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Unit 1 AR1 This paage focus on the problem of searching jobs after graduation.The graduates always want to find an ideal job with higher salary and le work.But after trying several times, they give up and start to complain about the unfair of the society.In the author’s opinion, parents should help their children to realize handling setbacks instead of complaining is more important and should try not to be too pushy or too soft.In the end the author concludes that if the graduates can not find an ideal job, they can take a temporary one.Unit 1 AR2 This paage is story about an economic graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and then has an opportunity to be succeful.Since her family can’t support her to further study, she has to find a job in a pub.She tells her troubles to Tony, a regular customer of the pub.Tony talks to some friends and gets her a loan to set up a busine.With the help she get her master’s degree and established her own company.However, Tony is disabled after an accident and needs the repayment of the loan to adapt his house for his disability.In the end, the theme is revealed –investing in people gives the best return

Unit 2 AR1: Danger!Books may change your life Reading is a life-changing activity.It helps us enter a new world and liberate us from the real world we come from;it aids us to get out of confusion in a material world and to discover the real meaning of life.Simply put, books are supremely influential in the way we live.Home-run book might be the answer for the book that everyone should read.These books and others like them have helped me to discover the real meaning of my life, and helped me to get out of the confusion and meaninglene of the real world.Unit 2 AR2: They were alive and they spoke to me Henry Miller made a lot struggle to obtain books when he was young, and then introduces the reason that makes a book live, that is the enthusiastic recommendation of one reader to another.In his eyes, books are one of the few things men cherished deeply, but if you lend it to others, it makes friends for you.He think the best way to read a book is to leave a book alone, but think as intensely as poible and if you decide to read, observe with what extraordinary acumen you read it and realize that very little of the books is really new to you.Unit 3 AR1: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt Different clothes have different functions.The author’s father’s old battle jacket is a reminder of a historical event.Originally, the clothes are purely functional.However, nowadays we have to make choices: dreing for comfort or dreing for fashion.Fashionistas dre for fashion at the expense of comfort.What’s worse, some people choose clothes to impre others.Anyway, fashion can expre our emotions and also give a sense of occasions.After all, our clothes are indicative of our lives, the events, the emotions, the sense of nostalgia for yesterday’s innocence and the chastening, humbling reminder of who we are today.Unit 3 AR2: Eco-jewellery: sea gla Sea gla is popular among the jewellery collectors for several reasons.First, the creation of sea gla is a form of natural recycling.Second, sea gla becomes rarer than diamonds.This leads to its boom in the market.Third, sea gla is environmental-friendly, so the designers would like to put sea gla to use.Gina Cowen became a sea gla jeweller in her 20s and 30s.While sea gla is disappearing, she is still on the hunt.Her designs were sold at Liberty London, but mostly she sells her jewellery to private customers.With the decline of sea gla in supply there has arisen problem of reviving old habits of dumping gla into the sea.However, there is always a story behind sea gla and nothing can replace it.Unit 4 AR1: The credit card trap A credit card allows you to charge something immediately and then pay for the bill at a later date.Once a credit card has been iued, you can make purchases within the credit limit A credit card with a limit of $100.00 enables you to pay for up to 100.00 worth of items.Every month, you will receive credit card statements that lists the charges you have made.You have to pay your bill in full by the due date.Otherwise, you have to pay interest or a finance charge which can be fairly high.Unit 4 AR2: Look after yourself This paage tell us that a girl learns how to make financial management from her father.When her eleventh birthday was coming, she wanted an unusual birthday present—a puppy.However, her easy-going father looked serious and showed her the expenditure they should pay.She was surprised to learn how many bills there were for things she took for granted.They should also keep some savings “for a rainy day”.She worked out how much it would cost to feed a puppy.Then she decided to find some jobs to earn some money.She might have satisfied everyone in the family, thus she got the cutest puppy on her birthday.From this experience, she understood how to take financial responsibility for herself and her family.Unit 5 AR1: Sex differences in English goip rules Researchers have found that men goip as much as women and men spend much more time talking about themselves.However, men don’t admit they goip, they define it as “exchanging information”.The reason why female goip actually sounds like goip is that there seem to be three principal factors involved.Firstly, the tone rule.Women adopt a tone which is high and quick, while men goip in unemotional manner.Secondly, the detail rule.For women, a detailed speculation about poible motives and causes, outcomes are crucial.However, men find all this detail boring, irrelevant and unmanly.Thirdly, the feedback rule.Female listeners are required to be at least as enthusiastic as speakers.However, men who respond in such a manner would be considered girly.For them, a suitable expletive is better to convey their surprise.Unit 5 AR2: Marked: women in the workplace Women constantly have to make choices about dre and appearance, which lead people to make judgments about them.A woman without a particular hairstyle is considered carele about how she looks and can be disqualified for many positions.Tight or revealing clothes send a meage that the wearer wants to be attractive and that she is still available.Light make-up calls attention to the wearer as someone who tries to be attractive without being alluring.A woman who takes her husband’s surname announces to the world that she is married and also that she is traditional and may be le herself.However, men do not have to make the same choices.Unit 6 AR1: Winston Churchill Churchill believed that he was destined to lead his country.When his country was threatened, he stand out.He fought as a soldier in World War I and led the country to victory in World War II.He was an instinctive, daring, often infuriating war leader.But he is also an inspiration.After victory was declared, the billboard said “Cheer Churchill, Vote Labour”, and that’s what people did.Britain could live on because of him, nothing could be greater than him.


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