
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


外企面试技巧(中英对照)外企面试技巧(中英对照)不清楚外国人的面试和我们的面试有和区别?那么现在来一窥其详吧。不清楚外国人的面试和我们的面试有和区别?那么现在来一窥其详吧。看看他们对于面试时候需要注意的问题是如何介绍的。看看他们对于面试时候需要注意的问题是如何介绍的。The competition for a great job opportunity can be intense – beingprepared with th e right interviewing skills can give you a clearadvantage to beat the competition.H ere are some “DOs” and “DON'Ts”for the job interview: 好的职位自然竞争激烈,但是如果掌握了一定的面试技巧,则会使您在竞争中取得一定优势。以下是一些在面试中需要注意的几点。1.Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early.Late arrival for a job intervie w is never excusable.要确保准时或者提前几分钟到达面试场所。面试迟到可是大忌。2.If presented with an application, do fill it out neatly andcompletely.Don't rely o n your application or resume to do the sellingfor you.Interviewers will want you to speak for yourself.如果需要填写申请表格,要确保字迹清晰,填写完整。别指望申请表和简历能帮你推销自己,面试官希望看到你自己把自己的特点展现出来。3.Do greet the interviewer by last name if you are sure of thepronunciation.If n ot, ask the employer to repeat it.Give theappearance of energy as you walk.Smile!Shake hands firmly.Begenuinely glad to meet the interviewer.如果你确定面试官姓氏的发音,要称呼他的姓来问好;如果你不确定发音,要请他重复。走 路要看起来神采奕奕。保持微笑。握手干脆有力。对于与面试官的见面要表现出真诚的愉悦。4.Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting.Situpright, look alert and in terested at all times.Be a good listener aswell as a good communicator.在请你坐下之前,要保持站立等待。坐下后上身要挺直,看上去机警而且随时准备好交谈。要善于倾听,同时也要注意交流。5.Do look a prospective employer in the eye while speaking.说话的时候要把面试官看作你未来的老板。6.Do follow the interviewer's leads, but try to get the interviewerto describe the position and the duties to you early in the interviewso that you can apply your bac kground, skills and accomplishments tothe position.要跟着面试官的思路走,但是也要尝试引导面试官早一点向你描述岗位职责,以便于你针对 这个岗位来介绍自己的背景,技能以及成就。1/27.Do make sure that your good points come acro to theinterviewer in a factual, sincere manner.Stre achievements.Forexample: sales records, procees develop ed, etc.确保你的优点是以一种事实的,真诚的形式传达给面试官。强调成就,例如:销

售记录,生 产进展,等等。8.Do always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are dis cuing.Never close the door on opportunity.要表现出对此工作势在必得的决心。不要放弃任何机会。9.Do show enthusiasm.If you are interested in the opportunity,enthusiastic feedba ck can enhance your chances of being furtherconsidered.If you are not interested, your responsivene will stilldemonstrate your profeionalism.表现出热诚。如果你很珍惜这次工作机会,给出热诚的反映能使你获得进一步关注。如果你 不太在意这份工作,你的热诚也会体现出你的职业精神。10.Don't forget to bring a copy of your resume!Keep several copies in your briefc ase if you are afraid you will forget.别忘记带一份简历复印件。如果怕自己忘记,就在公事包里多备几份。11.Don't smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette.Do not chew gum.不要吸烟。就算面试官吸烟并且递给你一根,也不要吸。不要嚼口香糖。12.Don't answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” Explain wheneverpoible.Describe t hose things about yourself which relate to thesituation.回答问题时不要只答个“yes”或者“no”,要尽可能给出些解释,并陈述一下当时自己的相关 情况。13.Don't lie.Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly.不要说谎。回答问题要真实,坦诚并且简洁明了。看来,老外面试的讲究也不少。希望通过对上述注意事项的了解,看来,老外面试的讲究也不少。希望通过对上述注意事项的了解,能够帮助您在未来的外 企面试时表现得更加出色。企面试时表现得更加出色。2/2




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