
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


阿甘正传Forrest Gump

“Stupid is as stupid does,” says Forrest Gump.Gump, gifted with a low IQ which lets him be adorably childlike even as he grows up, leads a very charmed life: a mother who loves him immensely and who sleeps with the school principal in order to make sure her child has the best education, a miraculous incident that eliminates the need for him to have braces for his legs, a childhood girlfriend who remains faithful to him till the end, surviving Vietnam with a medal, and, in general, a propensity for turning everything that happens to him into good.I wonder what the movie is trying to say.From one perspective, it implies that

intelligence is a very unneceary trait特点,品质.But I think one can look beyond that and say that childlike innocence, which can be considered stupid, has its rewards.Throughout the movie, Gump is in situations where he is haraed by other people but he never takes offense(except, of course, when his girl Jenny is being abused)at any of the insults thrown at him.He is indeed not completely stupid, even though he is portrayed as such, since he can re-aemble guns at high speed, run like crazy, play ping-pong like a maniac, and so on.Gump is contrasted to the famous males, who are idols(in some cases)in today's society, and it appears as though he is better off in comparison: Gump's choices in life seem to determine his nicene(he goes to Vietnam, keeps his promises(“a promise is a promise”), harbours no ill-feelings or grudges, and is not greedy with fame or money)and succees.Contrast this to the choices his lifetime girl friend Jenny makes: she wants to be famous and rich, but ends up being a druggie.The traditional male heroes that we have had are all dysfunctional不正常的 in some respect or another and we are lost without heroes, as Bloom points out.Gump is a new kind of a role-model;he's A Nice Boy and everyone knows they're hard to find.As one reviewer said: “Today the last American hero is a Tom Hanks character with a small IQ”.律政俏佳人legally blonde

Elle Woodsis a big hit on the campus of her sun-drenched Los Angeles college.She's also got the perfect boyfriend in Warner Huntington , a wealthy East Coast blue blood.Fearing that his snooty friends and family will never accept the bubble-headed Elle, however, Warner dumps her before heading off to graduate law school at Harvard University.Determined to win back her man, Elle enrolls(选课,参加)in the same imposing(壮观的,给人印象深刻的)institution(学校,机构), quickly becoming an object of scorn(轻蔑)and ridicule(嘲笑), especially to Warner's old prep school flame.Despite her penchant(嗜好,倾向)for malls, makeup, and tanning, Elle is no dummy and is soon showing elite(精英), self-confidence, and courtroom(法庭)victory.Legally Blonde combines three plot情节 staples主要原料或产物: the triumph over获胜 adversity逆境, the romantic comedy, and the courtroom comedy.The resulting uneven不均匀的 confection糖果 is sporadically偶尔地 affable友善的, but the movie suffers because it never attempts to push the envelope外壳 or challenge its boundaries边界.The production targets teenagers(girls more than boys)who are content to watch a motion picture with a few laughs and a happy ending.For every sly or barbed comment, there are a dozen mied opportunities.Legally Blonde wants so desperately to be liked by everyone(even lawyers, whom it jokingly calls “people who are boring, ugly, and serious”)that it takes pains to neuter its insults.I think elle’s succe attribute to her confidence,brave,hard-working.We should learn from her.First we should rebult our confidence.No one can make you feel inferior without your our accomplishments when we win.With these abilities, a confident person can succeed easily at school or work.Second, when we locate a goal.We should try our best to make it.Hard-working is neceary in the road to succe.Third, we should trust other people.Believe is mutural.Onlywhen we trust others, they will tell us the truth.后天Sci-fi Films: The Day after Tomorrow

This movie's strength is its visual onslaught猛攻,突击 of destruction破坏,摧毁 and disaster on a global scale--from tornadoes龙卷风 ravaging Los Angeles to three cataclysmic “blizzard hurricanes” that devour毁灭,吞噬,凝视 the Northern Hemisphere.The special effects are well-done, and jarring;seeing a huge tidal wave overtake the Statue of Liberty and then sweep relentlely into Manhattan(Why didn't Brooklyn and Queens get equal time?)is bone-chilling.Throw in a pack of hungry wolves escaped from the zoo and an eye of each storm that plunges the temperature minus 150 degrees in a matter of seconds, and you've got a virtual kitchen sink of gloom and doom.Our fearle government reluctantly acts;in a huge twist of irony, the U.S.is evacuated, with its citizens streaming into Mexico, and the northern states take on a popsicle effect.It's all great fun to watch.This film may be a modern blockbuster轰动 but in almost everyway it is a 1970's disaster movie where an event happens after some build up and we then spend the rest of the film watching the survivors trying to, well, survive.In that regard the film carries all the usual problems that the genre carries but happily benefits from the fact that the effects are much better than 1970's movies could manage.For this reason the first hour is great – it has dramatic pace, is involving and looks fantastic even if we have seen it before in different variations(how many times has New York been destroyed now?).However after the sheer global terror is pretty much finished we suddenly become much more small scale and the film looses much of it's impact and it's pace.After the initial danger has paed the film uses illogical and silly plot devices to put the survivors at risk – a cold eye of a storm, blood infections, creeping ice and wolves are among the problems.While this is OK on a genre level it doesn't compare to the first hour and it gets a little dull and plodding at times.The film tries to deliver an environmental meage but in a way this film will not help the environmental movement because it is too exaggerated夸张 to be taken seriously, however it does include several surprisingly barbed讽刺的 attacks on the US administration.Animated Films: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride 狮子王II

King Simba and Queen Nala have a daughter named Kiara, who is presented by Rafiki to a gathering of animals below.When Kiara is older, she runs off to play and encounters Kovu, a cub from a pride of lions exiled by Simba for remaining loyal to Scar.After nearly being eaten by crocodiles, the two quickly become friends, but as they begin to play, Simba and Zira appear.Zira, Kovu's mother, is desperate to avenge Scar's death, and so she trains Kovu to be an aain.Her plan is to have Kovu befriend Kiara so that he can get close enough to Simba to kill him.Meanwhile, Kiara exprees her disinterest in becoming queen, to which Simba states “we are one.”

When Kovu and Kiara are adults, Zira undertakes an elaborate plan involving setting the Pride Lands ablaze while Kiara is out on her first hunt.Kovu saves Kiara from the ensuing fire and asks to join Simba's pride, stating that he is a rogue, separate from the other Outsiders.Simba allows him to join the pride as Mufasa's law states that he is in debt to Kovu, as Kovu has saved his daughter's life.Kiara introduces the otherwise stone-faced Kovu to the concept of fun while Rafiki's matchmaking plans take effect and the two begin to fall in love.It is Kovu's love for Kiara that keeps him from aainating Simba as he was sent to the Pride Lands to do.Kovu eventually resolves to confe承认,坦白 his true intentions to Kiara, but before he can do so Simba takes him aside for a private conversation.While out walking the Outlanders ambush Simba and injure him.Kovu's older brother, Nuka, dies in an attempt to kill Simba.Zira blames Nuka's death on Kovu and slashes him acro the face, scarring Kovu in an identical manner to Scar's.Kovu defies his mother for the first time and runs away, only to be blamed for the Outlanders' ambush and exiled from the Pride Lands.Kiara, distraught, secretly leaves Pride Rock to find him and the two are reunited.When Kovu and Kiara get reunited Zira and her pride comes to take over.In the End Kiara proved a point leaving Zira alone to fight.Zira tries to kill Kiara, but Kiara offers to help her.Instead of Zira taking her paw, she drowns.Romance Films: Titanic 泰坦尼克号

The ship was thought to be unsinkable, and so a compromise was made on the number of lifeboats aboard.When the ship did sink, it is the richest that got first priority on the lifeboats.While they waited in half-full lifeboats, they were exposed to the cries of people freezing to their deaths and didn't do a thing to help them.If a similar tragedy were to happen today, would the result be any different?

The acting is excellent by all concerned, but I was most impreed by Zane.The nice thing about a ship sinking is that it is a relatively slow event, and Cameron takes every advantage of it.The depiction of the mighty ship going under is so much larger than life and I feel this is the most magnificent part of the movie.Just for that reason alone, Titanic is a movie not just to be seen, but to be experienced.So make sure you see it on the big screen.It goes to show that the concept of the disaster movie is far from dead.With the character Rose, a first cla paenger you are exposed to the arrogance high society had.Rose also opened your eyes to the luxuries high society had and how woman were truly trapped and were seen as second-cla citizens.Rose almost committing suicide helps hit home how truly horrible it must have been for woman during this time period.The dynamics between Rose and her mother also show the dynamics between how woman had to behave and in a sense how they survived in this society.With the character Jack, a third cla paenger you are exposed to how large the gab between the rich and poor was.How first cla dogs went down to be walked on the lower decks, how it was the poor who actually built Titanic and how it was the poor who were treated truly unfair on Titanic just because of social status, which helped expre the mentality of the time.






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