686.The nitrogen atoms combine instantaneously, simultaneously and spontaneously.氮原子瞬间同时自动化合。

687.The respectful spectator gave the prospective president a retrospect of the spectacular spectrum.恭敬的旁观者对未来的总统回顾了壮观的光谱(景象)。

688.The suicides in adjacent area are incidental coincidence.邻近区域内的自杀是偶然巧合。

689.His ignorance of her dignity ignited her indignation.他对她的高贵的无知点燃了她的愤怒(之火)。

690.The man tackling the drawback of the brackets runs a slack snack busine.那个解决支架缺点的人经营着萧条的小吃生意。

691.At the turning the turtle met a turkey and made a turnover on the turnips.在拐弯处海龟遇见了火鸡,在萝卜上翻了个身。

692.The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy.被推翻的总统被辩论降服。

693.The handicapped man got a second-hand handout of shorthand handbook beforehand.残疾人事先得到了一本二手速记手册施舍品。

694.Hitherto the withering flowers can't withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光。

695.I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the invert converter.我把目光从花样繁多的倒置转换器广告上移开。

696.It's deduced that the induced fluctuation does no good to the reproducing productivity.据推断,诱导波动对复制生产率没有好处。

697.In the Catholic cathedral the athlete shouted out his wrath in the athletic oath.在天主教大教堂,选手在体育誓言中喊出了他义愤。

698.The destiny of the pest in chestnut is not known before reaching the destination.栗子中害虫的命运在到达目的地之前是未知的。

699.The wrestler's testimony manifests that he has large estates.角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产。

700.Having attained the entertaining center, the retained man was detained and sustained pain.701.The aeor aerts that he inserted the deserted deerts in the desert with alert.估价人认定他用警惕把被抛弃的甜点心插入沙漠中。

702.The abrupt corrupt man had the Xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode.突然的腐败的人让人在腐蚀插曲过程中腐蚀被影印的代码。

703.The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.开明的人强调他的强大的对惊悸了解。

704.I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold.我宁愿扣留而不支持你展开黄金箔在门槛上。

705.The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.给人印象深刻的人冒充一个好安排的人并且处理垃圾。

706.The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged.散文作者的诊断透露软管被损坏。

707.The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.跛行的虾冲动实现强制的职责。{来源:考{试大} 708.The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit.关于赤字的暗示的暗示不明确。

709.The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated.更新基因的退步夸大了。

710.The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty.有能力的请愿者认为永久的动力是可爱的。

711.The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.迷信的人把优先权放在表面的超音速的优良上。

712.The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait.在向前直的海峡里的卖国贼告诉我饵的特性。713.The Oriental is proficient in the ingredients.东方人对成分熟练。请访问考试大网站http://www.daodoc.com/ 714.The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心的外国人客户无意识。715.The rotary agitator irrigated him.旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。

716.The counselor bounced up to denounce discount.顾问上升蹦跳指责折扣。

717.The degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program.被降职的大学生升级基础的病毒计划。

718.Jail life made the frail retailer avail every snail in the pail.监狱生命使脆弱的零售商在桶里有益于每只蜗牛。

719.Deviation in aviation is dangerous.Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.在航空过程中的不符合是危险的。写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻。

720.On the anniversary the versatile poet wrote an adverse verse Virtue versus Evil.在周年纪念日上,多用途诗人写信告诉不利的句美德对邪恶。

721.The recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference.新兵使电流在周长上在电路内循环。

722.In the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the tuition by intuition.在小提箱里,吉他导师以直觉发现学费。

723.The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.密切注意的绑架者发送一批战士到舱口盖。

724.The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily.可怜的屠夫抓针并且笨拙缝它。

725.The peer's queer peering is a sheer sneer.贵族的奇怪盯着看是完全讽笑。

726.The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur lo of time and money.货币课程使短途旅游者招致时间和钱的损失。

727.The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.偶然的背信者在道路上排列喷雾器。

728.Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.灰尘在孤独的实验室在被隔离的模拟器上堆积。

729.The inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau.膨胀的气球对高原指示潜在的通货膨胀。

730.Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.琐屑的颂词形成选民的报告的属性。

731.I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.我尖锐而坚决反驳默默的通勤者的野蛮的迫害。

732.This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.这个措施可以使专有的代理不能出售决定性的原油。733.He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.他描绘反驳裁决的定罪。

734.Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.放大磁性的大小。

735.The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.慈善的副会长验证明了和纯洁的重要性。

736.The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo.来自有轨电车的流浪者用洗发水淹没火腿汉堡。

737.According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.根据小册子,在放大器里的电流可以被放大到3安培。

738.Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.沿着经度和纬度在一高度延长海绵。

739.The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.保守的人在天文台的保留。考试大在线考试中心

740.The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.修理工建议劝告我修改传奇议程。

741.His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.他的广泛的关于这个摆的附录的忧虑明显。742.Elevate the eleventh level to relevant height.提高第11 步到相关的高度。

743.Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.此后,我粘对理论固有的连贯性。

744.The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.预言者恰当为修理螺旋桨拨专款。

745.I'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.被附属于的人为什么正式介绍谈判者进自我,我被困惑。

746.The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.放射性的镭暖气装置的辐射半径在体育场是易变的。747.Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby.势利的球形门柄正在大堂里做他的嗜好。

748.The a bypaed the guard and aainated the surpaing ambaador in the embay.驴为警卫设旁路并且在大使馆暗杀胜过的大使。

749.The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.法人团体在生产振动蒸发器之后精心制作协作。

750.The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.来自数字化的设备的耀眼的光使我头昏。

751.The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.


1.for [正]I wanted to go to the pub(酒吧) for a drink.[正]I wanted to go to the pub to have a drink.[析]用for表示目的时,其后面只能接名词,而不要接动名词。[误]I went......


come off: 0.脱落,掉下;分离:His hair began to come off.他的头发开始脱落。 1.举行;进行;发生;出现:When is the wedding coming off? 婚礼什么时候举行? Did everything come of......


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