
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


新会计准则科目名称中英文对照 A/C Code科目代码 A/C Name 科目名称 1001 Cash 库存现金 1002 Bank Deposit 银行存款

1012 Other Cash and Cash Equivalents 其他货币资金 1101 Transaction Monetary Aets 交易性金融资产 1121 Note Receivable 应收票据 1122 Account Receivable 应收账款 1123 Advance Payment 预付账款 1131 Dividend Receivable 应收股利 1132 Interest Receivable 应收利息 1221 Other Receivables 其他应收款 1231 Bad Debt Provision 坏账准备 1321 Agency Aets 代理业务资产 1401 Materials Purchasing 材料采购 1402 Material in Transit 在途物资 1403 Raw Material 原材料

1404 Material Cost Variance 材料成本差异 1405 Goods on Hand 库存商品 1406 Merchandise Shipped 发出商品

1407 Differences Between Purchasing and Selling Price 商品进销差价 1408 Material on Consignment for Further Proceing 委托加工物资 1471 Allowance for Inventory Devaluation 存货跌价准备 1501 Investment from Holding till Maturity 持有至到期投资 1502 Allowance for Investment Devaluation from Holding till Maturity 持有至到期投资减值准备

1503 Monetary Aets Available for Selling 可供出售金融资产 1511 Long Term Equity Interest Investment 长期股权投资 1512 Long Term Equity Investment 长期股权投资减值准备 1521 Investment Real Estate 投资性房地产 1531 Long Term Receivable 长期应收款

1532 Unrealized Financing Income 未实现融资收益 1601 Fixed Aet 固定资产

1602 Accumulated Depreciation 累计折旧

1603 Fixed Aet Depreciation Reserves 固定资产减值准备 1604 Construction in Progre 在建工程 1605 Project Material 工程物资

1606 Disposal of Fixed Aet 固定资产清理 1701 Intangible Property 无形资产 1702 Accumulated Amortisation 累计摊销

1703 Allowance for Intangible Property Devaluation 无形资产减值准备 1711 Goodwill 商誉

1801 Long Term Unamortised Expenditure 长期待摊费用 1811 Deferred Income Tax Aet 递延所得税资产

1901 Property in Suspense Lo or Surplus 待处理财产损溢 2001 Short Term borrowing 短期借款

2101 Transactional Financial Liabilities 交易性金融负债 2201 Notes Payable 应付票据 2202 Account Payable 应付账款 2203 Advances from Customer 预收账款 2211 Accrued Wages 应付职工薪酬 2221 Tax Payable 应交税费 2231 Accrued Interest 应付利息 2232 Dividends Payable 应付股利 2241 Other Payables 其他应付款

2314 Liability for Agency Busine 代理业务负债 2401 Deferred Income 递延收益 2501 Long Term Loan 长期借款 2502 Long Term Bond 长期债券

2701 Long Term Account Payable 长期应付款

2702 Unacknowledged Financial Charges 未确认融资费用 2711 Special Payable 专项应付款 2801 Anticipation Liabilities 预计负债

2901 Deferred Income Tax Liability 递延所得税负债 3101 Derivative Instruments 衍生工具 3201 Hedging Instrument 套期工具 3202 Hedged Item 被套期项目 4001 Paid-up Capital 实收资本 4002 Capital Reserve 资本公积 4101 Surplus from Profits 盈余公积 4103 YTD Profit 本年利润

4104 Profit appropriation 利润分配 4201 Treasury Stock 库存股 5001 Production Cost 生产成本 5101 Manufacturing Overhead 制造费用 5201 Service Costs 劳务成本

5301 Research and Development Expenditure 研发支出 6001 Principal Busine Revenue 主营业务收入 6051 Revenue from Other Sales 其他业务收入

6101 Fair Value Variable Lo and Profit 公允价值变动损益 6111 Investment Income 投资收益 6301 Non-operating Revenue 营业外收入 6401 Principal Busine Cost 主营业务成本 6402 Cost for Other Sales 其他业务支出

6405 Tax and Aociate Charge on Principal Busine 营业税金及附加 6601 Selling Expense 销售费用

6602 Administrative Expenses 管理费用 6603 Financial Expense 财务费用 6604 Exploration Expense 勘探费用

6701 Lo on Devaluation of Aets 资产减值损失 6711 Non-operating Expenditure 营业外支出 6801 Income Tax 所得税

6901 Prior Year Adjustment 以前年度损益调整


第一大类:项目管理与监理有关1.Project Manager 项目经理2.Project Stakeholders 项目干系人3.general engineer 总监理工程师4.vice-general engineer副监理工程师5.supervi......


产品中英文对照名称 抗静电袋: ESD bag PE (防静电)袋 : PE (anti-static) PE bag PE (防静电)气泡袋/膜 : PE (anti-static) bubble bag / ( wrap / film ) PE 导电袋 : PE......


职务名称中英文对照首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialis......


植物名称中英文对照 矮牵牛,学名:Petunia hybrida 别名:碧冬茄、蕃薯花、撞羽朝颜,科属:茄科碧冬茄属 白晶菊,学名:Chrysanthemum paludosum 别名:晶晶菊,菊科 百日草,学名:Zinnia eleg......


公司部门中英文对照大全总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Busine Office 人事部 Personnel Department 人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 Gene......

相关专题 各国家名称中英文对照 科目 会计准则 中英文对照 各国家名称中英文对照 科目 会计准则 中英文对照